October 17, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Since its inception the idea of Islamists building a $100M icon to jihad - the Hamosque - on the hallowed site of ground zero was preposterous, an in your face taunting of the West prompted by a seditious and supremist ideology and enabled by the usual suspects.
With the support of the bogus interfaith crowd and meddling by heavy-weight albeit dhimmi Jews such as Mayor Bloomberg, the project was forced through all of the bureaucratic roadblocks which would normally encountered by the proponents of such an ambitious and controversial project.
Opponents had presented in addition to the myriad of zoning and land use issues, clear evidence that the building of such a structure might well result in a radical Islamist hornet's nest of religious hatred and divisiveness in a space which should forever be remembered as the place where the radical Muslim ground war against the West struck the American homeland without provocation.
Now it appears that the plans set in motion by imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his shady developer/stooge Sharif El-Gamal have run into a nearly impenetrable road-block, they owe Con-Ed nearly $2M in back rent and apparently are unable to pay.
"Park51, which leases the substation from Con Ed, wants the two buildings so it can knock both down and build a $100 million, 15-story community center. But the plan hit a major obstacle in August when Con Ed raised the rent from $2,750 a month, a rate set in 1972, to $47,437 a month, retroactive to July 31, 2008, The Post has learned. When the mosque failed to fork over the $1.7 million, the utility fired off a letter demanding the money by Oct. 4 and threatening to evict..."
[source, http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/10/16/utilities-company-seeks-to-evict-ground-zero-mosque-unless-developer-pays-up/?test=latestnews#ixzz1b3FEydDz]
Legal action by the developer has resulted in the final decision being postponed until a November 17 hearing has been concluded.
We suspect that the political pressure which will be brought to bear on Con Ed will be tremendous making it imperative for the opponents of this project to hit the streets in sufficient numbers to end this farce once and for all.
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