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Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Voz de Aztlan: Hispanofacist groups laud suicide bombers- sees immigration protests as beginning of demographic takeover of U.S.

Voz de Aztlan: Hispanofacist groups laud suicide bombers- sees immigration protests as beginning of demographic takeover of U.S.

April 30, 2006

MIM: Voz de Aztlan is the website of a Hispanofacist groups MEChA and La Raza, who openly proclaim their goal is to 'Hispanicise' the United States and create a Nation of Aztlan in it's place. These Hispano facists are using the current immigration protests as the vanguard of a Hispanic takeover of the United States (by the 'brown and bronze races'), starting with California and the Southwest, which they intend to 'reclaim' as their falsified 'spiritual and territorial legacy,in the same way Nazi Germany intended to forge the 'Third Reich' by conquering all of Europe as a prelude to world domination. The slogan of the movement epitomises their Hispano supremacist agenda;

"For the race everything. For those outside the race, nothing".

Writer William Hawkins characterised the illegal alien campaign as an "Immigration War" ;

"...Some demonstrators have raised the issue of "La Reconquista" of the American Southwest by Mexican immigrants. This is most often expressed in signs that read "we didn't cross the border, the border crossed us." It is taught in Mexican schools that what are now the states of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California , and Utah, along with parts of Colorado and Wyoming, were "stolen" from Mexico between 1836 and 1848 by American imperialists and will one day be regained. Ironically, the revolt that won Texas independence was staged by colonists and "guest workers" originally invited into the territory by the Mexican government. But the threat to American independence is not limited to the Southwest, as illegals do not all stay in the border areas. They spread out across the United States. Thus, the political aim of those mobilizing the immigrants is to take national power in Washington and change the course of American destiny..." http://frontpagemagazine.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=22156


For a detailed explanation on the groups cited above see: "What is Aztlan,Raza and MEChA" "http://www.mayorno.com/WhoIsMecha.html

According to "Discover the Network:

"...La Voz de Aztlán (The Voice of Aztlán) is the Internet publication, or webzine, of the Nation of Aztlán, a secessionist organization based in Whittier, California. The organization's chief objective, as reflected in La Voz de Aztlán (henceforth, La Voz), is the formation of a country named Aztlán, which would be composed of present-day Mexico, parts of Oklahoma, and the entirety of Texas, New Mexico, California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. According to La Voz and the group that established it, "Aztlán" was the name of the Aztec homeland that supposedly existed in Mexico and the Southwestern United States prior to the Spanish conquest of 1519. The group now seeks to recapture this territory that it claims was "stolen" by white America. But in point of fact, the American Southwest was not stolen from Mexico. Following the Mexican-American War, the Mexican government legally ceded this territory to the United States in 1848. Nor has a place called "Aztlán" ever existed; it was the invention of radical Latino activists in the early 1970s.

La Voz, which launched its operations on January 1, 2000, is managed and edited by Hector Carreon, an engineer by training and a former member of the radical Brown Berets. Carreon is also the founder and current leader of the Nation of Aztlán. Other La Voz staff writers include Miroslava Flores and Ernesto Cienfuegos. The publication has earned a reputation for its virulent hatred of whites, Jews, the United States, and Israel. Its articles commonly make reference to "La Raza" ("The Race"), a broad term signifying those whose ancestry is indigenous to the area of Mexico (or "Aztlán"), so as to distinguish them from the aforementioned targets of their antipathy - whites in general (and Jews in particular)..."(see complete article below)

MIM: Besides opening proclaiming that their goal is to eliminate or subjugate the white race, Aztlan's website pages contain a gallery of women suicide bombers, anti semitic tracts such as the Protocols of the Elders of 'Zion, and praise for LA Mayor Antonio Villagaroisa,whose election is seen as making LA the 'capital of Atzlan'. See "Mayor of LA was head of Hispanic neo Nazi group tied to website that glorifies female suicide bombers". http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/1233

LA Mayor Villagaroisa's unequivocally supports the goals of establishing a 'Nation of Aztlan'. According to David Orland;

"He was the student head of MECha,the Movimiento Estudiantil de Chicanos de Aztlan (The Student Movement of Aztlan Chicanos) — better known by its acronym, MEChA — which calls for the surrender of wide swaths of American territory to Mexico.

"...What distinguishes MEChA from its more mainstream counterparts, however, is its explicit and virulent calls for reconquest. While organizations like La Raza and MALDEF may harbor irredentist dreams, MEChA has made the reconquest of the American Southwest the central platform of its program..." ( see"The Road to Aztlan" below)

MIM: Villagaroisa was praised on the Voz de Aztlan website for not repudiating his leadership of MEChA;

"...The association with MECha's seems to have helped Antonio Villagairoisa, who became the mayor of Los Angeles in 2005. He was praised by the group for "not stepping away" and his victory was heralded as the beginning of the end of the white presence in California . http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/1233

" La Voz de Aztlan compliments Antonio Villaraigosa for never repudiating MEChA under the intense pressure exerted by the English language media..."

".The example set by Cruz Bustamante is noble and Antonio Villaraigosa is to be commended for his courageous resistance. On Tuesday, flags may be flying and autos seen with bumper stickers saying, "Los Angeles Today, Alta California Tomorrow". God Bless Aztlan! http://www.aztlan.net/alcalde_de_los_angeles.htm


MIM: MECha is the operationals wing of the Voz d Atzlan website whose Hispanofacist aims are underscored by the virulently pro Islamist and violently anti white and anti semitic texts on their website,some of which call for attacks on non Hispanics.MECha's founding documents are reminscent of the Nazi's 'Blut und Bodem' slogans (Blood and soil), which perpetrated the myth of the Aryan race.

"....In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal ‘gringo' invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny..."

MIM: Another supporter of MEChA is congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, who features regularly as a keynote speaker and is a staunch advocate for CAIR- The Council for American Islamic Relations. See: Loretta Sanchez -CAIR's Congresswoman" http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/1582

Sanchez is sympathetic to the goals of Aztlan and had this to say when Hispanic candidates were questioned about their suitability for leadership because of their membership in MEChA:

"I can understand why nobody is stepping away," she said. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. To do that would be to deny MEChA is doing a good job."

MIM:Sanchez currently employs an intern who was head of the La Raza group on campus. La Raza, means "The Race" whose name implies that Hispanics consider themselves superior to 'non Brown' people while stating that whites (and Jews whom they irrationally relegate to non white status) must be driven out of America, subjugated by demographics and politics, or killed. In an article in an online magazine "Latina Style" the National Magazine for the Contemporary Hispanic woman,illegal Argentinian immigrant Laura Peralta details how her activities for MEChA while receiving a state subsidicized education at Irvine College in California, which led her to become the donations chair of La Raza. She is now repaying the United States by attempting to further the cause of the Nation of Aztlan, as an intern in the Washington offices of Congress woman and MEChA supporter Loretta Sanchez.


"...My experience as an immigrant helped me to develop a sincere interest in helping the Latino community. At UC Irvine I became involved with Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA), a student organization that advances Latino representation in higher education through activism and outreach. In 2001 I served as donations chair for the Raza Youth Conference, contacting local businesses for financial support. I also became involved in student activism, focusing my work on immigrant rights. In January 2002 the efforts of students from across the state were rewarded when Assembly Bill 540 finally passed, allowing undocumented immigrants in California to pay in-state tuition. This was an especially personal victory for me.

My experiences and awareness as an activist helped me discover that I wanted to make real changes in society through public policy. For this reason, I decided to participate in UCI's Internship Program in the fall of 2002. I moved to Washington, D.C., for three months and interned for Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, acquiring invaluable knowledge and first-hand experience in the policy-making process...."

MIM:The immigration debate is already too little too late since the facts on the ground show an unrelenting tide of Hispanic immigration of half a million people a year. Recent estimates put the illegal Mexican population alone at 12 million, and the United States government has refused to crack down or deport aliens, and is instead talking about granting them citizenship and residency rights.

For the Hispanics in America, the United States this is more proof that America is simply an extension of Mexico. The second official language is english, and in the case Villagaroisa one Aztlan's supporters is Mayor of one of the country's major cities. The Lieutenant governer of California ,Cruz Busatamante, is also a staunch supporter of Aztan's vision and never renouced his membership in the group. According to David Orland in his article "The Road to Atzlan";

"...California politicians who have never renounced their membership in the organization include Lieutenant Governor and current ex-officio UC Regent Cruz Bustamente, former State Assembly Speaker and Los Angeles mayoral candidate Antonio Villaraigosa, (now mayor), State Assemblyman Gil Cadillo and State Sen. Joe Baca.."

MIM: Even more alarming to note is that as of 2003, since Orland's article was appeared,there were hundreds of MEChA chapters in the United States. Simply calculating the number of illegal Mexican immigrants who have come to the United States in the past 3 years (over one and a half million and counting), would have swelled the ranks of MEChA. Their alignment with the radical left has also bolstered their support base. The election of Antonia Villagaroisa as mayor of Los Angeles and the growing political clout of the Hispanic community, many of whom are pushing the MEChA agenda and forging alliances with radical leftist and Islamist groups in the the United States, indicates that a major domestic terror front could emerge between the three types of groups.

"...There are today more than 300 MEChA groups in existence, with more than 100 in California alone. While the group is concentrated in the Southwest and along the West Coast, it can also be found farther East: It's got chapters at MIT, Yale, Cornell, George Washington University, and Brown, among other East Coast universities. On the West Coast, where MEChA is to be found in nearly every institution of higher education, the movement is spreading so quickly that it has set its sights on the public school system, establishing high school chapters and encouraging its young supporters to participate in its numerous (and sometimes violent) protests and marches.

"...The revolution that MEChA plans for the American Southwest is to be a peaceful one — at least for the time being. By supporting continued high levels of Mexican immigration to the United States, MEChA hopes to achieve by sheer weight of numbers what the U.S. government long ago achieved by force of arms: the re-partition of the American Southwest. To this end, MEChA endorses a cocktail of pro-immigration policies. These include open borders, government benefits (including the right to vote and obtain drivers licenses) for non-citizens, amnesty for illegal aliens, dual citizenship, state recognition of Spanish as an official language, and racial set-asides in education and corporate hiring..."

Complete text below.

MIM: Several cities in California with majority Hispanic populations have been declared 'immigration sanctuaries' by their Hispanic mayors. Turning them into 'no go areas' for immigration and law enforcement and in effect, becoming autonomous regions exclusively for Hispanics.

The planned May 1st boycott is aimed at damaging the United States economy and has the support of left wing and radical Islamist groups both in the United States and abroad. In a move which will further harm the United States, Mexican president Vincente Fox announced that Mexico will legalise hard and soft drugs for personal use.

MIM: William Mayer of Pipeline News noted that there were 'zero degrees of separtion between the illegal aliens declaring 'war' on the United States, and vows to keep coming. It should also be noted that next to Black Americans the Hispanic population has become the largest pool of Islamic converts in the United States. More Hispanic women then men are converting, and whole families at one time. The single women are encouraged to marry foreign born Muslim men.

Radical Islam And The Illegal Alien Culture Warriors - Zero Degrees Of Separation

April 27, 2006 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - As May 1 approaches, we should consider the views of historian and sociologist Samuel Huntington who in his watershed 2004 work "Who Are We," details the dangers inherent in granting unlimited access to non-assimilable populations. One of the striking parallels with Europe's ethnocentric and aggressive Muslim population and our increasingly politically active illegal Hispanic population is that both populations had their genesis with the justification that "there are simply certain jobs that native born will not do." Certainly the differences between these two groups are marked; the methods however are not dissimilar. Huntington explains that the nature of the Hispanic migration Northward is fundamentally different from immigration pattern of the past. While the would-be immigrants in the past were in many ways already defining themselves as Americans even before they reached these shores, the Hispanic migration features more of a mindset in which they feel that they are Mexicans who merely work here. Before the illegal immigrant agitation of the previous few weeks, this attitude was most publicly demonstrated in settings where, for example, the American flag is booed and even attacked at soccer matches in places like Los Angeles when an American team is playing a Mexican or Hispanic team. Those events seem to pale when one considers the Mayor of Los Angeles greeting with approval the March 25 half-million person demonstration that looked like it would be very much at home in Hugo Chavez' Venezuela, down to its anti-American tone.


MIM: This picture shows that the goals of the Aztlan movement are shared by the Hispanics in the United States. Note tha the Mexican flag is placed above the American one ,which symbolically is upside down.

Greetings from Montebello, Alta California, Aztlan

Love that colorful pińata!

No one can say that Mexicano high school students are not fun loving young people. This group of students who stopped by at Montebello High School during their walkout on Monday took the opportunity to take the above colorful photograph. The male student with the "sombrero" and the young lady with the "pińata" are "Honor Students" at another high school. The City of Montebello is just east of Los Angeles (Capital of Aztlan).




The Road to Aztlan
By David Orland
Boundless.org | September 22, 2003

Radical politics have been part of the game on American campuses since at least the mid-1960s but have recently taken a new and disturbing turn. At colleges and universities across the country, the Movimiento Estudiantil de Chicanos de Aztlan (The Student Movement of Aztlan Chicanos) — better known by its acronym, MEChA — is calling for the surrender of wide swaths of American territory to Mexico. Worse yet, in doing so, it has the support of university administrators, elected officials, and — thanks to the mandatory student activity fees on which the organization depends — tuition-paying students. 1

Founded in the late 1960s, MEChA has spent the last three decades indoctrinating Latino students on American campuses in the ideology of reconquista (reconquest). According to MEChA propaganda, the Southwestern United States — including California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, as well as parts of Nevada, Utah, and Colorado — sits on the territory of the ancient (and mythical) "Nation of Aztlan." Supposedly the cradle of Aztec civilization, MEChA charges that Aztlan was unjustly seized by the United States following the Mexican-American War. Now MEChA wants this territory given back to its alleged rightful owners: the people and government of Mexico.

As a matter of fact, the American Southwest was not, as MEChA claims, "stolen" from Mexico. Following the Mexican-American War, the government of Mexico legally ceded this territory to the United States (by the Treaty of Guadalupe de Hidalgo, 1848). Nor has there ever been any place called "Aztlan" on American soil, much less a "Nation of Aztlan." Invented 30 years ago by radical Latino activists, the Nation of Atzlan has more in common with Atlantis than with Israel.

But MEChA is not a group to let facts get in the way. There are today more than 300 MEChA unions in existence, with more than 100 in California alone. While the group is concentrated in the Southwest and along the West Coast, it can also be found farther East: It's got chapters at MIT, Yale, Cornell, George Washington University, and Brown, among other East Coast universities. On the West Coast, where MEChA is to be found in nearly every institution of higher education, the movement is spreading so quickly that it has set its sights on the public school system, establishing high school chapters and encouraging its young supporters to participate in its numerous (and sometimes violent) protests and marches.

The revolution that MEChA plans for the American Southwest is to be a peaceful one — at least for the time being. By supporting continued high levels of Mexican immigration to the United States, MEChA hopes to achieve by sheer weight of numbers what the U.S. government long ago achieved by force of arms: the re-partition of the American Southwest. To this end, MEChA endorses a cocktail of pro-immigration policies. These include open borders, government benefits (including the right to vote and obtain drivers licenses) for non-citizens, amnesty for illegal aliens, dual citizenship, state recognition of Spanish as an official language, and racial set-asides in education and corporate hiring.

MEChA is hardly alone in promoting these policies. The National Council of La Raza and the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), two of the better known Latino advocacy groups, also support them (as does Mexican President Vicente Fox). What distinguishes MEChA from its more mainstream counterparts, however, is its explicit and virulent calls for reconquest. While organizations like La Raza and MALDEF may harbor irredentist dreams, MEChA has made the reconquest of the American Southwest the central platform of its program.

As one of MEChA's founding documents, El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan (The Spiritual Plan of Atzlan) puts it: "In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal ‘gringo' invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny."

El Plan Espiritual is typical, not just for its atrocious prose, but also for its violent racial overtones. Indeed, to judge by the numerous Web sites and student publications sponsored by MEChA, life after the reconquest is going to be a pretty dreary affair. Just beneath the surface of the Marxist-inspired "union of free pueblos" imagined by MEChA visionaries runs a rich vein of race hatred and conspiratorial anti-Semitism. As an editorial addressed to "capitalist whites" in the University of California Irvine's La Voz Mestiza (The Mestiza Voice) concludes, "You've spilled enough of our blood, now it's your turn to bleed you [expletive] sub-human beasts." Or, as one of MEChA's many charming slogans has it, "por la Raza todo; fuera la Raza nada": for those of our race, everything; for those outside of it, nothing.

Such statements don't leave much to the imagination. In calling for the re-partition of the American Southwest, MEChA is not just seeking the overthrow of the American government but the overthrow of its people as well. Only in this way will it achieve "the bronze continent for the bronze people" of which it dreams. This is strong beer, indeed. As a number of recent cases indicated, however, MEChA is not just tolerated on our supposedly multicultural campuses. It is encouraged:

1) In 1995, the Voz Fronteriza, the University of California San Diego's (UCSD) official MEChA publication, ran an editorial on the death of a Latino INS agent. Describing him as a traitor to his race who deserved to die, the editors of the Voz concluded that "all the migra [a pejorative term for the Immigration and Naturalization Service] pigs should be killed, every single one." In the controversy that followed, UCSD Vice Chancellor Joseph W. Watson defended the publication's right to free expression. Watson also refused to officially condemn the sentiments expressed in the Voz Fronteriza article, arguing that "the university is legally prohibited from censuring the contents of student publications."

2) Late last year, two student reporters from the UCSD satiric publication, The Koala, attended and attempted to photograph an open meeting of MEChA. In response to complaints from MEChA, the UCSD administration charged them with violating the student code's catch-all prohibition on "obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other UCSD or University activities." Watson — the same man who, six years earlier, had defended the Voz Fronteriza's "right to free expression" and refused to condemn the contents of the publication — issued a statement to "condemn Koala's abuse of the constitutional guarantees of free expression and disfavor their unconscionable behavior".

Watson then brought the staff of The Koala before an administrative court. When it appeared the court was likely to find in The Koala's favor, the administration annulled the proceedings and ordered that the trial be re-held, this time in secret. The Koala was saved from Watson's kangaroo court only after the Foundation of Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) stepped in, reminding the UCSD administration of the constitutional protections of due process and freedom of expression and calling media attention to the case.

3) In February of this year, The California Patriot, a publication of the University of California Berkeley College Republicans, ran an article critical of MEChA. Before the journal could be distributed, a number of people — apparently MEChA activists — broke into the Patriot's campus offices and stole the entire print run, valued at $2000. When Patriot staff members lodged a complaint with the university police department, they received death threats. The university, meanwhile, quietly dropped the case. It continues to supply Berkeley MEChA with $20,000 in yearly student activity fees.

Something is clearly wrong with this picture. While MEChA has as much right to free expression as the next hate group, one would like to think that, left to its own devices, "el Movimiento" would wither and die. The problem is, it hasn't been left to its own devices. In each of the cases mentioned above, MEChA has not only not been discouraged — it has in fact been accorded special protection denied other student groups. What's more, MEChA chapters often benefit, as at Berkeley, from lavish grants of student activity fees. If MEChA has successfully spread through the American university system, it is only because university administrators and faculty — the guardians of the system — have opened all the doors.

In doing so, they no doubt comfort themselves with the idea that it is all for the greater good of "diversity." After all, in contrast to the "gringos" against whom the organization spends most of its time railing, MEChA can claim to represent a recognized ethnic minority. In the hyper-simplified, two-tone world of contemporary academia, that's all it takes to count as a victim. MEChA advocates the overthrow of the U.S. government, the seizure of large swaths of U.S. territory, and the expulsion (or worse) of those presently living there. For this generation of college administrators and left-wing faculty, however, MEChA is a victim group deserving protection. Such is the logic of diversity. The road to Aztlan, at any rate, will be paved with good intentions.


1 California politicians who have never renounced their membership in the organization include Lieutenant Governor and current ex-officio UC Regent Cruz Bustamente, former State Assembly Speaker and Los Angeles mayoral candidate Antonio Villaraigosa, State Assemblyman Gil Cadillo and State Sen. Joe Baca.


MIM: Excerpt from article about US cities being declared "immigrant sanctuaries" by Hispanic mayors.


Hector Carreon

La Voz de Aztlan Los Angeles, Alta California - March 24, 2006 - (ACN)

"... Yet another city council in Alta California has voted to become an "Immigrant Sanctuary". Coachella, a city 125 miles east of Los Angeles and with 30,957 residents, passed a resolution that states "the city will provide a safe, healthy and dignified place to live for its immigrant communities, regardless of immigration status." Coachella Mayor Jesse Villarreal said that the undocumented immigrants living in the city can rest easy knowing that the local police won't act as border patrol and turn them in. The resolution will also protect US citizens of Mexican descent from being harassed by the police who could mistake them of being undocumented. . The city populations is 97% Latino..." "...The Coachella resolution passed by its city council is credited to the efforts of the Comite Latino that attended the Mexicano/Latino Leadership Immigration Summit in Riverside. At that summit meeting the Vice Mayor of the City of Maywood, Felipe Aguirre, gave a presentation on how his city became an "Immigrant Sanctuary". His presentation was very inspirational and it gave birth to the immigrant sanctuary movement. The federal government has threaten to stop the funding for certain city programs but Vice Mayor Aguirre simply told the feds, "Keep your money!" The "Immigrant Sanctuary Movement" within the various cities will most probably join up with efforts by the Catholic Church. Los Angeles Cardinal Rogelio Mahony has gone on record saying that if the "Sensenbrenner Legislation" passes, he will instructs his priests to disobey certain measures of the proposed law that makes it a criminal act to help undocumented people in need. We may be witnessing the beginning of massive civil disobedience by huge numbers of people, organizations and institutions..." The City of Coachella has a long history revolving around agriculture. Cesar Chavez once marched through the city in his struggle for farm worker rights and today the area's agricultural industry still relies mostly on Mexican and Mexican-American workers.


MIM:The anti American agenda is underscored by the website the Voz de Aztlan, which propagates the elimination of the white people from the Pacific Southwest and the establishment of a Hispanic state- Aztlan. The Voz de Aztlan is a Hispano facist group whose website is replete with anti semitic texts ranging from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, to a picture gallery of female suicide bombers who are touted as heros. The Voz de Aztlan supports the efforts of Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villagaroisa, who they view as an important strategic ally in bringing about the 'Hispanisation' of California. A recent article on the VdA website entitled "Aztlan Rising", about the immigration law protests in LA, railed against Jewish participation in the LA school district. The Voz de Aztlan chief propagandist opined that 'power should be wrested from the whites and Jews; and praised Villagaroisa for being "onthe right track" . This endorsement is not surprising, Villagaroisa was the president of MECha - (My race first) the student wing of Voz de Aztlan. The website also features a picture gallery of female sucide bombers and anti semitic texts like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Voz de Aztlan movement is heavily involved in the immigration and boycott activities and assures their readers that they are "not alone" "... In Mexico, especially in Mexico City and the border region, many sectors of society will be participating in the economic boycott ..


. http://www.aztlan.net/la_gran_marcha.htm

Los Angeles, Alta California - March 26, 2006 - (ACN)

Yesterday's march and rally for immigrant rights in downtown Los Angeles is the largest in the city's history. Never has the "City of Angels" seen so many demonstrators filling the streets of the city's center. The sleeping giant has finally awaken giving rise to a new immigrant civil rights movement of unprecedented proportions. "A major reason for the great success of "La Gran Marcha" was the strong participation of labor unions and the Catholic Church. This same alliance contributed to the success of Lech Walesa's "Solidarity Movement" in the Republic of Poland. This can be done in Aztlan as well. If the racist "Sensenbrenner Legislation" passes the US Senate, there is no doubt that a massive civil disobedience movement will emerge. Eventually labor union power can merge with the immigrant civil rights and "Immigrant Sanctuary" movements to enable us to either form a new political party or to do heavy duty reforming of the existing Democratic Party. The next and final steps would follow and that is to elect our own governors of all the states within Aztlan." "...The great success of "La Gran Marcha" also means that the time has come to organize and politicize our great number of youths that are just festering in many of our school districts. The walkouts in Los Angeles of thousands of Mexican and Latino students from Huntington Park, South Gate, Southeast, Jordan, Montebello, Garfield and Roosevelt High Schools on Friday, one day before "La Gran Marcha", only shows that they are now ready to be mobilized and advised on how they can improve their educations. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villagairosa, a Los Angeles Unified School District victim himself before he turned his life around, is already undertaking a bold moved to wrestle control of the district from a Jewish dominated school board and a White superintendent that are just fleecing the schools of much needed funds. School board Jews like Julie Korenstein, Marlene Canter, David Tokofsky, Jon Lauritzen and Mike Lansing are just enriching themselves and their cronies through crooked deals involving school construction projects, and contracts with so called consultants and vendors. The LAUSD is the second largest in the nation, next to New York, with a multi-billion dollar annual budget. It has an overwhelming Mexican and Latino student population. Jews have their own private schools so why are 5 Jews out of 7 school board members interested in governing the school district? The answer is all too obvious. La Voz de Aztlan has interviewed LAUSD teachers that complained that they have to buy, with their own money, pencils, paper and other school supplies that the district should provide. Something has to be done and Mayor Villaraigosa is on the right track We thank the many marchers for the sacrifice they made on Saturday...


MIM: The Voz de Aztlan also salutes the ' ultimate sacifices' made by female suicide bombers in Israel. Here is one biography from the VdA 'women martyrs page'.

Reem Salih al-RayashaOn the morning of January 14, 2004, a freedom fighter of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a 21 year old mother of two children, detonated a bomb at the Erez border check point between Israel and the Gaza Strip killing four Israeli soldiers. The female Palestinian martyr, Reem Salih al-Rayasha of Gaza City, was a university student with two children, ages 1 and 4 whom she loved dearly. She made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom and independence of the Palestinian people.



MIM: Excerpts from an article on the Aztlan website the planned boycott mentions that MECha , the student wing of the Voz de Aztlan will also be heavily involved in the 'planning activities on campus'. Given the violently racist rhetoric, calling for eradication of the white race, and the support for suicide bombings and attacks on American's on the group's website MECha, and La Raza represent a serious threat to Homeland Security and should be treated as potential cover and launching points for terrorist activities which could involve foreign Jihadists.

Voz de Aztlan : http://www.aztlan.net/may_1st_boycott.htm

MIM:Excerpt from: May 1st Pro-Immigrant Boycott Gaining Extraordinary Momentum

Large sectors of Mexico to participate

"...The power of the new immigrant movement, mostly Brown, is already creating acute panic among the mostly White descendants of immigrants from England and Europe who have held sway in the USA ever since the landing of the Mayflower near Plymouth Rock. The nature of the White panic is being manifested by their reactions to the mass rallies and marches that have been held in major cities since over 300,000 rallied in Chicago on March 10..." "...On Monday May 1st, the leaders of "El Gran Boicot" are asking that every student, who has the support of their parents, not go to school. Take the day off and plan an activity together with parents who will be boycotting work. Leaders are presently planning activities in many cities in which students and parents can participate and university and college student organizations, such as MEChA, are also planning activities on their campuses..." "...The leaders of "El Gran Boicot" want you to know that you are not alone. Millions of others around the globe will be participating, in one way or another, in this historic boycott. In Mexico, especially in Mexico City and the border region, many sectors of society will be participating in the economic boycott . Throughout Mexico , labor unions, political parties, elected government officials, the media, celebrities and some agencies of the Mexican government have joined the boycott in the last few days. Their motto is "Recuerden, nada gringo el 1o de mayo", and the word has now spread far and wide. The message being disseminated through newspapers, radio and television is, "Lo que solicitan es que el 1o de mayo no se compre nada gringo en el país ni se consuma nada en franquicias americanas, esto quiere decir: No Dunkin Donuts, Mc Donald's, Burger King, Starbucks, Sears, Crispy Cream, Walmart, Seven-Eleven y otras de la interminable lista de empresas norteamericanas en México". The losses will be tremendous in Mexico alone and this same strategy will be utilized in Central and South American countries. The leaders of "El Gran Boicot" are now seeing signs that the massive action is spreading across the sea as well..."

MIM :The hand of George Soros, and his Open Society Institute is evident in the participation and leading role which the the A.N.S.W.E.R. group (which he funds) is playing in the immigration demonstrations.

Soros has made it his mission to attack President Bush and aid the enemies of the United States. In addition to funding anti American and terrorist supporting groups, Soros also encourages legalisation of drugs to undermine social stability. The recent move by Mexican president Vincente Fox to legalise hard and soft drugs for personal use can be seen as a stab in the back to America and will turn Mexico into the 'junkie paradise' of North America.

"...In keeping with his tendency to fund racist groups that want to ethnically cleanse portions of the United States, Soros has also funded the racist National Council of La Raza and Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF). Both groups seek to open America's borders and have visions of "reclaiming" Aztlan (the American Southwest, "stolen" from Mexico by the Yanquis). MALDEF is in essence a Ford Foundation creation, with Ford radicalizing the once-noble organization with a $2.2 million grant in 1968.

Money from Soros' foundations also goes to the "peace" movement. In 1999, OSI gave $100,000 to the comically misnamed People for the American Way (PAW), an organization dedicated to removing religion from public life. (The Ford Foundation also gave PAW $150,000 from 2000-1.) PAW also helped create a communist-led "peace" movement to oppose the Bush administration. International ANSWER had sponsored the major "peace" rallies, but when its radical nature became known, it was PAW that looked for a more "acceptable" organization to sponsor these enormous demonstrations. PAW created United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) and chose as its "mainstream" leader Leslie Cagan, who was a member of the Communist Party after the fall of the Berlin Wall. She describes Castro's Cuba as the ideal state..." http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=12423

A documented and thoroughly detailed account of Soro's 'World government' can be found in a book by Dutch investigative journalist Peter Siebelt entitled "Mabel- 'Koninklijk' Bal Masque' (Aspekt publishers 2005).


International ANSWER "Deeply Involved In Mobilizing" May 1 Protest By Illegal Immigrants


April 27, 2006 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Flushed with confidence borne from the realization that the GOP abandoned HR 4437's strict immigration measures in response to the huge illegal immrant demonstrations on March 25, International A.N.S.W.E.R - a Stalinist front group - is working day and night to make the May 1 protests even larger and more effective.

This archive will serve as part of our coverage of that event.

Item 1 - from ANSWER's website Source Link

"The massive protests, rallies, walk-outs and political strikes by immigrant workers and their supporters have shaken the political establishment in this country. It has been the action of the people themselves that has changed the political climate. All eyes have been focused on the streets as this new civil rights/workers rights movement has exploded in Los Angeles, Chicago and literally hundreds of other cities and towns.

It's important at this critical moment to keep up the pressure and continue to focus on the streets and the mass action of the people and never allow the politicians to decide how much equality or how much inequality, or how much repression, should be meted out to the millions of hard working immigrant families. The politicians and their corporate backers would like to see this new mass movement end because they know it could be the spark that ignites a revived nation-wide anti-racist labor movement. Immigrant workers, including the undocumented workers, are the sisters and brothers and allies of all those struggling for justice. The demand must be carried forward in all mass actions planned for April 10 and the upcoming May 1 Great American Boycott of 2006: Full equality for all workers and nothing less!

During the past weeks the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition has been deeply involved in mobilizing for the mass actions in Los Angeles and elsewhere. A.N.S.W.E.R. volunteers and organizers have been working round the clock to help in logistics, organization, mobilization and all the other tasks involved in showing authentic solidarity with the immigrant workers movement.

The ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) is supporting the call made by leaders of immigrant rights organizations for a May 1 National Boycott. The boycott - which means no work, no school, no shopping, buying, or business as usual - will show the country that the immigration debate is not a choice between bad and worse. The people have a voice, and the people say, "Full rights for Immigrants! Amnesty for Undocumented Workers!" No human being is illegal - full equality is not only a reasonable and achievable demand, it is also a fundamental right.

Those who have been following the radicalization of the illegal immigrant movement for any time are not surprised at the solidarity between International ANSWER and groups like MEChA, the bronze power hispanic separtist organization whose stated goal is to wrest control of the entire American Southwest [their term Aztlan, a mythical Aztec empire] from the "white Europeans."

It is no coincidence that both of these groups support Islamist terror.




URL : http://www.aztlan.net/

* Internet publication of the Nation of Aztlán, a secessionist organization based in Whittier, California * Has ties with MECha, the radical student group that supports open borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, and U.S. recognition of Spanish as an official national language * Supports open borders * "It almost seems that police forces operate like military occupation forces in minority communities. Those who actually control the police appear to have hired 'occupation administrators' as the Nazis did with the 'Judenrat' in Germany." * "Even today, naive Latinas who join the U.S. Armed Forces are being brutalized and raped by racist Jews and white military personnel." * "God has cursed the Jews from time immemorial and they have been the curse of mankind since the beginning of written history."

La Voz de Aztlán (The Voice of Aztlán) is the Internet publication, or webzine, of the Nation of Aztlán, a secessionist organization based in Whittier, California. The organization's chief objective, as reflected in La Voz de Aztlán (henceforth, La Voz), is the formation of a country named Aztlán, which would be composed of present-day Mexico, parts of Oklahoma, and the entirety of Texas, New Mexico, California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. According to La Voz and the group that established it, "Aztlán" was the name of the Aztec homeland that supposedly existed in Mexico and the Southwestern United States prior to the Spanish conquest of 1519. The group now seeks to recapture this territory that it claims was "stolen" by white America. But in point of fact, the American Southwest was not stolen from Mexico. Following the Mexican-American War, the Mexican government legally ceded this territory to the United States in 1848. Nor has a place called "Aztlán" ever existed; it was the invention of radical Latino activists in the early 1970s.

La Voz, which launched its operations on January 1, 2000, is managed and edited by Hector Carreon, an engineer by training and a former member of the radical Brown Berets. Carreon is also the founder and current leader of the Nation of Aztlán. Other La Voz staff writers include Miroslava Flores and Ernesto Cienfuegos. The publication has earned a reputation for its virulent hatred of whites, Jews, the United States, and Israel. Its articles commonly make reference to "La Raza" ("The Race"), a broad term signifying those whose ancestry is indigenous to the area of Mexico (or "Aztlán"), so as to distinguish them from the aforementioned targets of their antipathy - whites in general (and Jews in particular).

La Voz has ties with MECha, the radical student group that supports open borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, and U.S. recognition of Spanish as an official national language. Like MECha, La Voz embraces the manifesto titled "El Plan de Aztlán," which is a blueprint for the establishment of a homeland for the "bronze race" in the former Spanish territories of the United States. To facilitate the realization of this goal, La Voz advocates a massive influx of "bronze race" members into the U.S. - not to assimilate into American society but rather to set up their own separate enclaves and incrementally drive Europeans out of the region. On its web site, La Voz once posted an excerpt from a February 7, 1997 speech by Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, who said that "the United States should return to Mexico huge chunks of that country's territories it acquired more than a century ago."

Denouncing what it calls "the hypocrisy of U.S. immigration policy," La Voz contends that the Statue of Liberty's famous inscription ("Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free . . .") is merely a hackneyed cliché "not meant for immigrants of color." In La Voz's estimation, the United States is a bigoted land that seeks to prevent, for racist reasons, Mexican immigrants from coming across its borders. Pronouncing judgment against "the white industrial and agricultural complex [that] is addicted to cheap immigrant labor," La Voz asserts that "[t]he economies of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas would collapse if immigrants would stop working for one week." The publication further laments that certain U.S. government measures to stem the tide of illegal immigration have resulted in the deaths (by drowning, disease, and dehydration) of a number of illegal border-crossers. Moreover, it condemns groups like the Minuteman Project - a nonviolent, volunteer, grassroots effort initiated by private American citizens seeking to help the undermanned Border Patrol reduce illegal immigration into the United States - for allegedly "hunting" what La Voz calls "harmless Mexican migrants seeking work in the United States."

"Eventually," says La Voz, "La Raza will overcome all these injustices. At that time we may be able to built [sic] our own 'Monument to the Mexican Immigrant' as was done [with the Statue of Liberty] in New York Harbor for the Europeans. Perhaps a huge Aztec Pyramid with a statue on the top would be in order. The monument could be built in Los Angeles which has the greatest number of Mexicans next to Mexico City."

La Voz takes a particularly dim view of the U.S. criminal-justice system, which it casts as racist and discriminatory against minorities. "[L]aw enforcement," says La Voz, "is out of control throughout the country. . . . Police officers have become evil monsters of the worst kind . . . beating, torturing, robbing and killing [American] citizens. . . . There is one commonality to the worst of these crimes. It appears that the most aggrieved victims of the police are people of color! . . . It almost seems that police forces operate like military occupation forces in minority communities. Those who actually control the police appear to have hired 'occupation administrators' as the Nazis did with the 'Judenrat' in Germany. They have hired and trained 'Kapos' to police minority communities and to keep these citizens in their place."

La Voz laments that "[t]he incarceration rate of La Raza in the southwest U.S., and specially [sic] the incarceration of Raza youths, is also having the effect of destroying the family structure of our communities. In many cases, children are being left fatherless in the critical stage of their development." But La Voz makes no mention of the fact that the governors of Arizona and New Mexico - two of the states most heavily affected by illegal immigration - recently declared a state of emergency because of the high crime levels that illegals have brought to those states; that in Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide target illegal aliens, as do up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants; that at least 60 percent of the members of southern California's brutal 20,000-member 18th Street Gang are illegal; that the leadership of the Columbia Lil' Cycos gang, which uses murder and racketeering to control the Los Angeles drug market, was approximately 60 percent illegal in 2002; and that a September 2005 Center for Immigration Studies report found that "[o]f the 94 foreign-born terrorists who operated in the United States [between the early 1990s and 2004], . . . about two-thirds (59) committed immigration fraud prior to or in conjunction with taking part in terrorist activity." None of this matters at all to La Voz, which holds that Latinos are targeted by a racist justice system and herded without cause into U.S. prisons.

La Voz sees American racism wherever it looks. It condemns, for instance, "the wretched and unequal treatment that historically has been meted out against the Mexican-American soldier, marine, airman and sailor. The discrimination against Mexican-Americans in the U.S. Armed Forces is in many ways worst [sic] than that experienced in civilian life." Expanding upon this theme, La Voz charges that "the USA military has pillaged and raped the American Indians and the Mexicans in the [S]outhwest in the same way they are now doing to the Iraqis. Even today, naive Latinas who join the U.S. Armed Forces are being brutalized and raped by racist Jews and white military personnel. . . . Another 'dirty secret' of the Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz run Pentagon is the shameful 'raping' of women of color in the U.S. military that has reached 'epidemic proportions.' There are hundreds of Mexican-American and other enlisted women in the U.S. military whose lives have been totally shattered by a military they thought would never betray them. Their lives are now in total shambles after the Pentagon threw them out and blame [sic] them for the brutal rapes that took place while they were in uniform."

In La Voz's view, not even natural disasters are immune to the influence of American racism. When Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in September 2005, for instance, La Voz ran a series of articles supporting Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan's assertion that the catastrophic flooding of certain black neighborhoods was caused, in large measure, by a white plot to eliminate black people. "Minister Louis Farrakhan says New Orleans levees may have been breached on purpose," read the title of one article. Said the piece, "The spiritual leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, has come forward to say that the levees in New Orleans may have been 'blown up' to save White areas at the expense of Black neighborhoods. During a tour of Charlotte, North Carolina . . . , Minister Farrakhan said, 'I heard from a very reliable source who saw a 25 foot deep crater under the levee breach. It may have been blown up to destroy the black part of town and keep the white part dry.'" Asserting that "[t]he Black population in America is still not free regardless of the pretensions of Washington D. C. and media propaganda," La Voz made its position clear: "We believe Minister Louis Farrakhan when he says that the New Orleans levees were breached on purpose."

In addition to its anti-American hatred, another hallmark of La Voz is crude, unvarnished anti-Semitism, routinely drawing negative inferences about Jews and Israel. For instance, a December 29, 2003 opinion piece noted the "synchronicity" surrounding the Feb 1, 2003 explosion of the Space Shuttle Columbia, where "7 astronauts, one a Zionist Israeli, came raining down over the town of Palestine in Texas, the home state of President George Bush." "Was the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster . . . the 'mother of all omens'?" asked La Voz rhetorically. "Was it a powerful synchronicity pointing to a major future catastrophe about to fall on the USA, Israel or possibly the entire globe? . . . For the first time there was an Israeli military person on board a USA space shuttle mission conducting military-related research and experiments. That person was the Zionist Israeli Air Force Colonel Ilan Ramon. . . . As the Columbia entered the earth's atmosphere it began to disintegrate and by a great coincidence the bulk of the debris, including body parts belonging to the Israeli colonel as well as biologically contaminated junk, fell on the town of Palestine, Texas. . . . What did this synchronicity or omen portent [sic]? Did it signify that the USA's continued connection with and military aid to the Zionist State of Israel will ultimately bring destruction of the nation as the Columbia was destroyed? . . . . God has cursed the Jews from time immemorial and they have been the curse of mankind since the beginning of written history."

Given its contempt for Israel, it is not surprising that La Voz sides decisively with Palestinian militants regarding the conflict in the Middle East. Expressing a sense of kinship with the Palestinians, La Voz says, "There are great similarities between the political and economic condition of the Palestinians in occupied Palestine and that of La Raza in the southwest United States. . . . The primary one of course is the fact that both La Raza and the Palestinians have been displaced by invaders that have utilized military means to conquer and occupy our territories. . . . Another of the most glaring similarities is the incarceration policies of youths by the dominant culture. Presently, the survival of the Palestinian people is being threaten [sic] by the selective incarceration of the bravest, strongest and most productive members of the group. Like in the southwest . . . , the number of 'incarceration centers' built by the Israeli government in occupied territories to imprison targeted youths is growing at an alarming rate."

The La Voz website features a lengthy tribute to eight female Palestinian suicide bombers who killed many innocent Jewish civilians. Here are the honorific words with which La Voz describes what one of these women, Reem Salih al-Rayasha, did with the final moments of her life: "On the morning of January 14, 2004, a freedom fighter of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a 21 year old mother of two children, detonated a bomb at the Erez border check point between Israel and the Gaza Strip, killing four Israeli soldiers. The female Palestinian martyr, Reem Salih al-Rayasha of Gaza City, was a university student with two children, ages 1 and 4 whom she loved dearly. She made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom and independence of the Palestinian people." Just as La Voz supports suicide bombings, it beatifies the father of Palestinian terrorism, the late Yasser Arafat, characterizing him as an "extraordinary courageous leader."

Notwithstanding the many suicide bombings for which such organizations as Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad have proudly taken credit, La Voz has accused Israeli agents themselves of detonating some of the bombs that kill Israeli civilians - and then blaming Palestinians for those deadly deeds. Says a July 2004 La Voz piece, "Killing and terrorizing its own citizens to justify government policies in the eyes of its own people and in the eyes of international public opinion is a very common practice by Likud Party operatives, the MOSSAD and the Israeli security service called the Shin Bet. This is not the first time that these government agents have carried out terrorist attacks against their own people which they than blame on the Palestinians. These vile and evil acts perpetuate the notion of 'Jews as victims' and justifies [sic] the continued slaughter and massacre of Palestinians by the Israeli army."

Expressing its solidarity with Palestinian militants, the La Voz website features a petition, addressed to President George W. Bush, demanding an end to U.S. aid for Israel. The petition reads, in part, "We, the undersigned, are appalled by the human rights abuses against Palestinians by the Israeli government, the continued military occupation and colonization of Palestinian territory by Israeli armed forces and settlers, the forcible eviction of the inhabitants from, and the demolition of, Palestinians homes, towns, and cities. . . . We find it reprehensible that U.S. tax dollars, in the form of U.S. military aid to Israel, are being used to fund Israel's oppressive policy towards the Palestinians. . . . We demand the immediate cessation of all U.S. military aid to Israel until Israel honors United Nations authority and abides by the rules of international law."

La Voz is wholly intolerant of Latinos who hold views that conflict with its own. It casts the vilest of aspersions upon those who do not walk in lockstep ideologically; those who do not share its anti-white, anti-American hatred; and those who do not consider themselves victims of an oppressive American culture. To La Voz, such Latinos are loathsome traitors to their "race." One such individual is Linda Chavez-Gersten, President George W. Bush's original nominee for Secretary of Labor and an outspoken opponent of racial and ethnic preferences for minorities. "It is no secret," wrote La Voz on January 3, 2001, "that La Raza despises Linda Chavez-Gersten! No woman, other than perhaps Gloria Matta Tuchman, generates so much disgust in our community than [sic] this extraordinary malinchista [traitor]. Like the brutish Jewish female Kapos at Auschwitz who received special favors for sleeping with their Nazi masters, Mrs. Chavez-Gersten will now be unleashed [as Labor Secretary] to squash any legitimate calls for better working conditions for our hard working Latino labor force." (Chavez-Gersten eventually withdrew her nomination.)

"As La Raza," continued La Voz, "we can expect nothing but betrayal from Linda Chavez-Gersten! Her entire history in public life has been one of treason against the ethnic group she professes to belong [sic]. She was chosen by powerful bigots to head a group called US English that pushed to dismantle Spanish/English bilingual programs in public education and to eliminate bilingual ballots and voting instructions. She was vehemently anti-affirmative action while a Ronald Reagan appointee to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission and has opposed civil rights for ethnic and racial minorities at every turn during her career. As Labor Secretary she will move steadfastly to relegate Latinos as working slaves for corporate America and the large agricultural and industrial conglomerates and at the same time she will work to maintain the economic privileges of whites."

To convey the idea that Chavez-Gersten was selfishly aligning herself with the (white) enemy of her people, La Voz likened her to black "'Uncle Toms' like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas" and "'House Niggers' like UC Regent Ward Connerly" - a reference to a pair of prominent black conservatives who openly oppose racial preferences. "The appointment of token 'Uncle Toms' and 'Aunt Jemimas' like Colin Powell and Congoleeza [sic] Rice," said La Voz on another occasion, "is just a ruse to give the impression that there is real opportunity for Blacks." La Voz has referred to Chavez-Gersten as a "coconut" (brown on the outside, white on the inside) and disparaged her for having said: "George Washington is my hero. The fact that my father's family was off in New Mexico and their allegiance was, at that time, to Spain, not to England and they didn't fight in the Revolutionary War, should not in any way diminish the fact that George Washington is my forefather."

In the post-9/11 era, La Voz has been unyielding in its excoriation of U.S. policies and American society generally. For example, immediately after September 11 La Voz did not denounce the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon but rather condemned the "round'em up" and "string'em up" mentality with which Americans and their political leaders were allegedly reacting. Moreover, the publication blamed the United States itself for having provoked the attacks, in large measure through its close alliance with Israel. "Make no mistake about it," said La Voz, ". . . what you have witnessed on television and the Internet concerning the destruction of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is actually a total failure of our U.S. foreign policy. . . . Why does the world hate us so? We must look into our own policies towards other cultures, religions, and national groups for an answer. . . . There is no doubt that our foreign policy in the Middle East has contributed to the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Is not our support of Zionism too high a price to pay? Why are we supporting an Israeli apartheid policy that has made all of Islam our mortal enemy?"

Repudiating in advance any government effort to derail future terrorist plots, La Voz wrote: "As minorities in the U.S. seeking an equitable voice, let us braise [sic] ourselves for a wave of repression against our civil rights unprecedented in contemporary history [sic]."

As a logical extension of its view that the United States is a land of iniquity, La Voz impugned Americans' allegedly "racist attitudes against the Arab peoples," depicting those attitudes as the manifestations "of national policy and of what we are learning through curriculums in schools systems throughout the country and through the mainstream media. The Arabs and Muslims have been demonized [through] years of mental programming through biased education and media propaganda." Claiming that American racism had not declined at all in recent decades, La Voz said, "This kind of [anti-Arab] mentality is the same as when us Mexicans are called 'spics,' 'beaners,' and 'wetbacks' and Black Americans are called 'niggers,' 'koons,' or 'mayates.' The kind of hateful racial frenzy being presently agitated against American Muslims and Arabs is no different than the one that was whipped up against Mexicans in 1930 Texas and against Blacks in the post-slavery South that culminated in lynches and in 'stringing them up.'"

La Voz laments the "demonization of Islam" by "perverse racists," "religious bigots with a well defined political and economic agenda," "Anglocentric xenophobes," "right wing Fundamentalist Christians," and "International Zionists" who, according to La Voz, "have launched a well funded global campaign to destroy the legacy of Islam and its contributions to world culture." "Leading the effort to demonize Islam are, of course, the International Zionists," adds La Voz. "Because of their immense influence and control of the mainstream media and the curricula of public and private education in the USA and other countries, these Zionists have had a major impact on the attitudes of non-Muslim youths towards Islam."

La Voz derides Americans' current angst over threats of additional Islamist terrorism, ascribing their concerns to the effectiveness of a deceitful government propaganda campaign aimed at stirring up widespread fear so as to gain popular support for American military incursions and empire-building ventures across the globe. In the final analysis, La Voz considers present fears of terrorism to be founded in an admixture of ignorance and bigotry - much as it views, in retrospect, Americans' fears of Communism during the Cold War era. Says La Voz:

"Many of you are too young to remember the incredible 'fear' that was part and parcel of American life in the middle 1950's, which generated a building frenzy of 'nuclear bomb shelters' under every home. The 'fear' was instigated by not only the military-industrial complex but also by a host of corporations and businesses that made fabulous fortunes capitalizing on the 'fear' of countless gullible Americans. Back then the 'boogie man' was [Soviet President] Nikita Khrushchev and Russian Communism, and today it's Osama bin Laden and Islamic Fundamentalism. It turned out that the U.S.S.R was only a 'paper tiger.' Today's new boogie man has so far only been a picture of a bearded Saudi . . . This new 'Terrorism War' smells a little too much like the old 'Cold War' and it looks like it is being pushed by the very same elements that have in the past benefited from the lucrative arms industry and by the politicians that they are able to purchase. . . . Everyone here benefits from the perpetuation of 'wars.' If there are none, they will create some. . . . This military-industrial complex works closely with the Zionist dominated media and specially [sic] with Israel and their Israeli Defense Forces. It is a historical fact that these elements often create a 'crisis' on purpose in order to justify not only their existence but also to scare the American public thus allowing them to create the 'environment' in which they can profit immensely and at the same time 'crush' any criticisms concerning their evil machinations."

In the Iraq War, La Voz unequivocally supports America's terrorist enemies. Consider its view of the infamous 2004 video showing the decapitation of American contractor Nicholas Berg by Iraqi terrorists. According to La Voz, the video was filmed not by the killers but by U.S. authorities, for propaganda purposes, at the Abu Ghraib prison: "The principal purpose of the fraudulent video was to defray world attention from the heinous sexual abuses and torture of Iraqi POWs and rape of Iraqi women detainees at the same prison where the Berg decapitation video was filmed. A secondary purpose was to 'frame' Al queda [sic] and especially one of their leaders by the name of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi."


MIM:The sense of entitlement of illegal immigrants who are paying back the United States for their education and is epitomised by this autobiographical article by Laura Peralta, currently an intern in the office of Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. Peralta started her Hispano facist activities as a student working for MEChA and became the donations chair of the Hispano supremacist group "La Raza" (The Race). She concludes her piece with this open proclamation of her Hispano facist agenda aimed at turning the United States into 'The Nation of Aztlan'.

"...I have learned that what matters most in life is to remain close to my family, hold true to my culture and values, and utilize my education as the most powerful tool with which to defend my community. In the future, I plan to attend law school and work at a civil rights organization, ultimately running for public office in order to induce change to backwards policies that perpetuate inequality, racism and social injustice.

Upon my return to California, I began working as research assistant with Leo Chavez, a professor of immigration who became my faculty mentor. His guidance, coupled with university research grants and the opportunity to speak with many undocumented students about their own experiences, enabled me to complete my thesis, a comparative study investigating the strategies undocumented students develop in order to overcome barriers in higher education.

*As immigrants, we feel extremely privileged and grateful to live in this country, and many times we fail to recognize or even accept the fact that we are discriminated against.

*I want to be the voice that many people wish they had and the fist that many wish they could slam down to say, "ˇBasta ya! We need change!"

MIM: Apparently the discrimination Peralta is so troubled by enabled her to complete a thesis on the subject, paid for by university research grants - documenting the stories of all the 'discriminated' immigrants who managed to overcome the horrors of their 'unaccepted' and 'unrecognised' discrimination in the United States to graduate university at the America taxpayers expense and use their education to pursue their Hispano facist goal of transforming the United States into the Nation of Aztlan through political and legal means.

Fighting for Change

Life experiences shape an individual, and in my case it was my experiences as an immigrant in the United States that helped me become the strong mujer that I am today.


I was born in 1980 in Cordoba, Argentina, and lived there for nine years. In 1990, Argentina's economy deteriorated, and, like many other desperate families in South America, my family decided to migrate to the United States in search of a better future. Upon arrival to the "land of freedom and opportunity," my family immediately began the lengthy process of legalization, which would last over a decade. Growing up in this situation was difficult; I was deprived of countless opportunities, faced discrimination, and lived a life of uncertainty.

Unfortunately, my status continued to affect me after I graduated from high school. Due to the high cost of non-resident tuition, I was unable to enter a four-year university. Instead, I attended a community college while I continued my long wait to become a legal permanent resident. Finally, after 11 years, my family's dream of legalization became a reality. As a resident, I was allowed to pay instate tuition as well as receive financial aid; the following fall I transferred to the University of California, Irvine. I graduated college this past June with bachelor's degrees in sociology and political science. College graduation is an accomplishment enough on its own; mine was the culmination of a lifetime of waiting.

My experience as an immigrant helped me to develop a sincere interest in helping the Latino community. At UC Irvine I became involved with Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA), a student organization that advances Latino representation in higher education through activism and outreach. In 2001 I served as donations chair for the Raza Youth Conference, contacting local businesses for financial support. I also became involved in student activism, focusing my work on immigrant rights. In January 2002 the efforts of students from across the state were rewarded when Assembly Bill 540 finally passed, allowing undocumented immigrants in California to pay in-state tuition. This was an especially personal victory for me.

My experiences and awareness as an activist helped me discover that I wanted to make real changes in society through public policy. For this reason, I decided to participate in UCI's Internship Program in the fall of 2002. I moved to Washington, D.C., for three months and interned for Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, acquiring invaluable knowledge and first-hand experience in the policy-making process.

Upon my return to California, I began working as research assistant with Leo Chavez, a professor of immigration who became my faculty mentor. His guidance, coupled with university research grants and the opportunity to speak with many undocumented students about their own experiences, enabled me to complete my thesis, a comparative study investigating the strategies undocumented students develop in order to overcome barriers in higher education.

As a result of my research, I established contact with leaders from civil rights organizations such as the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) and was extended the invitation to attend the Back to School Event in Washington, D.C., in August 2003, to share my personal story at a Capitol reception in front of congressional representatives. The event was organized to lobby Congress for the Student Adjustment Act, a bill that would provide undocumented students with the opportunity to pay in-state tuition and eventually become legal residents.

A few months after graduating from UC Irvine, I was hired by the office of Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard to work as a Congressional Caseworker in the district office in downtown Los Angeles. Every day I have the privilege of representing constituents from the Los Angeles area whose needs and concerns are not being met by federal agencies. Furthermore, I have been volunteering as a community liaison for the American Latino Voter Education Fund, a nonprofit, nonpartisan voter registration and education organization that primarily focuses on minority communities. Whether I am walking precincts, sitting at a table in front of a store, or simply registering friends and family, registering people to vote gives me a deep level of satisfaction because I know that I am empowering others to voice their opinions and exercise their constitutional rights.

After all of my hardships, lessons and experiences as an immigrant, I have learned that what matters most in life is to remain close to my family, hold true to my culture and values, and utilize my education as the most powerful tool with which to defend my community. In the future, I plan to attend law school and work at a civil rights organization, ultimately running for public office in order to induce change to backwards policies that perpetuate inequality, racism and social injustice. As immigrants, we feel extremely privileged and grateful to live in this country, and many times we fail to recognize or even accept the fact that we are discriminated against. I want to be the voice that many people wish they had and the fist that many wish they could slam down to say, "ˇBasta ya! We need change!"


MIM: A picture from the Voz de Aztlan website praises the marches as the first manifestation of the Nation of Aztlan.

Aztlan Arising: 700,000+ March in Los Angeles

"La Gran Marcha" surpasses all expectations

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