January 17, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - On Saturday, appearing on a prominent jihadist website, the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" proclaimed victory over American led forces in the now 10 year old war.
"In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan showed it openly to the world that it is a well-organized political power besides being a military power. It has ruled the country successfully and preserves the right and might of each and every decision of the country. It can neither accept external orders nor can it come under any one's pressure. It is proved to the world that the Islamic Emirate is deeply rooted internally in the Afghan nation and externally in the whole Islamic Ummah. Militarily successful resistance against a gigantic international alliance, full presence on the whole soil and overall perseverance are the signs and secrets of the Islamic Emirate...The contractors of the international invasion can no more deceive the nation by their baseless talks. They used the word 'peace' as a propaganda fragment to deceive the people. But today as their guardians and supporters are fed up militarily and logistically with this war and are planning for retreat, they are giving contradictory statements which show their complete confusion and embarrassment. Sometime they say that the office of the Islamic Emirate should be opened in some other country. Another time they say they have no part in this. The choice of Qatar for the inauguration of formal office shows the political deliberation of the Islamic Emirate."