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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Geert Wilders Wants to Ban Sharia4Holland Group

Geert Wilders Wants to Ban Sharia4Holland Group

December 31, 2010

December 31 2010 - Militant Islam Monitor -A new group has been organized in Holland calling themselves Sharia4Holland. They are an offshoot of a group by the same name in Belgium. Geert Wilders the leader of the Dutch Freedom Party has called for banning the group and expelling the members. The group aims to fight for implementing sharia law in Holland. The Dutch National Counterterrorism Agency and the Dutch Intelligence Services refuse to undertake any actions against the group claiming they have done nothing illegal.Wilders has said that a group which wants to make Holland sharia compliant is a danger to the rule of law and should be banned.

According to the paper Het Vrije Volk Several Facebook friends of Sharia for Holland who are showing support for the initiative are Muslims from Dutch public life.They include Hakim Traidia, an actor on the Dutch Sesame Street children's program and Samira Bouchibti, a member of the PvdA (Dutch Labor Party).

Het Vrije Volk also reports that the Facebook group page showing the friends of Sharia4Holland can no longer be accessed and included a screen shot in their report.

Sharia4Holland proclaims that they"shall only rest when their dawa obligations will end with their deaths and the flag of sharia will wave above the Royal House in The Hague."http://www.hetvrijevolk.com/index.php?pagina=12614

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