Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Abbas's Fatah Promotes Violence with Music Video Abbas's Fatah Promotes Violence with Music VideoJanuary 19, 2011 Cartoon from the article "PA Teaches Children to Fight Not Learn" January 19 2011- Militant Islam Monitor -Palestinian Media Watch has exposed a PA video put together by members of Abbas's Fatah which aired recently on PA TV with the message "We continue the struggle... We won't throw down our weapons… We treat the rifle as our brother." Mahmoud Abbas the Chairman of the PA is head of the Fatah faction. He is supposed to be the partner in peace talks between Israel and the PA. The PA news paper also carried statements by PA leaders which proclaimed that they would continue to use violence against Israel. (click on link to view video) Last year Moshe Yaalon, the Minister of Strategic Affairs ,"revealed that incitement in PA media was increasing. "Incitement has grown significantly more frequent in recent months in official media, in mosques, and in the school system, he said". |