July 28, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo - a Muslim - was arrested today by the FBI, suspected to have been engaged in plot to bomb Ft. Hood, the scene of Major Nidal Hasan's bloody 2009 jihad which claimed 13 lives.
Abdo went AWOL three weeks ago over the 4th of July from his unit, the 101st Airborne located at Ft. Campbell, KY.
According to ABC News [see, http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/fort-hood-plot-awol-us-serviceman-arrested/story?id=14179096> the suspect, "allegedly told law enforcement he wanted to "get even" and was targeting Ft. Hood because of the previous attack there allegedly carried out by Hasan, according to law enforcement documents obtained by ABC News. He allegedly did not plan to attack the base itself, but instead planned to plant a bomb at a nearby restaurant popular with Ft. Hood personnel."
In 2010 Abdo had claimed conscientious objector status and had been awaiting a discharge when the Army allegedly found child pornography on his computer.
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