July 28, 2010 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - On August 5, the World Affairs Council of Orange County is hosting a panel discussion - "The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and its Impact on Jewish/Muslim Relations."
Slated as speakers are Salam Al-Marayati, president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council [MPAC] and the Israeli Consul General Jacob Dayan.
MPAC has represented itself as being a moderate Muslim entity despite a long history of its leaders having made clearly divisive public statements.
For example as related by Middle East historian Daniel Pipes, former MPAC National Director Ahmed Younis, "...stated in July 2002, about the then-attorney general: "I am a person who believes that if Thomas Jefferson or Madison or the like were alive today, they would go to John Ashcroft's house and just shoot him." [source, http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2004/07/the-difference-between-cair-and-mpac]
As documented by Steven Emerson, current MPAC president Al-Marayati, in a radio statement [archived as part of a long bio on The Investigative Project, http://www.investigativeproject.org/profile/114] which was broadcast on September 11, 2001, suggested that Israel perpetrated the atrocity, "If we're going to look at suspects, we should look to the groups that benefit the most from these kinds of incidents, and I think we should put the state of Israel on the suspect list because I think this diverts attention from what's happening in the Palestinian territories so that they can go on with their aggression and occupation and apartheid policies."
As characterized by Dr. Pipes, MPAC serves the same goals as more in-your-face American Islamist groups, in this case contrasting the group against the discredited Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] as to method of operation, "The two organizations can be compared to the PLO and Hamas. Their goals are roughly the same (the destruction of Israel) but the former says what's needed to gain Israeli or American concessions..." [source, principles… http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2004/07/the-difference-between-cair-and-mpac]
It would be foolish and harmful to the interests of Israel for Mr. Dayan, to lend undeserved credibility to MPAC and its president Al-Marayati, by appearing with him at this event. In doing so he would seem to countenance the organization's radical purpose and provide Al-Marayati a public forum in which to extend MPAC's agenda which would then be seen as having been endorsed by Mr. Dayan and by extension the state of Israel.
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