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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > A Night with Hamas , CAIR and Hezbollah

A Night with Hamas , CAIR and Hezbollah

December 26, 2010

Please watch this important 5 ˝ minute video and forward to your friends and colleagues…

A Night with Hamas, CAIR and Hezbollah

Starring Americans Against Hate Chairman Joe Kaufman and CAIR-Florida Executive Director Nezar Hamze


December 15, 2010 protest against British activist and Hamas fundraiser George Galloway at the Islamic Center of South Florida (ICOSF), located in Pompano Beach, Florida.


· Americans Against Hate Chairman Joe Kaufman's speech;

· CAIR-South Florida Executive Director Nezar Hamze refusing to condemn either CAIR or George Galloway;

· a former VP of a Hamas-related charity showing up for the Galloway fundraiser;

· and a fundraiser attendee claiming to be part of Hezbollah

It was a night you could never forget. Please watch it now… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZX3mm0BaGQ

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