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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Florida Attorney General McCollum's Submission to CAIR and MPAC

Florida Attorney General McCollum's Submission to CAIR and MPAC

February 16, 2008

Florida Attorney General McCollum's Submission To CAIR and MPAC

February 15, 2008 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In what has become a war of the spinners, Florida Attorney General McCollum, the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] and the Muslim Public Affairs Council [MPAC] are all trying to cast a meeting held on February 12, between the AG and the two groups in the best light.

That meeting took place as a result of McCollum having organized a screening of the film "Obsession" which is viewed by CAIR, MPAC and other Islamist organizations as being defamatory because it tells the truth about radical Islam, including its ties to fascism.

For its part, CAIR, the recently named unindicted co-conspirator in the U.S. government's largest anti-terror prosecution, characterized the meeting in part as:

"McCollum also agreed to offer educational programs on Islam and Muslims to his staff and to help build better relations between the Muslim community and law enforcement agencies," [source, http://www.cair.com/ArticleDetails.aspx?ArticleID=24214&&name=n&&currPage=1&&Active=1]

However in a letter to America Congress for Truth's Jerry Gordon a spokesman for Mr. McCollum seemed to be saying that there would be no "educational programs on Islam" being forced on employees of the AG's office:

"The meeting earlier this week with MPAC and CAIR was a good dialogue and we believe it was productive, but as multiple media outlets have reported, the Attorney General will not be "dissociating" himself from this movie and still believes it has educational value. I've not seen any particular statement from MPAC on the meeting aside from what has been reported in the media, but the one statement they've made in the press which is not accurate relates to the opportunity to educate our staff. This will not be possible due to First Amendment issues," [source, http://blog.americancongressfortruth.com:80/2008/02/14/florida-ag-mccollum-calls-mpaccair-statements-about-meeting-inaccurate]

When contacted by PipeLineNews.org on February 15 though, the same Ms. Copes who authored the above response to Mr. Gordon, took a different tack, making it clear that there was indeed a new "Muslim Advisory Council for the Florida Attorney General's Office," though its scope of authority and operating charter have not yet been specified.

"The meeting between the Attorney General and the members of CAIR and MPAC was productive. We did agree to create a Muslim Advisory Council for the Florida Attorney General's Office, although no additional decisions about composition, etc. have been made at this time. We have also agreed to include appropriate material in the hate crimes training our office offers to law enforcement and members of Florida communities through the Anti-Defamation League."

What is one to make of all of this scurrying around?

It seems clear that the Florida Attorney General's office is operating from a position of supplication, acting as if Mr. McCollum needs to take ameliorative action as a result of having screened the movie "Obsession." Just why telling the truth about certain practitioners of Islam should demand such action, is hard to fathom.

As a result, his office will now officially be working with - in apparent atonement - two Islamist groups, one of which is intimately involved in a major terror prosecution, who forced this murkily defined advisory council on the AG's office.

It must be assumed that this advisory group will have some role in censorship regarding items which it might deem "insulting" to the Muslim religion. As such Mr. McCollum's actions can only be seen as examples of dhimmitude, and certainly not in keeping with his oath of office. http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=cairfla2.15.08%2Ehtm

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