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Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Abu Hamza Al Masri encouraged followers to become suicide bombers "on your own doorstep" Abu Hamza Al Masri encouraged followers to become suicide bombers "on your own doorstep"August 2, 2004 MIM: Abu Hamza Al Masri was jailed in April 2004 due to pressure from the United States on Britain. He spent years openly recruiting Jihad fighters and aiding and abetting the Taliban exploiting the UK's tolerance for terrrorism which earned the capital the name 'Londinistan'. The US is requesting his extradition to stand trial for his role in the bombing of the USS Cole and the case is pending. To date Al Masri has been given until 2005 to file an appeal. Below are two recent articles revealing that Al Masri was actively encouraging his followers to become suicide bombers in the UK. Abu Hamza Al Masri is a co founder of the group Al Muhajiroun and Hizb ut Tahrir and a close associate of the AM leader Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammed. (The Al Muhajiroun spokesman for North America, Kamran Bokhari, is currently active in two Muslim organisations in the U.S where he is a secretary of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists ,and a fellow at the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy. In addition, Bokhari is completing a degree at Howard University, and is employed as a geo political analyst for Strategic Forecasting Incorporated, a private intelligence group based owned by George Friedman and based in Austin, Texas. While a student at Southwest Missouri State University Bokhari invited the head of Al Muhajiroun, Anjem Choudary, (see website registration below) to speak as part of a symposium on Islam .) Bokhari now refers to himself as a "post Islamist" but his current affiliations to the Islamist AMSS and CSID belie this claim. The group planned a rally in the US on July 31st but no venue was specified . For information on Kamran Bokhari and Al Muhajroun in the US see: http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/214 http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/227 http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/95 http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abu Hamza Al Masri was the leader of the Finsbury Park mosque and aided and abetted Zacarias Moussaui, 'shoebomber' Richard Reid, and James Ujaama, who is currently in jail in the US on terrorism charges and his involvement with the Taliban. In 2003 the mosque was linked to terrorism and Hamza was banned from entering the premises .He continued preaching on the street outside to his followers until his arrest. As of this wrting his congregants still gather outside the mosque and continue to conduct their prayers on the street . Which begs the question until how long before one of Hamza's followers decides to heed his call to become a martyr "on your own doorstep". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26/04/04 - News and city section http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/articles/10435134?source=Evening%20Standard Hamza's suicide bombings call New controversy surrounded radical Muslim preacher Abu Hamza today with the publication of secret tapes calling for suicide bombers to launch a holy war in Britain. In a series of recordings sent to his most dedicated followers, the hook-handed cleric encourages bombers to become martyrs "on your own doorstep".
The tapes were obtained by investigative officer Neil Doyle and form the basis of his book Terror Tracker. They are revealed on the day of Hamza's latest court appeal against a bid to throw him out of the country.
Home Secretary David Blunkett considers the north London cleric to be a serious threat to national security. He wants his British citizenship to be revoked.
But police have never had enough evidence to support Hamza's deportation. His public speeches, delivered every Friday outside Finsbury Park mosque, are worded carefully to avoid committing a criminal offence by calling for direct terrorist acts.
The tapes, however, which are sent to people who have attended meetings or contacted Hamza via the internet, are uncensored.
Recorded between 2000 and 2002, they use a number of Islamic phrases such as shaheed (meaning martyr) and jihad (holy war).
One message says: "Our immediate duty now is to correct our own homeland. You don't have to travel thousands and thousands of miles to become a shaheed - you can be shaheed right on your own doorstep. This is the best jihad."
Hamza calls for all Israelis over the age of 15 to be killed and accuses President George Bush and Tony Blair of killing millions of children. He mocks the September 11 attacks against America and says that Islam must strive for world domination. He also boasts that he does not have papers to be in Britain, and says that followers should forge passports.
The latest round in Hamza's bid to stay in Britain was getting under way today at a hearing of the Special Immigration Appeals Commission. It was beginning with legal arguments before a full hearing, which is expected to last three weeks.
Labour MP Andrew Dismore, who has campaigned for Hamza to be deported, said: "These tapes reveal the truth and confirm what a lot of us have been saying for some time. They show that he is a racist, anti-semitic and a supporter of terrorism. I hope the judges in his latest case come up with the right response to this appeal."
The Egyptian-born cleric came to Britain as a student and obtained UK citizenship when he married a British woman he has since divorced. He was a resident preacher at Finsbury Park mosque until it was shut down after a police raid in January last year.
26/04/04 - News and city section http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/articles/10435138?source=Evening%20Standard 'Bring jihad to your own door' Suicide bombings
Hamza says it is his followers' destiny to become "shaheed" (martyrs) and bring jihad (holy war) to "your own door".
"We ask Allah to make us mujahideen (holy warriors). We ask Allah to make us shaheed. Our immediate duty now is to correct our own homeland. So let us open our eyes, let us not go for jihad which is far away from our countries.
"Although it is good it is not as good as you do in your own door. You don't have to travel thousands and thousands of miles to become a shaheed - you can be shaheed right on your own doorstep. May Allah open our eyes for what's good for us - so we don't waste our Muslim blood far away."
Forging passports "I don't have papers ... you're all clever, you can make papers for yourself. This is also a part of jihad, this is part of the preparation."
On world domination
"The real weapons of mass destruction are the desire for martyrdom. Millions of you are ready to be shaheed. Half a million martyrdom shaheed is enough for Muslims to control the whole of earth forever. In the end of the day, Islam must control earth, whether we like it or not."
"All the Israelis are fighters. That's why anybody over 15 is a warrior and he should be killed
... It's about exposing these Zionist Jews who are now
On Israel doing the work of Hitler against ourselves and the nation."
On September 11
"Wherever you are, death will catch up with you - even if you are in high elevated safe towers.
"Where is their Superman? Who is to blame? The American government and their pressure cooker policy which exploded in their faces."
He adds later: "These scenes are going to repeat."
On Bush and Blair
"The people who are spreading terror all over the planet, the people who have killed millions of children. They starve people, they've caused a lot of corruption and they're still going to do more and more."
http://virtuallyislamic.blogspot.com/2004_04_01_virtuallyislamic_archive.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIM: Al Masri defense lawyer alleges possible torture of informants to dismiss U.S. extradition request for cleric who encouraged his followers to become suicide bombers and dispatched followers Richard Reid , Zacharias Mossoaui, and James Ujaama to attack America . Note that James Ujaama, the American convert from Seattle, who is now jailed in the US on terrorism charges was a follower of Al Masri and is mentioned in the article below as having provided evidence for the prosecution leading to Masri's arrest. There are videotapes available showing Ujaama speaking at the Finsbury Park mosque in London where Al Masri was the leader .It is believed that Al Masri was instrumental in putting Ujaama in contact with Al Qaeda and sending him to a training camp in Afghanistan. http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000102&sid=a9eJSvODZtpU&refer=uk
U.S. Can't Extradite Cleric Al-Masri, His Lawyer Says By Liz Chong July 23 (Bloomberg) -- Abu Hamza al-Masri, a Muslim cleric accused of ties with Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist group, cannot be extradited to the U.S. because evidence to be used against him may have been obtained by torture, his lawyers said. U.S. authorities claim Al-Masri was involved in a 1998 hostage-taking plot in Yemen and tried to set up a training camp in Oregon for radical Muslims advocating "jihad," or holy war. The U.S., which hasn't disclosed the identities of the witnesses it's using against the cleric, may have obtained its evidence from a detainee at Guantanamo naval base in Cuba, a possible violation of the U.K.'s Human Rights Act, Edward Fitzgerald QC, Al-Masri's lawyer, told the court. The U.S. is holding more than 500 people from 40 countries at the base. "This is a situation where there is every likelihood that evidence has been obtained by torture, inhumane or degrading treatment," Fitzgerald said. The U.S. may have also obtained evidence from James Ujaama, who signed a plea bargain agreement with the U.S., Fitzgerald said. The cleric, who wears an eye patch and has a hooked prosthesis in place of an arm he lost while fighting Soviet forces in Afghanistan, has described himself as a Taliban sympathizer. He has said the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were justified because of the oppression of Muslims. Yemen Charge Al-Masri agreed that the charges related to hostage-taking in Yemen were ones he could be extradited for, Fitzgerald said. However, U.K. legislation bars authorities from handing Al-Masri over unless they are assured he won't be executed. The U.S. government couldn't guarantee that Al-Masri wouldn't face the death penalty over the incident, he said. "All the U.S. government can do is go to the state court and say, `please don't do anything like this,"' Fitzgerald said. The British police had already investigated the kidnapping incident in Yemen and decided not to press any charges, Fitzgerald said. He told Justice Timothy Workman that Al-Masri wouldn't have a fair trial in the U.S. James Lewis QC, acting for the U.S., said it wasn't the judge's role to decide if Al-Masri would have a fair trial. Lewis said he would respond to Fitzgerald's submissions on the death penalty and evidence when the extradition hearing is next held. Al-Masri was arrested May 27 and has since been held in high- security Belmarsh prison in south-east London. Attorney General John Ashcroft has said he was confident al-Masri will be extradited to the U.S. The court will sit next on Aug. 20. James Ujaama, An American al Qaida Operative, Speaks at Finsbury Park Mosque....3.22MB You can read a bushcountry story about it Celebrate Death, Have Some Milk and Honey! 2.64MB More information about Abu Hamza, Mustapha Kamal, and the links between Supporters of Shariah/Finsbury Park Mosque, and terrorism in Yemen and elsewhere. "If Muslims cannot just take them and sell them in the market, then just kill them. It's OK"2.21MB Background information about Abu Hamza --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note the connection between Abu Hamza Al Masri and Al Muhajiroun leaders Omar Bakri Mohammed and Anjem Choudary : -------------------------------------- http://haganah.org.il/jihadi/spawn.html