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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Detecting Terrorists in the U.S. Becoming More Difficult

Detecting Terrorists in the U.S. Becoming More Difficult

October 26, 2010

October 26- Militant Islam Monitor-The head of the Department of Homeland Security ,Janet Napolitano, told the Association of Police Chiefs in Orlando Florida that prempting terrorists in the United States is becoming increasingly difficult :

"More and more… we're seeing the increased role of Westerners, including U.S. citizens, many of whom are unknown to the intelligence community and unknown to federal authorities."http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/oct/25/us-tries-to-detect-muslim-radicals-at-home/

Napolitano warned of "lone wolf attackers" who could not be detected in the usual ways. There is also a growing danger from those who "self radicalize" using the internet.

Last year the number of arrests in terror plots was three times the number of any year since 2001.

According to James M. Ludas executive director of the American Security project "There is no profile"."The project's study, "Enemies Among Us," states that there is no clear demographic profile for homegrown Muslim extremists and that it is hardly possible to generalize meaningfully about the process of radicalization.The paths to radicalism are as numerous and varied as the cases themselves," the study reads."

Napolitano "pledged to expand the Suspicious Activity Reporting initiative — which creates a standard process for state and local law enforcement to identify and report suspicious activity — to fusion centers and transit police forces nationwide."

The Institute for Homeland Security Solutions published a report which stated that 80% of terrorist plots were thwarted "via observations from law enforcement or the general public".

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