November 20, 2010 - San Francisco, CA - - As reported on these pages [see, Will "Peaceful" Muslims In Pakistan Kill Christian Mom?,] Pakistan and other Muslim majority countries routinely use Shari'a based blasphemy laws as a method of suppressing Christian minorities.
Now with the world taking note of Ms. Bibi's plight, the question remains whether "street justice," fomented by local imams, will still claim her life even if she is exonerated from the charge of blasphemy which has resulted in her imprisonment since July.
The question is by no means academic and goes to the heart of the debate, now raging in Europe and America, as to whether Islam will ever be compatible with Western values?
As related by the July 24 edition of the Pakistan Christian Post [see,] this very fate befell two Christian brothers [Rashid Emmanuel - pastor of a Christian congregation - and Sajjid Emmanuel] in Pakistan who had just been released after having been officially cleared on blasphemy charges.
"...more than three thousand Muslims came out of homes on call of Imamas from mosques surrounding Warispura Christian colony and opened fire on innocent Christians at night of July 19, 2010, when Emmanuel Brothers were gunned down at noon, same day..."
As is sometimes the case in Muslim majority countries, the leadership might, though being less doctrinaire on strictly enforcing Shari'a, still be unable or unwilling to prevent travesties such as that which took place in the case of the Emanuel brothers and now which threatens Asia Bibi
Thus the fact remains that despite claims to the contrary - suggesting the universally accommodative nature of Islam - as it is often practiced in streets around the globe, the common understanding among many Muslims is that non-conformance with the tenets of Islam must be punished by death.
If any sanity is to be injected into the ridiculous dog and pony show of non-Muslim/Muslim "interfaith" engagement, Western Muslim apologists must be forced to confront this fact as they advance the canard that only a few "pervert" what is at its core a peaceful religion.
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