Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > 2010 FBI Hate Crime Stats Once Again Prove American Islamophobia Almost Nonexistent 2010 FBI Hate Crime Stats Once Again Prove American Islamophobia Almost NonexistentNovember 15, 2011
The reasonable conclusion is that America is not a bigoted nation and certainly not anti-Islamic or Islamophobic. This information will not sit well with either the MSM or the myriad of Muslim Brotherhood front groups who are invested in maintaining the big lie of widespread Islamophobia. Along those lines, CAIR is fond of filing volumes of civil rights complaints [2,728 in 2008] the overwhelming majority of which appear to be groundless given the huge disparity between CAIR's imaginings and the FBI statistics. Though CAIR traces this nascent "hate" to the American the reaction after the jihadist attacks of 9/11, the organization has been making the same charges almost from its inception in the mid-nineties. In 1996 for example, CAIR issued its first of these reports "The Price of Ignorance" in which the group alleged, "Anti-Muslim sentiment seemed to thrive on the American public's general ignorance of Islam and the American Muslim experience. American Muslims, as well as people of other faiths, pay a high price for this communication breakdown, especially with regard to missed opportunities for mutual understanding." Mind you this is well before Iraq, Afghanistan, the G.W. Bush presidency, 9/11, GITMO, rendition, Abu Ghraib, Haditha and all of the other excuses and supposed provocations that Muslim religious fanatics use to create the impression of America's unquenchable bigotry. The bottom line here is that the FBI has determined that less than 70 cases of biased based assaults were committed against Muslim Americans in 2010. In a nation of well over 300M [including approximately 2M Muslims] the genuine incidence of serious hate crimes against this group is almost nonexistent. Consequently, if CAIR really was simply an organization devoted to protecting Muslim American's civil rights - as it claims to be - then it might as well close up shop, because when it comes to American "Islamophobia," there is no there, there and hence no legitimte reason for the organization to exist. ©2011 LLC. All rights reserved. |