January 10, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In a December 29 piece Upcoming Peter King Hearings On Islamism, Will America's Self-Appointed Muslim Spokesmen Support Them?, we wrote:
"We see the upcoming King hearings, rather than being divisive, serving as a litmus test for these American Muslim organizations. If over the next few weeks and months CAIR, ISNA, MPAC resolve to support the goal of the hearings and positively participate in them, they will have demonstrated a willingness to make a laudable difference.
If on the other hand, they continue to allege that there is no problem with increasing radicalization among American Muslims and that King and his ilk are Islamophobes, beating up on a "peaceful" Islam, then their agenda will become obvious for all to see and they will no longer have cover under which to hide."
It didn't take long for America's self-appointed Muslim spokesmen to slam King and the hearings for promoting Islamophobia, with CAIR stating on Jan 3, "Rep. Peter King's plan to investigate the "radicalization of the American Muslim community and homegrown terrorism" is the knee-jerk reflex of a demagogue who has made a career out of inflaming people's fears...."
As part of the campaign to vilify Mr. King, in the same writing, CAIR attempts to establish itself as a spokesman for America's religious community, "The collateral damage of demeaning and subjecting an entire religious community to animus..."
MPAC [Muslim Public Affairs Council] chimed in on Jan 7 charging King with making "wild claims," sweeping generalizations" "peddling false claims" and with taking a "reckless and dangerous approach..."
"Sadly, King has a history of pointing fingers and peddling false statistics that paint the Muslim American community with a broad brush. "There are too many mosques in this country," King told Politico in 2007. "There are too many people who are sympathetic to radical Islam. We should be looking at them more carefully and finding out how we can infiltrate them." He has also claimed, without any proof, that 85 percent of American mosques are led by extremists, saying "this is an enemy living among us." However, King has failed to provide a reliable source for the statistics and wild claims he throws out about the Muslim American community. Such sweeping generalizations about communities we need to engage, not alienate, is a reckless and dangerous approach for a decision-maker heading the homeland security committee." [see, http://www.mpac.org/programs/government-relations/dc-news-and-views/dear-rep.-king.php]
At the end of this diatribe, MPAC actually has the temerity to ask for a meeting with King...unbelievable.
What to gather from this?
That U.S. Islamists are alarmed at the prospect of being outed during King's proceedings, it's an understandable sentiment, they have everything to fear from the truth.
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