October 22-26, 2007 During the week of October 22-26, 2007, the nation will be rocked by the biggest conservative campus protest ever – Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, a wake-up call for Americans on 200 university and college campuses. The purpose of this protest is as simple as it is crucial: to confront the two Big Lies of the political left: that George Bush created the war on terror and that Global Warming is a greater danger to Americans than the terrorist threat. Nothing could be more politically incorrect than to point this out. But nothing could be more important for American students to hear. In the face of the greatest danger Americans have ever confronted, the academic left has mobilized to create sympathy for the enemy and to fight anyone who rallies Americans to defend themselves. According to the academic left, anyone who links Islamic radicalism to the war on terror is an "Islamophobe. " According to the academic left, the Islamo-fascists hate us not because we are tolerant and free, but because we are "oppressors. " Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week is a national effort to oppose these lies and to rally American students to defend their country. Download Complete Guide [PDF] [HTML]
Schools to date at which the David Horowitz Freedom Center will be organizing Islamo-Fascism Awareness Weeks
Penn State
Temple University
Pace University
Arizona State University
UC Berkeley
George Mason University
Columbia University
Emory University
Georgia Tech University
Dartmouth University
University of Rhode Island
American University
Northeastern University
Columbus State Community College
Depaul University
Bates College University of Miami
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
University of New Haven
George Washington University
University of Virginia
Harvard University
Yale University
Cornell University
Princeton University
University of Pennsylvania
Brown University
Georgetown University
Stanford University
University of Washington
Ohio State University
Purdue University
Notre Dame University
University of Michigan – Dearborn
University of Pittsburgh
Cal State Northridge
Duke University
University of Colorado, Boulder
Santa Ana College
Regent University
Bradley University
Drury University
Washington University in St. Louis
Indiana State University
SUNY New Paltz
University of Texas, Austin
Unity College
Roger Williams University
Lawrence University
University of Delaware
Loras College
The College of New Jersey
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Broward Community College
Hampden-Sydney College
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
King's College
Bloomsburg University
UNC Chapel Hill
UC Irvine
University of Arizona
Florida State University
BYU – Idaho
Liberty University
Clemson University
University of Maine – Farmington
University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee
University of Alabama
Saint Francis University
Ohio State University
Drexel University
Dickinson College
Messiah College
Western New Mexico
University of Toledo
Furman University
UNC Greensboro
Franciscan University of Steubenville
UNC Charlotte
Rice University
Hillsdale College
Evangel University
Northern Arizona University
UNC Wilmington
Saint Anselm College
North Carolina State
Huntington University
Boise State University
University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
Kansas Wesleyan
Minneapolis Community and Technical College
Hanover College
University of Iowa
University of Texas – San Antonio
Williams College
Texas A&M
Palomar College
Trinity University
Brooklyn College
East Tennessee State University
Skyline College
Tulane University
Bucknell University
Southern Maine Community College
Washington State University
Cal State Fullerton
St. Mary's College of California
St. Louis University
Ben Gurion University
Haifa University
A Student's Guide to Hosting
Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week
October 22-26, 2007
During the week of October 22-26, 2007, the nation will be rocked by the biggest
conservative campus protest ever – Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, a wake-up call for
Americans on 200 university and college campuses.
The purpose of this protest is as simple as it is crucial: to confront the two Big Lies of the
political left: that George Bush created the war on terror and that Global Warming is a
greater danger to Americans than the terrorist threat. Nothing could be more politically
incorrect than to point this out. But nothing could be more important for American
students to hear. In the face of the greatest danger Americans have ever confronted, the
academic left has mobilized to create sympathy for the enemy and to fight anyone who
rallies Americans to defend themselves. According to the academic left, anyone who
links Islamic radicalism to the war on terror is an "Islamophobe." According to the
academic left, the Islamo-fascists hate us not because we are tolerant and free, but
because we are "oppressors."
Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week is a national effort to oppose these lies and to rally
American students to defend their country.
Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week will feature
Ø Memorial services for the victims of Islamic Terror both in America
and around the globe.
Ø A Student petition denouncing Islamo-Fascist violence against women,
gays, Christians, Jews and non-religious people.
Ø A Teach-In on "The Oppression of Women in Islam."
Ø Sit-ins in Women's Studies Departments and campus Women's
Centers to protest their silence about the oppression of women in Islam.
Ø Prominent speakers against Islamo-Fascism such as Ayan Hirsi Ali,
Mark Steyn, David Horowitz, Nonie Darwish, Christina Hoff Sommers,
Phyllis Chesler, Frank Gaffney and Daniel Pipes.
Ø Documentary films about the Islamo-Fascist crusade against America,
Israel and the West.
Ø Distribution of materials on Islamo-Fascism including the pamphlets
The Oppression of Women in Islam, The Islamic Mein Kampf, Why Israel
is the Victim, Jimmy Carter's War Against the Jews, and What Every
American Needs to Know About Jihad.
In the present campus climate, this program is bound be controversial. It will test
universities' claims to be politically open and intellectually diverse. Its goal will be to
refute the curriculum of the left, which teaches that America is the enemy in the war on
terror and the terrorists are "freedom fighters," whom progressives should support.
We expect that many universities will create impediments to the planned protests and
events, refuse necessary permits or room reservations, and otherwise demonstrate their
hypocrisy by failing to allow patriotic students a voice on campus. We hope to be proven
wrong, but past experience counsels otherwise. The David Horowitz Freedom Center will
enlist lawyers and alumni to help student organizers fight these battles.
If you are looking for a challenge this fall, if you want to break through the barrier of
politically-correct doublespeak that prevails on American campuses, if you want to help
our brave troops who are fighting the Islamo-Fascists abroad -- bring Islamo-Fascism
Awareness Week to your campus this October.
Agenda for Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week:
An Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week will consist of any one or several of the following
Ø A keynote speaker on Islamo-Fascism
Ø A panel on the Oppression of Women in Islam or any facet of the Islamo-
Fascist threat
Ø A showing of Suicide Killers, Obsession, or Islam: What the West Needs
to Know or the ABC mini-series The Path to 9/11
Ø A "sit-in" outside the offices of the Women's Studies Department
protesting the silence of feminists over the oppression of women in Islam
Ø A petition denouncing Islamo-Fascism and its violence against women,
gays, Christians, Jews and religious people
Ø A memorial service for the victims of Islamo-Fascist violence around the
Some student organizers will be eager to host several of these suggested events on
campus, combining them into a week-long Teach-In program. Others may feel that their
time only permits one or two events. Whatever your schedule, we encourage you to
participate in Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week to the extent that you are able. Even
hosting a film screening can go a long way towards waking up a campus to the threat we
To ensure that your participation in Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week gets the greatest
media exposure and attention possible, we strongly encourage you to appoint a
communications director/press secretary whose job it will be to attract campus and local
media attention. Communications directors will also work directly with our office to
promote these events. Current information on the Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week
events will be posted at www.terrorismawareness.org
It is important for each student group to request funds from Student Activities funds to
support Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week. Even if the request is denied, the battle over
these funds will focus attention on the political message of the protests and will generate
publicity for the events themselves.
Other Groups:
If there are other groups on campus who share your agendas, form a coordinating
committee to plan the events and deal with the media. As long as a screening or speaker
is billed as part of Islamo-Fascism Week, a group may sponsor an event under its own
auspices. Thus a campus College Republican club or Hillel could sponsor a panel or
speaker on a subject related to Islamo-Fascism under its own auspices so long as it is
willing to have it billed as part of Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week.
The Time Frame:
It is not necessary to confine the events strictly to the October 22-26 time frame. A
showing of The Path to 9/11 could be scheduled for the week or weekend before as part
of the build-up to the official "Week" and be included in the menu of events associated
with the week. A noted speaker could be scheduled for the week before or after and be
associated with its events.
Film Screenings:
One of the simplest ways to take part in Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week on your
campus is to host a screening of a film about Islamic radicals and their violent intentions
toward America and its citizens. The David Horowitz Freedom Center and its Terrorism
Awareness Project (TAP) will provide several films which can be screened on your
campus during Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week and will also provide you with sample
posters advertising the screening and talking points on each film. We encourage you to
show more than one of these films on your campus during the Week. We will provide
organizers with a DVD copy of each movie that you plan to screen free of charge.
We also encourage you to invite a local radio host or other local figure to introduce the
film and possibly moderate a discussion on it afterwards. A film screening can be
combined with a panel discussion (see below).
Films Available for Screenings:
Suicide Killers
Description: French-Algerian filmmaker Pierre Rehov risks his life to interview terrorists
carrying out suicide bombings against Israeli civilians. Pierre speaks with the terrorists
and their families in the Palestinian areas, visits terrorist training camps, interviews
convicted suicide bombers (obviously they failed to carry out their missions) inside
Israeli jails, and interviews their Jewish and Arab victims. This astounding documentary
shows first-hand that terrorists are created not by Israeli or American foreign policy, but
by the repression, lack of democratic freedom, and poverty of Arab societies. A must-see
for anyone who wishes to understand the sources of Islamic terrorism: Islamic societies
Islam: What the West Needs to Know
Description: Virtually every major Western leader has over the past several years
expressed the view that Islam is a peaceful religion and that those who commit violence
in its name are fanatics who misinterpret its tenets. This claim, while widely circulated,
rarely attracts serious public examination.
Using original interviews, citations from Islamic texts, Islamic artwork, computeranimated
maps, footage of Western leaders, and Islamic television broadcasts, Islam:
What the West Needs to Know reveals the violent, expansionary ideology of the so called
"religion of peace" that seeks the destruction or subjugation of other faiths, cultures, and
systems of government.
The Path to 9/11 (longer film—may require two nights for screening)
Description: This controversial ABC miniseries dramatizes the 1993 World Trade Center
attack and the events leading up to the terrorist attack of September 11th. Due to pressure
from Bill Clinton and his supporters, ABC was forced to edit out several crucial scenes
before the broadcast. While this miniseries may never be released, we are lucky to have
the full, unedited version intended for broadcast on DVD.
Description: The acclaimed documentary Obsession uses unique footage from Arab
television to create an ‘insiders' view of the hatred Islamic radicals are teaching in the
Middle East, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. The
film features interviews with Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Alan Dershowitz, a former
PLO terrorist, and even a former Hitler Youth commander.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center and its Terrorism Awareness Project will provide a
copy of each film you plan to screen on DVD, posters advertising the event (you will fill
in date/time/place), a summary of talking points, and an authorization form allowing you
to screen the film.
What you need to do: Reserve a room to show the film and publicize the screening on
campus. Sample posters will be provided by the Terrorism Awareness Project (TAP) and
posted at www.terrorismawareness.org. Request a copy of the DVD from Jeffrey Weiner
at 800-752-6562, ext. 206 or at [email protected]. Consider cosponsoring
a screening with your campus Hillel chapter or with the College Democrats or
other groups. This will help to increase your audience and you can suggest that a panel
discussion follow the film that will debate the points-of-view offered.
Panel Discussions and Speakers:
Hosting a panel discussion on campus is an excellent way to reach out to the broader
campus community. By including a diverse array of views on your panel, you will make
attendance more appealing to campus groups that disagree with you and will silence
critics who claim that you are not interested in a real debate on these controversial issues.
If you want to bring in a non-local speakers or someone prominent who charges a
speaking fee, you should first apply to your student government to request funds. Even if
you suspect that the student government will turn down your request for political reasons,
you should still take this step, as it will prove the hypocrisy of your university's claim to
be committed to intellectual diversity and academic freedom.
You should also apply to groups like Young America's Foundation and the Leadership
Institute to request help in funding a speaker for Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week.
Consider co-sponsoring a screening with your campus Hillel chapter or with the College
Democrats or other groups who have an interest in this topic. Encourage them to invite
speakers to participate in the panel who will take an opposing view. By pooling funding,
you can bring in more prominent speakers and the event will gain greater legitimacy from
the diversity of viewpoints offered.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center and its program, the Terrorism Awareness Project
(TAP), will provide help in obtaining speakers and moderators, materials such as films
and pamphlets, and general assistance. Contact Jeffrey Weiner at 800-752-6562, ext. 206