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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Open Letter to get Ron Klein to Remove Keith Ellison from the Congressional Task Force on Anti-Semitism - Video

Open Letter to get Ron Klein to Remove Keith Ellison from the Congressional Task Force on Anti-Semitism - Video

October 29, 2010

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter in response to the misleading information that is being sent out by United States Representative Ron Klein's office, with regard to Congressman Klein's association with Congressman Keith Ellison and the Congressional Task Force on Anti-Semitism or CTFAS.

I am writing this to set the record straight.

On February 12, 2008, our group, Americans Against Hate (AAH), took a delegation to meet with Congressman Ron Klein to ask him to remove his fellow Congressman Keith Ellison from the Congressional Task Force on Anti-Semitism (CTFAS), a group that Klein co-chairs.

We showed Congressman Klein proof of Ellison's activities with various radical Muslim groups, including the Hamas-related Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

We showed him how Congressman Ellison spoke at events sponsored by the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society (MAS-Minnesota), while the group had explicit statements on its website in favor of Hamas, cursing Christians, and calling for the murder of Jews ["If you gain victory over the men of Jews, kill them."]

We showed him how Ellison allowed his photo to be placed on an event program for the North American Imams Federation (NAIF), next to that of Siraj Wahhaj, an "unindicted co-conspirator" of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and Mazen Mokhtar, an al-Qaeda web designer who has made unequivocal statements in support of suicide bombings.

Congressman Klein told us he was concerned about the information we had shown him and that he was going to confront Ellison about it. He said that he needed a week to decide whether or not to remove Ellison from the task force.

One week later, the Congressman's staffer, Mira Kogen, called me to inform me that Klein had decided not to remove Ellison, because according to Kogen, Ellison told Klein that he was not an anti-Semite and that he had "publicly denounced" and would continue to publicly denounce the anti-Semitism from the groups MAS and CAIR.


In fact, Ellison continues to speak at their events. He has even gone so far as to, this year, visit the Gaza offices and leaders of Islamic Relief (IR), a group that the Israeli government has labeled a front for Hamas.

Now, Kogen is e-mailing people claiming that there are false rumors going around regarding the subject of Klein, Ellison and CTFAS. Within Kogen's e-mails, she conveniently leaves out the fact that, as Co-Chairman of CTFAS, Congressman Klein has the authority to remove Ellison from the group, if he feels it necessary to do so.

That is what this is all about. Our group has called for him to remove Ellison, and he, for whatever reason, refuses to do so.

Congressman Klein has not uttered one word against Ellison's extremism.

I personally asked Congressman Mike Pence, the other co-chair of CTFAS, about this, and he has deferred his position on the matter to Congressman Klein.

We are sick of the games. Every day that Ellison sits on the task force is an offense to those who have suffered the affects of anti-Semitism and/or radical Islam.

We want a resolution NOW! We demand a resolution NOW!

Congressman Ellison has no business on a task force against anti-Semitism, period.

He needs to be removed.


Joe Kaufman


Americans Against Hate


Video: Joe Kaufman calls on Congressman Ron Klein

to remove fellow Congressman Keith Ellison from the

Congressional Task Force on Anti-Semitism (CTFAS).


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