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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > West's War On Christianity - UK Red Cross Bans Christmas

West's War On Christianity - UK Red Cross Bans Christmas

December 17, 2010

December 17, 2010 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Though it might be seen by some as an act of accommodation and seasonal good tidings, the UK Red Cross' decision to ban Christmas displays of any kind in its plus 400 centers in Britain will be interpreted by the radical Muslim world as a sign of capitulation. [see, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-152361/The-Red-Cross-bans-Christmas.html#ixzz18GIAmlB9]

Given the UK's rush to embrace Shari'a concepts nationwide, including its legal system, who could blame them?

Consider the overblown public attention and honor given in the West to Ramadan, a 30 day Muslim period of atonement, and you will at once grasp the ridiculous fawning that the UK Red Cross decision represents

The event is even less comprehensible given the obvious symbolism of its red cross logo. To those who may argue that the Red Cross is non-denominational, we ask if that is true why then the existence of the Red Crescent, employing Islamic symbolism or the Red Star of David, clearly referring to Jewish iconography?

No, instead of being seen as another olive branch being extended by the Christian West to the Muslim world, the act will be interpreted as a sign of our not being resolute, signifying a lack of cultural confidence.

In a world engaged in an on-again-off-again struggle against totalitarian Islam, the picture this ill-conceived gesture presents to our adversaries invites aggression, not forbearance.

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