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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Holy Land Foundation Lawyers File Appeal Briefs

Holy Land Foundation Lawyers File Appeal Briefs

October 20, 2010

October 20- Militant Islam Monitor- Lawyers for the Defendants in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding trial have filed appellate briefs aimed at disqualifying testimony which had been allowed at the trial.

According to the Investigative Project on Terrorism news :

"Some of the most significant evidence and testimony used to convict their clients of illegally routing millions of dollars to Hamas never should have been allowed, attorneys for former Holy Land Foundation (HLF) officials argue in a series of appellate briefs filed late Tuesday…In the latest briefs, defense attorneys focused most intensely on the testimony of the two Israeli officials. Identified only as "Avi" and "Major Lior," the trial court allowed their testimonies even though their true identities were considered classified. Defense attorneys did not know their real names or have any access to information about their educational and professional histories. This severely crimped their ability to cross examine the men, the defense argues and "reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the constitution and the adversarial system." http://www.investigativeproject.org/2259/hlf-defendants-appeal-convictions

The Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding trial resulted in the defendants being convicted on all 108 counts. The HLF was the largest Islamic charity in the United States. Upon discovery that they were funding Hamas it was shut down by the United States and designated as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity by the U. S. Treasury Department.

Hamas leader Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook was one of the founders of the HLF. Other Islamist organizations which were included as unindicted co-conspirators were the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).

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