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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Hate preacher Khalid Yasin in Holland: "Wilders must be flogged"

Hate preacher Khalid Yasin in Holland: "Wilders must be flogged"

January 25, 2009

MIM update:

The PVV has cancelled a request for a debate with ministers after it appears that a translation mistake had been made.

PVV doesn't need debate over hate preacher anymore

PVV hoeft geen debat meer over haatprediker

House member Sietse Fritsme has made it known that the PVV does not need a debate with ministers Ernst Hirsch Ballin (CDA) Justice and Eberhard van der Laan (PvdA) Intergration over the hate preacher Khalid Yasin...Yesterday the PVV demanded a debate following a report that the sheik had said that Wilders must be flogged. Later it transpired that a translation mistake had been made. That is the end of the story for the PVV,according to Fritsme.

(Click link to see 3 minute video in english in which Yasin speaks of Wilders)


PVV hoeft geen debat meer over haatprediker

zondag 25 januari 2009 17:16

Kamerlid Sietse Fritsme heeft laten weten dat de PVV niet meer met de ministers Ernst Hirsch Ballin (CDA) van Justitie en Eberhard van der Laan (PvdA) van Integratie in debat hoeft over de islamitische haatprediker Khalid Yasin. Khalid Yasin geeft ook vandaag weer een speech

Khalid Yasin geeft ook vandaag weer een speech

Na ongeveer 3 minuten begint Yasin over Wilders
Gisteren eiste de partij een debat, naar aanleiding van het bericht dat de sjeik in Rotterdam had gezegd dat Geert Wilders moet worden gegeseld. Later bleek dat er een vertaalfout was gemaakt. Voor de PVV is daarmee de kous af, aldus Fritsma.

De PVV eiste gisteren opheldering over de speech die de omstreden sjeik vrijdag hield op de Islamitische Universiteit Rotterdam. Volgens de organisatie die de haatprediker naar Nederland heeft gehaald, Ontdek Islam, is de opmerking van Yasin verkeerd uit het Engels vertaald. Dat blijkt nu te kloppen.

Op een filmpje dat van zijn speech in Rotterdam is gemaakt, zegt Yasin dat Wilders een 'slap on the wrist' verdient en dat hij blij is dat Wilders wordt vervolgd. PvdA, CDA en PVV lieten op voorhand weten bezorgd te zijn over de komst van de haatprediker naar Nederland. Door Maartje Willems


Sheikh Yasin pleased Wilders to be prosecuted

Published: Sunday 25 January 2009
Last updated: Sunday 25 January 2009

The US Muslim leader Sheikh Yasin has said he is glad that Freedom Party (PVV) leader Geert Wilders is to be prosecuted. During a lecture on Friday, which has since been released on YouTube, Sheikh Yasin said he hoped that Mr Wilders would be given a judicial "slap on the wrist". According to the PVV, Mr Yasin said that Mr Wilders should be flogged, but a study of the YouTube recording has revealed that this was not so.

Mr Yasin's comments followed the ruling of an Amsterdam court earlier this week. It declared that Mr Wilders must be prosecuted for incitement to hatred and discrimination.

Following the Friday lecture, PVV MP Sietse Fritsma called on the mayor of Rotterdam, Ahmed Aboutaleb, to ban a sermon by Sheikh Yasin on Sunday. Mr Aboutaleb rejected the request, saying that he saw no reason to ban the sermon. A representative of the Rotterdam council said that it did not censor in advance.



PVV wil imam de gevangenis in of het land uit

zaterdag 24 januari 2009 19:25

(Novum) - De islamitische prediker Khalid Yasin moet onmiddellijk het land worden uitgezet. Dit vindt PVV-Kamerlid Sietse Fritsma naar aanleiding van uitlatingen die de sjeik vrijdag zou hebben gedaan op de Islamitische Universiteit in Rotterdam. In een toespraak zou Yasin hebben gezegd dat Geert Wilders gegeseld moet worden omdat hij de islam beledigt.

Fritsma wil dat burgemeester Ahmed Aboutaleb (PvdA) voorkomt dat de Amerikaanse imam zondag een toespraak houdt in een moskee. "Het is duidelijk dat deze haatimam oproept tot geweld. Hij moet de gevangenis in, of zo snel mogelijk uit het land worden verwijderd", zegt Fritsma.

Eerder zei minister van Justitie Ernst Hirsch Ballin in antwoord op Kamervragen van de PVV. PvdA en CDA dat de omstreden prediker gewoon naar Nederland mocht komen. De minister stelde dat op voorhand niet kon worden vastgesteld dat Yasin tot geweld zou oproepen. "Deze vlieger gaat nu duidelijk niet meer op", stelt Fritsma. http://www.elsevier.nl/web/Artikel.htm?contentid=221040

PVV wants Imam to go to jail or be thrown out of country

The Islamic preacher Khalid Yasin must be immediately deported. This finds PVV House member Sietse Fritsma after the remarks which the Sheik reportedly made at the Islamic University in Rotterdam. In a speech Yasin had said that Geert Wilders must be flogged because he insults Islam.

Fritsma wants the Mayor Ahmed Aboutaled (PvdA) to prevent the American imam from holding a speech in a mosque. "It is clear that this hate imam calls for violence. He must go to jail of be put out of the country as quickly as possible", said Fritsma.

Before this the minister of Justice Ernst Hirst Ballin said that the controversial preacher could come to Holland in answer to the parliamentary questions of the PVV. PvdA and CDA. The minister opined that it could not be predetermined that Yasin would call for violence. "This kite doesn't fly anymore" remarked Fritsma.


Radical Muslim preacher welcome in Rotterdam

by Rob Kievit


Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin rejects demands by two parties to bar a radical Islamic preacher from speaking in the Netherlands.

Khalid Yasin
Khalid Yasin
(still taken from YouTube video)

Mr Hirsch Ballin wrote to parliament on Thursday that the preacher, American citizen Khalid Yasin, is free to enter the country and address audiences. The justice minister adds that Mr Yasin will risk prosecution if it turns out that his speeches incite hatred. He emphasises that everyone in the Netherlands has freedom of speech, provided they respect the rule of law.

The two major parties of the governing coalition, Labour and Christian democrat CDA, together with the opposition populist right-wing Freedom Party, had asked for a ban. They cited earlier utterances by Mr Yasin, who according to the Freedom Party is "a terrorist" and "an evil man". Labour had asked the justice minister to verify reports that Mr Yasin preaches radical Islam and intolerance between muslims and non-muslims. The Christian democrats wrote to the minister that they feared Mr Yasin would issue calls to violence.

The issue mirrors the case of Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders, against whom a prosecution was started on Wednesday for inciting hatred against Muslims. The MP is a vocal critic of the Qur'an, havingcompared Islam's holy book to Hitler's Mein Kampf and said it fosters terrorism. Mr Wilders says he was exercising his right to free speech, both inside and outside of parliament.

Converts to Islam
Mr Yasin is scheduled to give two lectures to Islam converts at the private Islamic University of Rotterdam; he will also speak in the town of Maaseik in Belgium. Rotterdam's recently appointed mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb told the ANP agency that Mr Yasin is welcome in his city, but the mayor said he did not want to become involved in a discussion over religion. "Every individual has their own perception of religion." Mr Aboutaleb rejected censorship and said he was hoping for a lively debate, "but if his texts are insulting or inciting to hatred, we'll prosecute him."

Khalid Yasin's opinions

Khalid Yasin has been quoted as:

  • advocating the death penalty for homosexuality
  • claiming the HIV virus was deliberately engineered by Western governments
  • questioning the existence of al-Qaeda and its involvement in the 9/11 attacks
  • asserting that the 2002 and 2005 Bali bombings were justified in the light of a history of Western oppression of Islam

Khalid Yasin:

"There's no such thing as a Muslim having a non-Muslim friend. If you prefer the clothing of the kafirs over the clothing of the Muslims, most of those names that's on most of those clothings is faggots, homosexuals and lesbians...The Koran gives a very clear position regarding homosexuality, lesbianism and bestiality - that these are aberrations, they are immoralities and if they are tried, convicted, they are punishable by death."

"Osama bin Laden is not everywhere, omnipotent. ... where's Osama bin Laden? That would warrant $68 billion in 17 countries hunting him and everyone in their houses being afraid of this kind of Osama bin Laden bogey man. This is a creation ... in order to justify a war they call on terror but is really a terror they have put inside the people. It is a war against Islam... There has been no evidence that has surfaced, no bona fide irrevocable, irrefutable evidence ... that there is a group called al-Qa'ida that did the September 11 bombings. I'm of the opinion there was a rogue operation that took place."


MIM: The poster announcing the lecture of Yasin.


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