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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > CAIR Showboats At Manzanar -uses Japanese internment camp as publicity stunt to claim "Islamophobia"

CAIR Showboats At Manzanar -uses Japanese internment camp as publicity stunt to claim "Islamophobia"

May 8, 2008

CAIR Showboats At Manzanar

May 8, 2008 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - As the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR, the Saudi funded Hamas mouthpiece, designated as a co-conspirator in America's largest terror prosecution, US v Holy Land Foundation (HLF)] "...continues down the path of stealth jihad, following a plan devised by the Muslim Brotherhood - in this instance marching with Japanese American's to the Southern California internment camp created by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Manzanar to suggest that Islamophobia is rampant and that American Muslims face discrimination on a daily basis, we must consider how such stunts impact the groups credibility as a self-proclaimed civil rights organization.

First as an aside, considering that fewer people were killed at Pearl Harbor [the event that set the internment process into motion] than during the 9/11 attacks by Muslim fanatics, the fact that there has been nothing comparable to Roosevelt's actions stands as conclusive evidence of the lack of exactly what CAIR sought to infer from their meaningless participation in the Manzanar event.

In a larger sense, however, it might prove instructive to review a little sourced document presented into evidence at the HLF trial on September 4, 2007 by U.S.prosecutor James T. Jacks. Specifically the governments filing regarded CAIR's unsuccessful effort to remove its name from the co-conspirator list, as a means of assessing the group's agendized posturing and overall veracity.

We find of particularly noteworthiness the manner in which the Department of Justice clearly links CAIR to both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.


"...CAIR has filed its proposed Amicus in an effort to combat the negative press it allegedly incurred by being identified as a participant in a network of U.S.-based organizations affiliated with the designated foreign terrorist organization, Hamas...." p. 2

"...CAIR's request to strike its name from the government's co-conspirator's list is moot, since its conspiratorial relationship with the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) was confirmed by testimony and documentary evidence admitted at trial prior to the date CAIR even filed its brief." p. 2-3

"...CAIR is listed in the attachment under the third heading (individuals/entities who are and/or were members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee and/or its organizations)..." p. 6

"...the Court has entered into evidence a wide array of testimonial and documentary evidence expressly linking CAIR and its founders to the HLF and its principals; the Islamic Association for Palestine and its principals; the Palestine Committee in the United States, headed by Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzook; and the greater HAMAS-affiliated conspiracy described in the Government's case-in-chief..." p. 6

"...CAIR's participation as a joint-venturer and co-conspirator is a matter of public record in this case, and was a matter of public record even prior to the filing of the government's Trial Brief.2 See, e.g., Government Exhibits 3-17 (objective of the Palestine Committee is to support Hamas); 3-1 (showing Omar Ahmad as part of the Palestine Committee and Mousa Abu Marzook as its head); 3-78 (listing IAP, HLF, UASR and CAIR as part of the Palestine Committee, and stating that there is "[n]o doubt America is the ideal location to train the necessary resources to support the Movement worldwide . . ."); see also Testimony of Special Agent Lara Burns and supporting exhibits (placing Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad at 1993 Philadelphia conference, and describing Omar Ahmad's mediation of a 1994 dispute between Abdelhaleem Ashqar and HLF over fundraising by Hamas founder Sheik Jamil Hamami.)..." p. 13

"...2 f CAIR founder Omar Ahmad on the Palestine Committee, and the presence of Ahmad and Nihad Awad at the 1993 meeting of the Palestine Committee in Philadelphia, were described during the public trial of Muhammad Hamid Khalil Salah and Abdelhaleem Hasan Abdelraziq Ashqar in November 1996. See United States v. Salah, et al., Case No. 03-978 (N.D. Ill. 2006). During that trial, defendant Ashqar was represented by William B. Moffitt, author of CAIR's current motion for leave to file an amicus brief..." p. 13

"...CAIR has been identified by the Government at trial as a participant in an ongoing and ultimately unlawful conspiracy to support a designated terrorist organization, a conspiracy from which CAIR never withdrew..". p. 15

"...CAIR's co-conspirator role was previously made public during the criminal trial of Muhammad Salah and Abdelhaleem Ashqar, eight months prior to the filing of the government's Trial Brief in this case..." p. 16

The fact that HLF trial judge Joe Fish quickly and correctly made the decision not to remove CAIR from the governments list of unindicted co-conspirators is testament to the degree to which CAIR - "America's largest Islamic civil liberties group" - is in fact an apologist for terror and so closely linked to both the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas that its pronouncements have zero moral weight.

Consider just two items, one the fact that both Nihad Awad [CAIR's Exec. Dir.] and Omar Ahmad [Emeritus Chair of CAIR's Board of Directors] were both present at the seminal 1994 "Philadelphia conference" a Hamas strategizing event taking place in a Philadelphia hotel, wiretapped by the feds under a FISA warrant and two, that Ahmad mediated an argument between Abdelhaleem Ashqar [now serving a 135 month sentence for rackaterring in support of Hamas] and HLF over fundraising by Hamas founder Sheik Jamil Hamami, and CAIR's negligible separation from the Palestinian terror group, created by the Muslim Brotherhood, becomes apparent.

Since its inception in 1994, CAIR has barely managed to stay one step ahead of justice, that oversight might well soon be remedied. http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=cair5.8.08%2Ehtm

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