May 10, 2007 - San Francisco, CA - - Imam Fouad Elbayly is stepping down two weeks after he issued a fatwa against an ex-Muslim critic of Islam, "If you come into the faith, you must abide by the laws, and when you decide to defame it deliberately, the sentence is death."
Elbayly also warned that there could be violence by his congregants at the Islamic Center of Johnstown "I'm trying to control my people here...I don't want them to get hot and cause trouble." brought the nature of Elbayly's terrorist threat to the public in a series of articles:
In an unconvincing effort at damage control, the Islamic Center's lawyer Dennis J. Stofko wrote a letter to the local paper which claimed that, "The board and members of the Islamic Center of Johnstown were shocked and regret the comments made by Imam Elbayly…"
For his part Elbayly also offered a half-hearted apology - "I was mistaken in my understanding of that issue. I misspoke and I apologize" - which is understandable given that both he and the center might now likely be under the scrutiny of law enforcement.
Significantly, Elbayly has not publicly rescinded his fatwa calling for the Islam critic's death.
With or without Elbayly, the Islamic Center of Johnstown remains a security concern. It is a radical institution which practices jihad through conversion [da'wa], considering non-Muslims to be inferior until they accept Islam.
Declarations by the ICJ's attorneys or congregants that they do not share Elbayly's fundamentalism - now that he has been outed - strain credulity.
Contact information for the mosque appears on a hard-core fundamentalist web page[] which links to Islamist web sites that provide "a list of organizations where you can obtain Da'wah materials and books worldwide."
In addition to ICJ, the following groups also appear:
Al Haramain, whose operations were closed down by the US Treasury Department and Saudi Arabia for being "terrorist financiers."
The Islamic Propagation Centre International [IPCI] whose founder Ahmed Deedat has admitted to being funded by bin-Laden and boasted that he met him many times]
WAMY [World Assembly of Muslim Youth], MWL [The Muslim World League IANA [The Islamic Assembly of North America] all of which have been raided and members arrested in connection with the funding of terrorism.
While imam Elbayly is no longer the public face of the ICJ, the radical Islamist agenda of the Islamic Center of Johnstown remains and can not be mitigated by a lawyer's disclaimer or the now ex-Imam's ludicrous assertion that he "misspoke" regarding opinions he repeated several times.
Though the imam is now laying low Elbayly's "people" at the Islamic Center of Johnstown still might "get hot and cause trouble," like the kind that was being planned against Fort Dix.
This is what the papers wrote: Although the event passed without incident, Hirsi Ali was not a welcome guest to all in the community. Islamic leaders tried unsuccessfully to convince university officials to cancel her appearance, arguing that her attacks against Muslims are "poisonous." Imam Fouad ElBayly, president of the Islamic Center of Johnstown, feared her mere presence would incite violence. He said that in the eyes of the Islamic community, Hirsi Ali's rejection of her Muslim faith and "all of her lies" warrant a death sentence. He worried that someone would try to carry it out. "I'm trying to control my people here. I don't want people to get hot and cause trouble," said ElBayly, whose community includes an active core of about 30 families and a number of others who attend occasional services and programs. "We have no capacity to execute a sentence, but her sentence would be death for turning on her religion to make a profit and for speaking out against it."
Imam Fouad ElBayly, president of the Johnstown Islamic Center, was among those who objected to Hirsi Ali's appearance. "She has been identified as one who has defamed the faith. If you come into the faith, you must abide by the laws, and when you decide to defame it deliberately, the sentence is death," said ElBayly, who came to the U.S. from Egypt in 1976.
posted at 10:34 pm on April 23, 2007 by Bryan
Sunday I posted about the Pittsburgh imam who said that Ayaan Hirsi Ali must die for leaving Islam. Today, a Jihad Watch reader picked up a phone and called the imam.
I called the number and someone picked up and said hello. I said I was calling with regard to Imam Fouad ElBayly.
The person on the other end said, "Speaking." (!!!!) Me: Is this Imam Fouad ElBayly?
ElBayly: Speaking. Me: I understand that you called for the murder of Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
ElBayly: Oh no no, that was not correct.
Me: I have the quote right here. You said, "She has been identified as one who has defamed the faith. If you come into the faith, you must abide by the laws, and when you decide to defame it deliberately, the sentence is death."
ElBayly: Yes, but that is not my word. That is the call of God.
Me: So you said that.
ElBayly: Before anybody gets into the relations with Islam [I couldn't type fast enough to type everything he said] … you don't get into the relationship with Islam […] what Ali did is called corruption on earth. It is worse than murder. She was disturbing the peace. That is not a peaceful life.
Note that the Islamic Center in Johnstown PA whose Imam just called for death to apostates is listed as a da'wa (Islamic propagation center) together with groups like Al Haramain which was shut down at the insistence of the U.S. government because of ties to Al Qaeda. Da'wah Materials . Below is a list of organisations where you can obtain Da'wah materials and books worldwide:
Aisha Bawany Waqf - Pakistan Bawany Islamic Literature (trust) Ltd. Begum Aisha Bawany Waqf 3rd Floor, Bank House #1 Habib Square M.A. Jinnah Road Karachi, Pakistan Ph. 221971 Notes: It takes three months to receive books from them since they send by Sea Mail.
Alavi Foundation - US 500 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor, New York, NY 10110
Al Birr - UK Various Free materials, including Qur'an copies 106 Church Road Leyton E10 6NF, United Kingdom tel: 0208 558 1328, fax: 0208 556 3355
Al-Muntada - UK Contact them for a list of free materials 7 Bridges Place Parsons Green London SW6 4HW te;: 0207 736 9060 fax: 0207 736 4255 email: [email protected]
An-Nasr - UK Leaflets on Islam and Science Ansar House 8 Ledgers Road Slough, Berkshire SL1 2QX tel/fax: 01753 550 788 email: [email protected]
Centro Islamico de Traduccionn (C.I.T.) - US An organization which helps Spanish Muslims to get accurate information about Islam. To any Spanish speaking person who is interested in Islam, they distribute free Islamic literature in Spanish. 21 Oak terr. #6F, Somerville, NJ 08876 U.S.A. Email: [email protected]
Daar of Islamic Heritage - US P.O. Box 831415 Miami, Florida 33283
IANA - US 601 S. LaSalle Building 6th Floor, Suite K-213 Chicago, IL 60605, USA
Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) - US 166-26, 89th Ave Jamaica, NY 11432 Tel (718) 658-1199 Fax (718) 658-1255 WWW URL: Notes: For the Campus Da'wah Support program of ICNA, go to
Islamic Cultural Centre - UK Books and Publications Department 146 Park Road London NW8 7RG United Kingdom 0207 725 2210 [email protected] Contact them for a list of FREE materials
International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) - US P.O. Box 669, 555 Grove St., Herndon, VA 22070-4705 Phone: 703-471-1133 Fax: 703-471-3922 Notes: Items related to Islamic management training, Islamization of Thought, etc. available.
Institute of Islamic Information and Education (III&E) - US 4390 N. Elston ave, Chicago, IL 60641-0129 Phone: 773-777-7443 Fax: 773-777-7199 Email: [email protected] URL: Postal address: P.O. Box 41129, Chicago, IL 60641-0129 USA Notes: Can order numerous pamphlets on Islam, etc.
Institute for Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America (IIASA) - US 8500 Hilltop road Fairfax, VA 22031 USA
International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO) - US Regional Office for the Americas P.O. BOX 8612, Washington, D.C. 20036
Islamic Center of Southern California - US 434 S. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90020 (213) 384-5783 The Islamic Center of Southern California has books available at subsidized cost.
Islamic Center of Johnstown - US P.O.Box 5192, Johnstown, PA 15904 Phone: (814) 266-6484 Fax: (814) 266-9371 Email: [email protected] URL: Provides FREE books to the interested persons for Da'wah purposes. Recently published Dr. H. M. Baagil's book "Christian Muslim dialouge," It can be ordered from the above center for FREE distribution. Special offer for 100 copies is $110.00 Post Paid. Please send a personal/cashier's cheque, money order in the name of ISLAMIC CENTER OF JOHNSTOWN to the above address. Delivery within a few weeks.
Dawah Academy, International Islamic University - Pakistan c/o Dr. Anis Ahmad, General Director Dawah Academy, International Islamic University, P.O.Box 1485, Islamabad, Pakistan
Alharamain Foundation - Saudi Arabia P.O.Box: 92684, Riyadh 11663, Saudi Arabia Phone: 96614652210 Fax: 96614623306 Email: [email protected] URL: Notes: Free literature, are available in limited quantities, therefore please limit your request to one (1) order per person. Please be sure to give us your complete mailing address so that we may correctly respond to your orders either by post or E-mail. Any requests sent trough e-mails will be rejected, So please make sure to fill in the "Order Form" on the web page.
Islamic Information Foundation - Canada 8 Laurel Lane, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3M 2P6 Canada
Islamic Propagation Centre International - South Africa PO Box 2439, Durban 4000, RSA or 4th Floor, 124 Queen St., Durbon 4001, RSA Phone: (27-31) 306-0026/7
United Kingdom: 434 Coventry Road Small Heath Birmingham B10 0UG tel: 0121 773 0137, fax: 0121 766 8577 email: [email protected] Their literature is absolutely free of charge. Comparative religion and various leaflets and books on Islam. You may have to pay for postage but that can be waived you can't afford it. Plus they provide you with nice and authentic Ahmed Deedat literature.
Khoe Foundation - US 89-89 Van Dyke Expressway Jamaica, NY 11435
King Fahd Holy Qur'an Printing Complex - Saudi Arabia P.O. Box 3561, Al Madinah Al-Munawarah Saudi Arabia Distibutor of copies of the Holy Qur'an. The translation is Yusuf Ali's, ann English-Arabic edition is an updated translation by a number of committees headed up by the Ifta Research and Guidance group in Saudi Arabia. The original Arabic is also included. Various translations (Turkish, Urdu, Somali, Chinese, Peshto, Bengali, etc.) are available. Contact a local Saudi Embassy or Consulate for more information. The phone # of the Saudi Embassy is: (202) 342-3800 The department to contact is the Islamic Affairs Division. They will ask you to fax a letter at the following fax #: (202) 944-5982 You may want to just fax them the request to simplify things. You can also write to them at: Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Islamic Affairs Division 601 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20087 URL: / - Islamic Affairs Division They also have an on-line order form at
The Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore - Singapore URL: The Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore provides free Islamic publications for convert Muslims (ie. new Muslim brothers and sisters). These publications can also be used for da'wah purposes. Those with genuine needs, please feel free to email [email protected] (Mohamed Nassir, Executive Officer - Missionary). For more information on our organisation, please visit their website.
Muslim World League (MWL) P.O. Box 537 Makkah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia tel: 536-3995 In Canada: Muslim World League - Office 191 The West Mall #1018, Etobicoke, ON M9C 5K8 Canada Phone: 416-622-2184 Fax: 416-622-2618
Qur'an Account Inc. - US c/o A.S. Hashim, M.D. Free Islamic books to the LIBRARIES OF PRISONS ONLY: Requests by chaplains for the free Islamic books to the libaries of prisons should be written to: 6407 Tuckerman Lane, Rockville, MD 20852
Royal Books - US P.O. BOX 742063, Houston, TX 77274-2063, USA Office: 4100 Westheimer Rd, Suite 244, Houston, TX 77027, USA Phone: (713) 621-8687 (Houston) or (512) 453-8613 (Austin) Fax: (713) 629-9627 Email: [email protected] URL:
Al Talib (Muslim Student Association of UCLA Newspaper) - US 210 Kerckhoff Hall 308 Westwood Plaza Los Angeles, CA 90024 USA
UKIM - United Kingdom Islamic Mission - UK UKIM Dawah Centre 401-403 Alum Rock Road Birmingham B8 1BR, United Kingdom tel: 0207 387 2158, fax: 0207 383 0867 email: [email protected]
World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) Saudi Arabia Branch office at Jeddah : WAMY, P. O. Box 8856, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Tel. : (02) 689-1962 WAMY US: P.O.Box 8096 Falls Church, VA 22041 Phone: 703-931-7239 Fax : 703-931-7253 Free Islamic materials (books and pamphlets) from World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY). Also free copes of Qur'an WAMY Headquarters at Riyadh : Wamy, P. O. Box 10845, Riyadh 11443, Saudi Arabia Tel. : (01) 464-1669/465-5431, from the other pamphlet : Tel. : (01) 464-1663, 464-3281, Fax. : (01) 464-1710