Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Radical Islamist Groups Exploit GZM Controversy - Call for "Week of Dialogue" aka Dawa Radical Islamist Groups Exploit GZM Controversy - Call for "Week of Dialogue" aka DawaOctober 12, 2010 October 12- Militant Islam Monitor-Radical Islamist groups are exploiting the GZM controversy and disingenuously citing victimhood by calling for "A Week of Dialogue" (aka dawa) and for all mosques to hold open houses to enable non Muslims to "observe or participate in prayer service". The signatories to the press release are mostly organizations tied to the Muslim Brotherhood such as CAIR, ICNA, MAS, and ISNA. Even though hate crime statistics against Muslims are far lower then that of attacks against Jews the Islamists are whipping up hysteria and calling for a rejection of "inflammatory rhetoric that endangers the lives of Muslims". In an article entitled "CAIR Continues Big Lie Regarding Hate Crimes Committed Against Muslims" PipeLineNews states: "Below from the 2008 FBI hate crime report [source, FBI statistics,] Religion: 1,606 Of the 123 crimes committed against Muslims because of their religion only 5 were aggravated - serious - assaults". According to the press release from the Al Qaeda linked Islamic Circle of North America: "We call upon local and national elected officials to join their colleagues in denouncing and rejecting inflammatory rhetoric that endangers the lives of Muslim Americans. "Further, we call for a nationwide "Week of Dialogue" around October 22, 23 and 24, during which Muslim leaders will conduct open houses at their places of worship. Signatories: Imam Al-Amin A. Latif, The Majlis Ash-Shura of NY; Imam Muhammad Majid; Vice President Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); Dr. Zahid Bukhari, President, Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA); Dr. Ahmed Elbendary, President, Muslim American Society (MAS); Mr. Nihad Awad, Executive Director, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR); Imam Siraj Wahhaj, Ameer, Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA); Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, Chairman, The Fiqh Council of North America; Imam Al-Tayyab Abuel Yamaan, Chairman, North American Imams Federation; Imam Mahdi Bray; Executive Director, MAS Justice & Peace Foundation; Imam Asim A. Rashid, Amir of Majlis Philadelphia; Mr. Haris Tarin, Director, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Mr. M. Salim Akhtar, Executive Director, American Muslim Taskforce (AMT); Ms. Aisha Al-Adawiya, Founder & Exec. Director, Muslim Women in Islam, Inc.; Mr. Muhammad Nasir, Executive Director, Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago; Mr. Abdul-Malik Mujahid, Chairman, The Parliament of World Religions. |