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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Islamist Group-MPAC-Directs Stealth Jihad Against CA Senator Barbara Boxer

Islamist Group-MPAC-Directs Stealth Jihad Against CA Senator Barbara Boxer

March 25, 2008

Islamist Group - MPAC - Directs Stealth Jihad Against CA Senator Barbara Boxer

By William Mayer and Beila Rabinowitz

March 25, 2008 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - As we noted in a March 18 piece Why Is Senator Barbara Boxer's Staff Meeting With CAIR? California's junior Senator is once again unapologetically meeting with the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR], a group she had harshly rejected only a little over a year ago, and other Islamist organizations including MPAC, the Muslim Public Affairs Council.

Queried about why Boxer has apparently changed her "no-meet" directive against the Saudi funded Hamas friendly group, the Senator's staff has, of this writing, still not provided any explanation, let alone a plausible one.

In an "after-action" move, MPAC today is conducting a disingenuous call-in telephone campaign directed at Boxer's DC office.

PipeLineNews came into possession of an email being circulated by MPAC detailing the group's strategy which includes callers representing themselves as "Christians" apparently in order to cast the effort in the most public relations friendly manner.

The electronically communicated talking points ask MPAC members to urge the Senator to pressure Israel to cease its military resistance against the Hamas uprising in Gaza, thus placing the Muslim Public Affairs Council alongside its ideological brothers in CAIR in apparent support of a hands-off policy against Islamic terror.

Senator Boxer had best re-consider her ill-advised "rapproachmont" with these stealth jihadist groups, and realize that her original decision, not to meet with CAIR et al, was correct and should be reinstated. http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=boxercair3.25.08%2Ehtm

MIM: The email originated with Salam Marayati the head of MPAC and was forwarded to group members urging them to call Barbara Boxer's office.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Salam Al-Marayati
Date: Mar 24, 2008 11:00 AM
Subject: Fwd: Can You Call Sen. Boxer's LA Office This Tuesday Morn?
To: Rashad al-Dabbagh

Forwarded message ----------

Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 16:28:27 -0700
Subject: Can You Call Sen. Boxer's LA Office This Tuesday Morn?
Dear Barbara Bell
Randy Heyn-Lamb
Pat Krommer
Ted Von der Ahe
Don Smith
Ted and/or Sharon Shohfi
Tony Litwinko
Nasim Khoury
Brice Harris

Ten days ago I was part of a local interfaith delegation to the LA
office of Sen. Boxer. The group consisted of three Muslims (Salam
Al-Marayati being the holy instigator), two rabbis, and three protestant
clergy of whom I was one, basically representing FOS/SC.

We were there to speak of the utter urgency of a needed cease fire
between Israel and the Palestinians of Gaza. We had a good audience with
Boxer's local Senior Field Representtive Adolfo Bailon. Since the
senator is on the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and on the
Subcommittee on Near Eastern Affairs we felt it vital to bring to Ms.
Boxer our concerns.

Adolfo Bailon promised he would pass on our concerns to Boxer. I'm
fairly certain he has done so. He also expressed subsequently that we
should not put too much pressure on her. Perhaps this is because other
California congresspersons need also to hear from people of faith on
this crucial issue. Our delegation intends therefore to reach out to
others in the near future, e.g., Feinstein, Waxman, Sherman, Royce,
Becerra, etc.

But as for now: we want to follow up with Boxer's local office and ask
her (through Adolfo) what she will do in response to our concerns.

We have listed these concerns as follows:

1. Call for immediate cease fire.

2. Allow entry and exit of people and goods in all border crossings,
especially Erez and Rafah.

3. Allow restoration of infrastructure and economy in Gaza. Make
permit process for sick people less onerous for Palestinians so barriers
do not prevent them from receiving medical treatment in the West Bank
or in Israel.

4. Remove travel restrictions on students who have been accepted to
pursue studies outside the Gaza Strip.

5. Suspend the withholding of electricity and allow the entry of fuel.

WE NEED YOU TO PHONE IN THIS TUESDAY sometime between 10:30 and 11:30.

You may say

A) I'm a Christian (denomination)

B) I'm part of Friends of Sabeel who was represented on March 12 with
the interfaith delegation to the Senator's local office, regarding our
deep concerns about Gaza and the ending of rockets and missiles
affecting both Palestinians and Israelis and especially the dire
conditions affecting the population of Gaza.

C) I'm calling to inquire what has been Sen. Boxer's response to these


Please be brief (we're hoping for at least five to relay this message of
inquiry during that hour) and, of course, be courteous. If there has
been as yet no response from the senator you could ask When is one

It should not be necessary for each one to rattle off all five points.
Pick just two or three.

It is important for Boxer's office to know that we have some
constituency out there, thus my requesting YOU to take part.

This is at the suggestion of Salam and with the concurrence of the rest
of our delegation.

The one to call is ADOLFO BAILON, the Senior Field Rep for Boxer's LA
office at

(213) 894-5000

Again, I hope you can take part. Let me know if you have any questions
... or results!

Yours, in the holy (!) work of justice and peace,

cell: (818) 679-9147

Salam Al Marayati

Executive Director,
Muslim Public Affairs Council

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