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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Unindicted Co-Conspirator ISNA Meets with Assistant Secretary of State at HQ

Unindicted Co-Conspirator ISNA Meets with Assistant Secretary of State at HQ

October 19, 2010

October 19- Militant Islam Monitor-On Thursday October 7th Assistant Secretary of State Philip Crowley met with representatives from the Islamic Society of North America and other Muslim representatives. ISNA is an unindicted co- conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding trial where the defendants were found guilty on all 108 counts.

According to the ISNA website:

"U.S. Assistant Secretary of State of Public Affairs Philip Crowley met with representatives from all seven of the Indianapolis area masjids and Islamic community centers at ISNA Headquarters on the evening of Thursday October 7th. The Assistant Secretary attended a discussion on the Indiana University Purdue University of Indianapolis (IUPUI) campus earlier that day and met later in the evening with the Muslim community… From 7:30 to 10:30 PM, just under 30 local Muslim community leaders from the greater Indianapolis area met with Assistant Secretary Crowley at ISNA, where he discussed and answered questions on U.S. foreign policy… Questions were raised by audience members with regard to our youth and helping them better understand U.S. Foreign Policy and the very complicated "diplomatic dance," as Crowley called it, that takes place in peace negotiations and war. Crowley agreed with the audience and offered to send someone from the State Department to meet with Muslim youth and help them understand. "ISNA will work to bring this meeting to the upcoming ISNA Convention and perhaps other regional meetings and conferences," said ISNA Director of Community Outreach Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi…Assistant Secretary Crowley was very personable and welcomed advice and input from the Muslim community as they work to be an active part of the solution in Middle East Peace, the war in Afghanistan, and other U.S. Foreign Policy issues," said ISNA Chief Operations Officer Habibe Ali." http://www.isna.net/articles/News/ISNA-Hosts-US-Assistant-Secretary-of-State-Philip-Crowley-for-Local-Town-Hall-Meeting.aspx

ISNA the largest of the Wahhabi funded Muslim Brotherhood organizations in North America. The fact that the Crowley is sending someone from the State Department and agreeing to a meeting wh;ich will take place at the upcoming ISNA conference is deeply disturbing and shows how far the Obama administration is going to accommodate and appease Islamists in the United States. In so doing so they are aiding and abetting their stealth jihad.

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