December 5, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - - At a Friday evening, private fundraiser in the posh digs of a member of New York's one-percenters, president Obama told a series of whoppers to a group of primarily Jewish voters which under different circumstances [let's say a Saturday Night skit] would have been hilarious.
Midway through his pitch, Obama must have taken a quick excursion into the Twilight Zone stating, "I try not to pat myself too much on the back, but this administration has done more in terms of the security of the state of Israel than any previous administration. And that's not just our opinion, that's the opinion of the Israeli government. .." [source, WH transcript,]
Misrepresentation one; this president should have been born with a third hand specifically adapted for patting himself on the back, he does it so much.
Misrepresentation two; this administration has weakened nearly every traditional alliance it was handed three years ago, especially our very special relationship with the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel.
Misrepresentation three; we would suggest that the hosts of this fundraising soirée ask PM Netanyahu regarding his opinion of Mr. Obama's administration, especially in the wake of Obama's comments [captured via a live mic which he thought wasn't on] agreeing with Sarkozy at the G-20 that Netanyahu was a liar and generally a pain-in-the-ass.
We sincerely hope that the president knew he was fibbing while making this outrageous statement rather than believing his own PR, but we fear that he feels he has become the equivalent to the Pope of what remains of the free world, speaking Ex Cathedra when the opportunity presents itself.
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