Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Members Of Iranian Volunteer Army [Basij] And Students Take Over Brit Embassy In Tehran
Members Of Iranian Volunteer Army [Basij] And Students Take Over Brit Embassy In Tehran
November 30, 2011
November 29, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - - In a still unfolding development, the British embassy in Tehran was today taken over by a crowd of hundreds comprised of students and members of Iran's volunteer army, the Basij.
The ransacking of the building which included detaining an undetermined number of embassy staffers was in protest of recently announced intentions by the U.S. and the UK to increase sanctions against the country's Islamic dictatorship.
The participation in this protest of the Basij is instructive.
In a statement made today General Yahya Rahim Safavi, Ayatollah Khamenei's top military advisor advocated the creation of a "100 million strong Muslim world Basij force. Safavi appeared to be adding punctuation to a similar statement made by the Basij's commander, General Mohammad Reza Naqdi.
"A senior aid to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution underlined the importance of forming a united Basij (volunteer) Army in the Muslim world, saying that the Iranian nation's Basij force can set a role model for all those Islamic nations who want to be free and independent. "It should be believed that the generalization of the Basij model and formation and organization of the Muslim world Basijis can empower the Muslim world to conquer the world," Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei's top military advisor Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi said. The remarks by the Leader's aid come days after Commander of Iran's Basij (volunteer) force Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi announced that Tehran is studying formation of a 100-million-strong Muslim world Basij force..." [source, Fars News Agency, Leader's Aide Renews Iran's Call for "Muslim World Basij Army",]
Despite the claimed inspiration of today's embassy rampage being the threat of increasing [the so far ineffective] Western sanctions against the country, it would be naive to ignore what might prove to be the key motivating factor, the suspicious explosion two weeks ago at an IRG missile facility and yesterday's massive detonation near the city of Isfahan, the location of a top Iranian nuke research facility.
The attack carried out at the missile base killed Hassan Moghaddam, an iconic figure in Iran, where he is considered to be the father of the Mullocracy's advanced weapons program.
"...the "pioneer" of the Islamic Republic's missile programme, Major General Hassan Moghaddam, was killed – with 16 others – in a huge explosion at a Revolutionary Guards base 25 miles outside Tehran. You go online to discover western journalists reporting that the Mossad is believed to have been behind the blast..."
[source, UK Guardian,]
The linking of these apparent acts of sabotage with the release earlier this month of an IAEA report detailing just how close Iran is to being able to produce nuclear weapons is hard to ignore.