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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Government Financed Attempt To Stop Criminality By Moroccan Youth In Holland A Failure

Government Financed Attempt To Stop Criminality By Moroccan Youth In Holland A Failure

March 30, 2011

Last year 22 Dutch "Moroccan municipalities" received 32 million euros to tackle the problem of Moroccan youth criminality. The program was labeled " Dealing with Moroccan At Risk Youth". Experts have concluded that the effort was a total waste of money and that the criminality in some areas has even increased. The municipalities instituted "family coaches" who were supposed to interact with families whose children were causing societal problems and "street coaches"who were supposed to counsel the youth on the street. Instead the coaches helped the Moroccan youth with avoiding fines and penalities incurred by their anti-social behaviour.

According to Elsevier magazine:"The cities that have problems with "youthful loiterers" of Moroccan background have pumped their money into projects which were already known not to work".http://www.elsevier.nl/web/Nieuws/Nederland/293363/Deskundigen-Aanpak-probleemMarokkanen-mislukt.htm

De Telegraaf newspaper lead with the headline " Moroccan Subsidy Money Thrown Away".

Also see: "Moroccan Youth Terrorize Dutch Town"http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=oosterwei11.11.10%2Ehtm

"The Radicalization of Young Moroccans and Turks In The Netherlands" http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/3243

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