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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > More Iraqi Christians Murdered by Terrorists

More Iraqi Christians Murdered by Terrorists

November 10, 2010

November 10-Militant Islam Monitor- Five people were killed and dozens injured including a 4 month old baby in a series of coordinated attacks against Iraqi Christians in their neighborhoods on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. Iraqi clerics have charged that the government has done nothing to stop the violence.

The Islamic State of Iraq, a group tied to Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the attacks. Al Qaeda has said it will "exterminate" all Iraqi Christians.

One of the homes attacked was that of a Christian family who were mourning the death of a relative in the October 31st attack on a church in which terrorists killed 52 and wounded scores of others.

According to the Catholic News Agency:

"Archbishop Warda called for pressure on the government to provide adequate protection for Christians.

"What we are faced with here is not just a failure of security but a deliberate targeting of Christians," he warned.

The prelate said the attacks would prompt a further exodus of Christians from Baghdad. He told ACN that until 2003 there were up to 40,000 Christian families living in the city but now there are barely 50 families. "http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/new-wave-of-attacks-targets-homes-of-iraqi-christians/

The UK Telegraph reported that:

"The Islamic State of Iraq, an al-Qaeda front, announced its intention to open upon the country's Christians "the doors of destruction and rivers of blood." Iraqi Christians do not have a militia to defend them "making them more vulnerable to attack." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/8123883/Iraqs-Christian-community-hit-by-new-wave-of-attacks.html

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