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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Europeans Meet With Muslim Brotherhood Reps In Egypt

Europeans Meet With Muslim Brotherhood Reps In Egypt

July 14, 2011

July 14, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - A European delegation consisting of diplomats from Germany and Italy met on Tuesday with representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood's political party, the FJP, at the organization's headquarters in Cairo.

Greeting the Europeans was, the FJP's chairman Mohamed Morsi who also sits on the Muslim Brotherhood's Executive Bureau and serves as one of the MB's official spokesmen.

According to the MB's English website, "In his meeting with European officials Tuesday at the party's headquarters in Cairo, Mohamed Morsi, chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), stressed the importance of partnership with Europe in the areas of science and technology, as well as the need to increase investments in Egypt and increasing the volume of trade."

The MB sees its budding relationship with the Continent as being "crucial" to the organization's long term plans one of which might presumably include obfuscation of the group's history of radical Islamism and its support for jihad.

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