Goal: 0
Deadline: 02/15/2008 |

December 21, 2007 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Dutch MP and leader of Holland's "Party for Freedom,"Geert Wilders is being denied his right to freedom of expression by a coalition of Islamists and leftists who wish to stop the production of his upcoming film, which takes a critical look at Islam. Mr. Wilders has been the object of death threats for years made by extremist Muslims - he sometimes receives as many as 40 in a single day. As a result, he must have 24 hour security and is being forced to live under near house arrest in his own country.
The threats on Mr. Wilders' life must be taken seriously, they are real and ongoing. The inciteful actions of his opponents - including those who have now started an "Anti-Wilders" movement, ["Stop de Verwildering"]outrageously labeling him as "evil," - are putting his life in even further jeopardy.
In November 2004 Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh was assassinated while on his way to work by Mohammed Bouyeri, the son of a Moroccan Muslim immigrant family. During his trial Bouyeri claimed that he brutally murdered van Gogh, shooting and then nearly decapitating him with a butcher knife because he thought van Gogh's film, "Submission," slandered Islam. Bouyeri stated that the penalty for such an offense must be death.
After killing van Gogh, Bouyeri pinned a manifesto to his chest which threatened Wilders, numerous others, including perceived critics of Islam and even other Muslims, with similar fates. Bouyeri was not a lone player in this matter, he was involved with a group of similarly minded Islamist conspirators - the Hofstad Groep - who remain devoted to meting out their brand of Islamic punishment.
WE THE UNDERSIGNED, wish to register our full and unequivocal support for Mr. Wilders and his democratic right to freely express himself on this most urgent issue. Silencing him would be seen as a tremendous victory for the Islamists and an act of dhimmitude, submitting to their intimidation. Furthermore, we view with alarm the increasingly strident and violent tone of the jihad against Europe and the West and we wish to join in solidarity with Mr. Wilders in voicing our unyielding opposition to it.
Click here to sign the petition:
Movement To Deny Freedom Of Speech To Dutch MP Wilders Intensifies
By Beila Rabinowitz
December 13, 2007 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The life of Dutch politician Geert Wilders who already requires 24 hour security due to death threats made by radical Islamists, has been further endangered by the new "Stop the Verwildering" initiative. "Verwildering" is a play on Wilders' name, suggesting "degeneration."
Wilders called the initiative "disgusting" and said that the actions of the group are "irresponsible and dangerous."
The movement was started by Rene Danen head of the anti-discrimination foundation "Holland Shows Its Colors" and Mohammed Sini of the "Islam and Citizenship" foundation. Speaking for the group is former union leader Doekle Terpstra, presently the chairman of the Higher Vocational Education Council, who stated that Wilders is, "a danger that must be stopped" and that, "Wilders is evil…"
Eduard Nazarski, of the ultra-left Amnesty International has also lent his support to the movement.
The assault on Wilders is reminiscent of the hysteria which led to the assassination of another Dutch politician, Pim Fortuyn, who in an interview shortly before his murder presciently declared:
"if something happens to me If you see what I get in the mail from time to time - I mean all the threats - it wouldn't make you cheerful. And the Dutch government - I find that a bloody shame, [it] helps to create a climate, the demonizing of me as a person. And if something should happens to me soon, and I am happy you are giving me the opportunity - and if something happens to me soon, then they are partly responsible. And they can't remove their hands from responsibility and say but it wasn't me who committed the attack. You have created the climate. And that has to stop." 1.
Prior to the murder of Theo van Gogh Dutch Muslims had started a petition to "ban" him from writing claiming "he had to be stopped." The petition was submitted to a government official and was circulated with this explanation, "Our patience has ended - Theo van Gogh must stop with his columns…Theo van Gogh's continued attacks on Islam cannot go unpunished…We are angry and have a right to be angry."
Instead of showing solidarity with Wilders who is forced to live under constant guard due to Islamist death threats, his colleagues are attacking him, claiming that it is he who "uses free speech to incite people."
In doing so they have made themselves indistinguishable from those who are calling for his death.
1. Militant Islam Monitor, http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/2820
http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=wilders12.13.07.htm |