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Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > MIM Press Release:"Muslims Only Day" at Six Flags Amusement Park? Protest discrimination on NJ state property

MIM Press Release:"Muslims Only Day" at Six Flags Amusement Park? Protest discrimination on NJ state property

September 15, 2004

"Muslims Only Day" at Six Flags Amusement Park?

"Militant Islam Monitor" has learned that a "Great Muslim Adventure Day" is scheduled to be held on September 17, 2004 at the Six Flags Amusement Park in Jackson , New Jersey. The event is sponsored by the Muslim Youth Division of the Islamic Circle of North America and by the Muslim American Society, two of the largest Muslim organizations in America.

A website indicates that this promises to be the "First Time Ever- All Day - Entire Park Exclusively for Muslims!" The sponsors expect the event to draw more then 10,000 attendees. http://www.icnanj.org/sixflags/

The exclusionary nature of the event, which disallows anyone but Muslims from being present on the fairgrounds, raises questions about the legality of permitting only members of one faith in what is a public venue.

For more information on ICNA and MAS see: http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/216

As Dr. Daniel Pipes has pointed out at http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/316:

The New Jersey branch of the Islamic Circle of North America ("The organization of Islamic Workers!") announces that today is "The Great Muslim Adventure Day" at the local Six Flags Great Adventure park. Not only is "This event is designed to provide entertainment for the entire family!" not only will Imam Zaid Shakir lead the Friday prayers at 2 p.m., and not only will the comedy routine "Allah Made Me Funny" show twice, but "Alhamdulillah, the entire park is reserved for Muslims only!" One wonders how the organizers know who is a Muslim or not. Need one recite the shahada to enter the fairgrounds? It is scandalous that Six Flags – a publicly held corporation whose stock trades on the NYS'E – allows such a restriction for access to its property.

Militant Islam Monitor calls on the management of Six Flags Amusement Park to disallow this discrimination on its property. And MIM calls on the State of New Jersey to cancel this "Muslims Only" event.

www.militantislammonitor is a research and information source for the public and the media

The public relations director for Six Flags is Debbie Nauser at : 405 475 2500 Ext. 288


For more information on the Islamic Circle of North America and the Muslim American Society See :


Muslim Youth Leader Tayabb Yunus at ICNA 2000 Conference: "Now is the time to send your children to Jihad in Chechyna " http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/274

" New Jersey Imam ( Mazan Mokhtar) with terrorist ties (Al Qaeda) was slated speaker at ICNA/ MAS Muslim Youth Camp"


" Florida Trail of Terror "

Information on the Islamic Circle of North America - Muslim Youth - and the ICNA/ MAS ties to terrorism Florida



The mission statement of the Islamic Circle of North America is illustrated by the events at their Philadelphia 2003 conference giving Muslims "ammunition" for Da'wa (converting people to Islam) and urging them to avoid the "glamourous" and "independent" life of North America.


The Muslim Youth Jihad Camp registration form below speaks for itself .

moving together into the future...
It is that time of the year when ICNA & MAS workers invite Muslims living in North America to convene at a central location and ponder upon the critical issues facing the Muslims in particular and Humanity in general.

WhyIslam Dawah Arena
ICNA-MAS Convention will feature an open air WhyIslam Dawah Arena at Liberty Bell Park in Philadelphia on July 4th and 5th. A reading of "Bill of Rights" will be conducted. Plan to attend the convention and be part of the history.

You can volunteer for this activity. Email us at [email protected]

This is the meeting where Islamic workers get their ammunition for another year to face the challenges of Dawah work in North America.

This is the place where Young Muslims come together to share their experiences of one whole year and learn some more tools to face the challenges of the life in North America.

This is the occasion when Muslim sisters join each others hands once again to strengthen their bond of Islamic sisterhood and make sure not to give in to the so called 'glamorous' and 'independent' life of North America.

This is the place where Muslim brothers/sisters bring their resources together to share the pains and sufferings of Muslim Ummah.


List of confirmed speakers (so far)
Sheikh Abdool Rahman
Ambassador Murad Hoffman
Lord Nazir Ahmad
Prof. Sulayman Nyang
Imam Khalid Griggs
Dr. Agha Saeed
Imam Shabbir Ally
Imam Siraj Wahhaj
Imam Zaid Shakir
Dr. Ihsan Bagby
Dr. Suheil Ghannouchi
Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed
Dr. Salah Sultan
Dr. Ahmed Turkistani
Dr. Zahid Bukhari
Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Shah
Sister Amma Shabaz
Brother Naeem Baig

Dr. Talat Sultan
Dr. Muhammed Yunus
Dr. Ibrahim Negem
Dr. Hassanuddin Ahmed
Sheikh Shakir El-Sayed
Mr. William Baker
Sheikh Mokhtar Maghroui
Suhaib Webb
Dr. Khalid Blankenship
Dr. Iqbal Masood An-Nadvi
Shaikh Ali Sulayman Ali
Imam Mohamed Magid
Mohamed Rida Bashir
Dr. Ekram Bashir
Dr. Zahida Saif
Mahdi Bray
Imam Saadullah Khan
Sh. Mohammad Joban
Imam Zaid Malik

Pre 9/11 Muslim Youth Jihad Camp in 2001


August 20th - 26th


"Jihad is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike something which is good for you and that you like something which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know"
-Surat-al-Baqarah(2), ayah 216

"Thus, when they speak about Jihaad, they speak clumsily and mix up the various stages, distorting the whole concept of Jihaad and deriving from the Qur'anic verses final principles and generalities for which there is no justification. This is because they regard every verse of the Qur'an as if it were the final principle of this deen..." [read more]
-Syed Qutb

Our Jihad Camp will help educate the youth and provide them with the proper understanding of the concept of Jihad. This camp is for brothers with ages ranging from 14 to 25 years. The cost of the camp is $200 and includes transportation (if you travel with us), food, and accommodations. Attendees must also have the waiver form filled and signed. Many knowledgeable people will come and teach us. Many important lessons await.

Sign up now!


  1. Fill out application form on the bottom of the screen
  2. Print out and fill the waiver form
  3. Read the material on this web page
  4. You will be contacted via e-mail and phone about your status of acceptance
  5. If you are accepted, you will be given further information at that time. You must bring the camp fee and the waiver form with you, they will be collected before departure.

These brothers will help accommodate people from their respective regions to get to camp. You can also get information by e-mailing your questions, comments, or concerns to [email protected].

Waqar Rehman (215) 742-6578

Umar Alam: (917) 660-3596
Asim Ranginwala: (914) 646-5095
Habeeb Hussaini: (718) 926-3028
Azmath Hussaini: (917) 678-8196

OmerChoudry: (201) 332-2933
WaheedAkbar: (201) 432-3402
Shoaib Hashmi: (201) 921-5484
Atif Kidwai: (201) 966-3965

Natheer Kareem: (301) 990-0014
Karim Baz: (240) 602-6401

  • Archery
  • Paintball
  • Hiking
  • Basketball
  • Wrestling
  • Swimming
  • Lectures
  • Workshops
  • Brotherhood Building
  • Conflict Resolution

  1. Registration Fees
  2. Signed Waiver form
  3. Sleeping Bag
  4. Pillow
  5. Toothbrush
  6. Toothpaste
  7. Soap
  8. Shampoo
  9. Deodorant
  10. Towel
  11. Poncho (long raincoat)
  12. Flashlight (w/ Batteries)
  13. Insect Repellant
  14. Thick clothes (for paintball)
  15. Swimming trunks (please cover your Aura)
  16. Sports equipment (optional)
  17. Lota (optional)
  • Imam Siraj Wahaj
  • Br. Saffet Catovic
  • Imam Abdul Malik
  • Br. Salman Ali
  • Br. Shahid Farooqi
  • Sheikh Ibrahim Negm
  • Br. Obeydullah Choudry
  • Br. Faraz Iqbal
  • Imam Anwar Abdul-Muhaimin
  • Br. Ammar Ateya
  • Imam Al-Amin Abdul Latif

The word Jihad conjures up the vision of a marching band of religious fanatics with savage beards and fiery eyes brandishing drawn swords and attacking the infidels wherever they meet them and pressing them under the edge of the sword for the recital of Kalima...[read more]
-Maulana Maududi

To view the flyer for Jihad Camp, click here

Submitting this form does not mean acceptance to the camp. We will review the list of applicants and make our best judgment on which applicant is deserving or suitable. There are 50 seats available. Date of application will affect heavily on the decision. We will contact you by e-mail. Brothers only.
First Name Last Name
City State
E-Mail Address Phone Number
Please state in three sentences or less, why you want to come to this camp.
Date of Birth Month- Date- Year- 19
Guardian's First Name Guardian's Last Name
Daytime Phone No. Evening Phone No.
If you have any allergies or medical conditions, please write them down here (put down "none" if you don't have any allergies)

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