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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Europe under siege - Bullet in window of office of Dutch minister necessitates bulletproof vest at Van Gogh memorial event

Europe under siege - Bullet in window of office of Dutch minister necessitates bulletproof vest at Van Gogh memorial event

UK intelligience chiefs warned Blair for 'homegrown insurgency'
November 4, 2005

http://www.nrc.nl/binnenland/artikel/1131084070532.html "As a result Verdonk wore a bulletproof vest to the Van Gogh memorial event. Raam werkkamer Verdonk beschoten

Door een onzer redacteuren

ROTTERDAM, 4 NOV. De werkkamer van minister Verdonk (Vreemdelingenzaken en Integratie, VVD) op het ministerie van Justitie in Den Haag is van buitenaf beschoten. Direct betrokkenen in Den Haag bevestigen dat het zou gaan om de inslag van een kogel. Het ministerie van Justitie wil alleen bevestigen dat het raam van de ministeriële werkkamer onlangs is beschadigd. ,,De politie Haaglanden onderzoekt momenteel of dat het gevolg is van een projectiel en zo ja, wat voor één", aldus de verklaring van het ministerie.

Het Nederlands Forensisch Instituut zou evenwel, aldus de betrokkenen, ook onderzoeken welk vuurwapen is gebruikt en van waar het schot mogelijk is gelost. De werkkamer van Verdonk bevindt zich in het gebouw van het departement aan de Schedeldoekshaven in het centrum van Den Haag. De beschadiging is onlangs geconstateerd. Verdonk was niet op haar werkkamer toen het gebeurde. Wanneer dat was wil de woordvoerder niet zeggen. Vanmorgen was de zonnewering neergelaten voor de ramen van de kamer.

Met het blote oog viel ,,de beschadiging" niet te checken. RTL Nieuws meldde gisteravond dat de bewindsvrouw wegens de beschieting woensdag in een kogelvrij vest naar de herdenking van de moord op de cineast Theo van Gogh kwam. Het ministerie van Justitie wil hierover geen mededelingen doen. Verdonk zei vanmorgen voorafgaand aan de wekelijke vergadering van de ministerraad dat ze ,,aangeslagen" is door de actie en dat ze ,,met een dubbel gevoel" naar haar werk gaat. Verdonk wordt al geruime tijd beveiligd.

Vorig jaar juni werd ze besmeurd met ketchup tijdens een werkbezoek aan het Bijbels Museum in Amsterdam. De twee vrouwen die haar aanvielen, werden aangehouden wegens belemmering en belediging. Zij spraken zelf van een ludieke protestactie. De rechter veroordeelde hen tot elf dagen celstraf. Kort daarna werd Verdonk door een anonieme beller bij radio Noord-Holland met de dood bedreigd. De beller kon een week later worden gearresteerd.


MIM: According to this report the window of Verdonk was not shot at, but the resulting anxiety of an attack necessitated a bulletproof vest and moving her office to a different place, reflects the fear which has gripped Holland in the wake of the Van Gogh murder. A chilling preview of Islamist intentions can be found in the writing of Mohammed Bouyeri, the killer of Van Gogh, who was quoted by Emerson Vermaat in his book "De Hofstad Groep" :

"...It is only a question of time before the knights of Allah march into The Haagse Binnenhof and raise the flag of Tawheed (godly unity) in the middle of the plain. They shall 'Inshallah' rename the parliament the Sharia court and the chairman's hammer shall carry out Islamic sentences and Islamic law will spread over Holland like the circles from falling drops of water . From the Kok's tower Inshallah la ilaha illa Allah shall be heard..."

zondag 6 november 2005 uur.
'Ruit Verdonk waarschijnlijk niet beschoten'

DEN HAAG - Het is onwaarschijnlijk dat de beschadiging in de ruit van de werkkamer van minister Verdonk (Vreemdelingenzaken en Integratie) is veroorzaakt door een vuurwapen. Dat stelde het Nederlands Forensisch Instituut (NFI) zaterdag na onderzoek van de ruit.

Komende week wordt onderzocht wat de ruit dan wel beschadigde. De ruit van de werkkamer werd zaterdagochtend verwijderd voor onderzoek nadat het ministerie de beschadiging woensdag meldde aan de Haagse politie.

Verdonk zei vrijdag na de ministerraad dat de dreiging die er altijd al was nu wel erg dichtbij is gekomen. De minister heeft een andere kamer gekregen op het ministerie, maar over andere veiligheidsmaatregelen is in het


Intelligence chiefs warn Blair of homegrown insurgency

By Raymond Whitaker and Francis Elliott

Published: 07 August 2005


Intelligence chiefs are warning Tony Blair that Britain faces a full-blown Islamist insurgency, sustained by thousands of young Muslim men with military training now resident in this country.

The grim possibility that the two London attacks were not simply a sporadic terror campaign is being discussed at the highest levels in Whitehall. Fears of a third strike remain high this weekend, based on concrete evidence supplied by an intercepted text message and the interrogation of a terror suspect being held outside Britain, say US reports.

As police and the security services work to prevent another cell murdering civilians, attention is focusing on the pool of migrants to this country from the Horn of Africa and central Asia. MI5 is working to an estimate that more than 10,000 young men from these regions have had at least basic training in light weapons and military explosives.

A well-connected source said there were more than 100,000 people in Britain from "completely militarised" regions, including Somalia and its neighbours in the Horn of Africa, and Afghanistan and territories bordering the country. "Every one of them knows how to use an AK-47," said the source. "About 10 per cent can strip and reassemble such a weapon blindfolded, and probably a similar proportion have some knowledge of how to use military explosives. That adds up to tens of thousands of men."

Even though the vast majority had come to Britain to escape the lawlessness of their homelands, the source added, there remained an alarmingly large pool of trained men who could be lured into violent action here.

This threat had been largely neglected while attention focused on British-born militants who had been through training camps run by al-Qa'ida in Afghanistan.

"There has been a debate on whether we are facing an insurgency or terrorism," said the source, "and the verdict is on the side of an insurgency."

Against this background, as many as 400 more armed police may be recruited in London. Concern has been expressed in the wake of the massive anti-terror operations that the police are being overstretched. Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, warned that his armed officers were suffering from fatigue after weeks of round-the-clock duty.

Three men from Brighton were yesterday remanded in custody, after being charged under terrorism laws with failing to disclose information to the police following the failed 21 July bombings. Shadi Sami Abdel Gadir, 22, Omar Nagmeloin Almagboul, 20, and Mohamed Kabashi, 23, appeared at Horseferry Road magistrates court.

A man and two women charged with the same offences were also remanded in custody.

The Prime Minister, meanwhile, has ordered a government-wide drive to neutralise opposition within the Muslim community to his package of proposed anti-terror measures. The crackdown on individuals, groups and websites considered to support terrorism was attacked yesterday by Hizb ut-Tahrir, a group Mr Blair said he intends to ban. Nasreen Nawas, a spokesman, insisted Hizb ut-Tahrir was non-violent and posed no threat. The ban "has as its aim the curtailment of legitimate Islamic political debate", he said.

David Hill, Mr Blair's press secretary, told ministers not on holiday late last week to be ready to help a Home Office-led charm offensive. Hazel Blears, the Policing minister standing in for Charles Clarke, was given a taste of the growing anger when she attended a meeting of Muslim women in Manchester.

Intelligence chiefs are warning Tony Blair that Britain faces a full-blown Islamist insurgency, sustained by thousands of young Muslim men with military training now resident in this country.

The grim possibility that the two London attacks were not simply a sporadic terror campaign is being discussed at the highest levels in Whitehall. Fears of a third strike remain high this weekend, based on concrete evidence supplied by an intercepted text message and the interrogation of a terror suspect being held outside Britain, say US reports.

As police and the security services work to prevent another cell murdering civilians, attention is focusing on the pool of migrants to this country from the Horn of Africa and central Asia. MI5 is working to an estimate that more than 10,000 young men from these regions have had at least basic training in light weapons and military explosives.

A well-connected source said there were more than 100,000 people in Britain from "completely militarised" regions, including Somalia and its neighbours in the Horn of Africa, and Afghanistan and territories bordering the country. "Every one of them knows how to use an AK-47," said the source. "About 10 per cent can strip and reassemble such a weapon blindfolded, and probably a similar proportion have some knowledge of how to use military explosives. That adds up to tens of thousands of men."

Even though the vast majority had come to Britain to escape the lawlessness of their homelands, the source added, there remained an alarmingly large pool of trained men who could be lured into violent action here.

This threat had been largely neglected while attention focused on British-born militants who had been through training camps run by al-Qa'ida in Afghanistan.

"There has been a debate on whether we are facing an insurgency or terrorism," said the source, "and the verdict is on the side of an insurgency."

Against this background, as many as 400 more armed police may be recruited in London. Concern has been expressed in the wake of the massive anti-terror operations that the police are being overstretched. Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, warned that his armed officers were suffering from fatigue after weeks of round-the-clock duty.

Three men from Brighton were yesterday remanded in custody, after being charged under terrorism laws with failing to disclose information to the police following the failed 21 July bombings. Shadi Sami Abdel Gadir, 22, Omar Nagmeloin Almagboul, 20, and Mohamed Kabashi, 23, appeared at Horseferry Road magistrates court.

A man and two women charged with the same offences were also remanded in custody.

The Prime Minister, meanwhile, has ordered a government-wide drive to neutralise opposition within the Muslim community to his package of proposed anti-terror measures. The crackdown on individuals, groups and websites considered to support terrorism was attacked yesterday by Hizb ut-Tahrir, a group Mr Blair said he intends to ban. Nasreen Nawas, a spokesman, insisted Hizb ut-Tahrir was non-violent and posed no threat. The ban "has as its aim the curtailment of legitimate Islamic political debate", he said.

David Hill, Mr Blair's press secretary, told ministers not on holiday late last week to be ready to help a Home Office-led charm offensive. Hazel Blears, the Policing minister standing in for Charles Clarke, was given a taste of the growing anger when she attended a meeting of Muslim women in Manchester.

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