Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Mahmoud Abbas Gives $2,000 To Family Of Pale Terrorist Mahmoud Abbas Gives $2,000 To Family Of Pale TerroristJanuary 27, 2011 By BEILA RABINOWITZ January 27, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - - The family of a terrorist who was killed while attempting to kill IDF soldiers was given $2,000 dollars by Mahmoud Abbas [aka Abu Mazen, former chairman of Yasser Arafat's terrorist PLO and currently the leader of the Palestinian Authority's Fatah Party]. Several weeks ago the wannabe bomber ran towards an IDF checkpoint on a jihad operation shouting "Allahu Akhbar" [Allah is Greater]. He was shot and killed before he could detonate two pipe bombs he was carrying. The money was presented to the family by the governor of the Jenin district in the name of Mahmoud Abbas. Palestinian Media Watch, a research institute that studies Palestinian society from a variety of perspectives, broke the story. For more information see,] © 2011 Beila Rabinowitz, LLC. All rights reserved. |