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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > ADC Inaugurates Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Heritage Center - Congressman Rahall presents him with Capitol building flag

ADC Inaugurates Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Heritage Center - Congressman Rahall presents him with Capitol building flag

June 2, 2008

ADC Welcomes Prince Alwaleed for Inauguration of Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Heritage Center

Washington, DC | May 12, 2008 | www.adc.org | On Thursday, May 8, 2008, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) was honored to welcome HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal to the Inauguration of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Heritage Center at ADC's National Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Prince Alwaleed was joined in his visit to ADC by a delegation which included Princess Amera and Muna AbuSulayman, Executive Director of the Kingdom Foundation, among others.

After meeting the staff, and a tour of the building by Hon. Mary Rose Oakar, ADC National President, and Safa Rifka, MD, Chair of the ADC National Board of Directors, the official inaugural program commenced. The office of the Mayor of the District of Columbia presented Prince Alwaleed with a special greeting on the occasion of HRH's visit to DC. Patricia Elwood, Director of Protocol and International Affairs for Mayor Adrian Fenty's office, noted Prince Alwaleed's long standing commitment to tolerance, peace and understanding.

Hon. Nick Rahall (D-WV) then presented Prince Alwaleed with the United States flag which was flown over the Capitol in recognition of HRH Prince Alwaleed's tireless advocacy and charitable works.

Mr. Wade Henderson, President and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR), gave remarks about ADC's civil rights work. There are 180 national organizations which make up LCCR, and ADC is the only Arab-American organization which is a member of LCCR, the nation's premiere civil rights coalition.

Then, HRH Prince Alwaleed unveiled the plaque marking the official Inauguration of ADC's Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Heritage Center. At the ADC National Convention in 2005, HRH was presented with the "ADC Global Achievement Award" in recognition of "success in the global business community and outstanding humanitarian and philanthropic works for those in need throughout the world." During HRH's Keynote Speech he highlighted the need to bridge the gap between east and west, and to encourage understanding, tolerance, and dialogue. At that time, Prince Alwaleed donated $2.6million toward the purchase of ADC's present National headquarters. Dr. Safa Rifka, Chair of ADC's National Board, expressed the gratitude of all members of ADC throughout the United States for this important and meaningful gift.

HRH Prince Alwaleed delivers remarks after inaugurating ADC Heritage Center (left). Arab-American Congressman Nick Rahall presents HRH with American flag flown over the Capital Building.

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