Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Cop Killer Abu Mumia Jamal Supports Khalil Gibran International Academy Cop Killer Abu Mumia Jamal Supports Khalil Gibran International AcademyOctober 15, 2007
Cop Killer Abu Mumia Jamal Supports Khalil Gibran International Academy October 15, 2007 - San Francisco, CA - - Such is the state of affairs surrounding Brooklyn's KGIA madrassah, that the "Communities in Support of KGIA" website, seemingly run by Arab Women Active In The Arts And Media [AWAAM, the now notorious Islamist group responsible for creating the "Intifada NYC" tee shirts which served as the tipping point in former KGIA principal Almontaser's ouster] lists a glowing endorsement of the jihad school by the leftist's favorite cop killer Abu Mumia Jamal. [source,] For those with short attention spans, Jamal [born Wesley Cook] a Muslim convert, was convicted in 1982 of the murder of Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner during a routine traffic stop involving Jamal's brother. Faulkner was shot in the back by Jamal and then executed by him in a cold blooded manner, shot in the face from a distance of just inches, killing him instantly]. The link to Jamal's comments is prominently featured on the home page of the KGIA support website, within which the viewpoint of the school's supporters alleging, "hateful and false attacks by anti-Arab media and extremists…these racist and inaccurate attacks," appear to be in complete accord with the views of Jamal who claims that Almontaser was forced to resign by an attack led by "Racist and right-wing groups and media outlets," which "demonized" the former principal and the school. Given this level of animus, it should be no surprise that KGIA is a cause célèbre among the same coterie of leftist whack jobs and Islamists who maintain that Bush is Hitler, that al-Qaeda terrorists deserve the same Constitutional protection as American citizens and that cop killers should go free. That this effort is sponsored by a coalition of groups including the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] a listed unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation federal terror prosecution, also seems to go with the territory. |