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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > 50,000 Rally In Pakistan In Support of Blasphemy Law

50,000 Rally In Pakistan In Support of Blasphemy Law

January 9, 2011

January 9 2010-Militant Islam Monitor-A crowd of around 50,000 from various political and religious parties rallied in support of Pakistan's blasphemy law. The rally goers also voiced support for the killer of Salman Taseer, a vocal opponent of the laws who had campaigned for the release of the Christian woman Asia Bibi who had been sentenced to death under the blasphemy statutes.

Taseer's killer Mumtaz Qadri was praised at the event with one speaker saying "There is a Mumtaz Qadri in every house of Pakistan". http://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFTRE70825720110109?pageNumber=1&virtualBrandChannel=0

The assassination of Salman Taseer by one of his own bodyguards and subsequent threats aimed at silencing those opposed to changes in the blasphemy law has raised fears in the United States that Pakistan is steadily becoming a hardline Islamist state and an unstable and unreliable U.S. ally.

MIM: Also see:

"Will Pakistani Asia Bibi Be Murdered Because Of Her Christianity Regardless Of Trial Outcome?"


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