January 10, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Despite, or most likely because of president Obama's lack of attention to Iran's hand in international terrorism, Israel is now facing a great threat to its existence, with Iran's proxies busily arming Hezbollah for an even more destructive war.
This is the chilling conclusion of a new study by the Jewish Center For Public Affairs [JCPA] authored by Jacques Neriah [see, http://www.jcpa.org/JCPA/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DRIT=1&DBID=1&LNGID=1&TMID=111&FID=442&PID=0&IID=5660&TTL=Iran_Steps_Up_Arming_Hizbullah_Against_Israel Iran Steps Up Arming Of Hezbollah Against Israel
Among Nerieh's concerns:
"Damascus Airport has been identified as the transit point for airlifts of Iranian arms that were subsequently transferred to Hizbullah via the open Syrian-Lebanese border, under the supervision of the Syrian security services.
A senior Pentagon official has divulged that Hizbullah has 50,000 rockets and missiles, including 40-50 Fatah 110 missiles and 10 SCUD-C ground-to-ground missiles. Furthermore, some 10,000 Hizbullah fighters have been provided with a broad range of modern weapons, while the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have trained Hizbullah teams to operate these weapons."
This Iranian effort is not restricted to the Middle East but is worldwide in its scope, "The Iranian intelligence services, operating in the framework of the Revolutionary Guards, have built many cells in Africa, most of which rely on Shiite emigrants from Lebanon. This is being undertaken in the framework of the African Division of the Jerusalem Corps of the Guards, an effort headed by Gen. Qassem Suleymani. After training in Iran, they serve as a nucleus for recruiting others and provide a base for Iranian intelligence activity in their countries."
Long standing reports [2008 in this case] detail Iran's budding relationship with Venezuela's communist dictator Hugo Chavez, establishing a Hezbollah presence in that South American country, "Western anti-terrorism officials are increasingly concerned that Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based Shiite Muslim militia that Washington has labeled a terrorist group, is using Venezuela as a base for operations. Linked to deadly attacks on Jewish targets in Argentina in the early 1990s, Hezbollah may be taking advantage of Venezuela's ties with Iran, the militia's longtime sponsor, to move "people and things" into the Americas..." [see, Fear Of A Hezbollah Presence In Venezuela, Chris Kraul and Sebastian Rotella, Los Angeles Times, http://articles.latimes.com/2008/aug/27/world/fg-venezterror27]
It is apparent from the JCPA study that Hezbollah has not only received sophisticated armaments which could threaten central Israel, but is actively preparing for war, possibly soon. "Following the Second Lebanon War, Hizbullah reorganized its command-and-control system....A U.S. State Department cable dated Apr. 16, 2008, 'decried the establishment of a complete fiber optics network by Hizbullah throughout Lebanon.' Lebanese Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamadeh cited the Iranian Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon as the source of funding for the network."
If Team Obama finds these types of reports troubling, it is not reflected in either its diplomacy or its public statements.
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