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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Abbas Attempting to Unilaterally Declare Palestinian State

Abbas Attempting to Unilaterally Declare Palestinian State

December 9, 2010

Abbas Attempting to Unilaterally Declare Palestinian State

December 9 2010- Militant Islam Monitor-According to reports in the Arab media Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is on the way to unilaterally declaring a Palestinian state by seeking recognition by the United Nations.

Israel National News noted that:

"The Fatah Revolutionary Council that is led by Abbas, and which leads the PA, last month issued a proclamation rejecting all proposals for peace, including land swaps, and refusing to recognize Israel as a Jewish State." http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/141067

Several South American countries are planning to recognize the Palestinian state as a new country with Brazil doing so last week

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