This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
Muslim Jewish Advisory Council Jewish Members Facilitate Dawah In The Guise Of Interfaith
December 8, 2019
"Kippa Wearing Islamist Facilitator Ari Gordon Claims 'It Is An Imperative For American Jewry Today To Partner With Muslims"
MIM: With Jews currently under siege from Muslims worldwide and only days to go before it becomes 17 years since the Muslim attacks of 9/11 Gordon had the unmitigated chutzpah to make this outrageous, twisted and obscene statement:
"Building effective partnerships between Muslims and Jews is an imperative for American Jewry today. It is a privilege to rejoin the Jewish organization that is leading the way," said Gordon. "Differences notwithstanding, American Muslims and Jews can work together to safeguard the promise and freedoms of this country for all."
(MIM: It appears that Ari Gordon has never met an Islamist he didnt like. He was on a 2008 panel with among others CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad and former NOI stooge Hakim X aka Keith Ellison.)
See: "Jews4Jihad: Ari Gordon New Head Of Hamas & Terror Tied Muslim Jewish Advisory Council - Works With Jihad Promoting ISNA"
MIM: Ten days after 9/11 Imam Mohamed Magid of ADAMS belligerently told journalists that:
"...We cannot be apologetic about being Muslims in this country ..."
"We have a right to be Muslim..."
"Imam Magid of ADAMS vs the FBI: Cleric awarded for 'helping FBI fight terror' refutes TIME claim that he "regularly tips off the FBI"
Imam of Islamic center raided in terror probe lauded as moderate by TIME claims"as far as he knows no terrorists tried to infilitrate his mosque"
MIM: Imam Mohamed Magid, a member of the Muslim Jewish Advisory Council and Muslim Brotherhood operative, revealed that the MJAC Congressional reception aimed to promote an Islamist agenda with the help of the Jewish 'useful idiots' of the AJC and MJAC who are acting as a Trojan Horse for the Muslim stealth jihad legions to enter Jewish organizations like the AJC and institutions such as YU.
"Stop Donating To The Terror Tied AJC & Muslim Jewish Advisory Council - Which Aids And Abets Stealth Jihadists"
Press Release:
AJC Facilitates Groundbreaking Muslim-Jewish Encounter At Yeshiva University
American Jewish Committee
Dec. 05,2019 17:16 ET
New York, Dec.5 2019 2019/PR Newswire/--Yeshiva University, the most prestigious Modern Orthodox Jewish Institution of higher education in the U.S. hosted a high level delegation of American Muslim religious leaders on Monday. American Jewish Committee (AJC) a longstanding pioneer in interreligious relations,organized this groundbreaking encounter,the first of its kind bringing together mainstream Muslim religious leaders and American Modern Orthodox Jewish Institutions.
The theme of the conversations was "Tradition and Modernity: Religious Identity and Civic Engagement in the United States."The delegation met with faculty,students,rabbinic leadership and top administration officials to discuss ways in which the Jewish and Muslim communities navigate traditional and modern values to build a spiritually resilient, intellectually open,and civically minded religious identities.
"These meetings took courage on both sides,but there is really no replacement for first-hand encounters," said Dr. Ari Gordon ,U.S. director of Muslim - Jewish Relations at AJC and a YU alumnus. "American Muslim communities are very engaged in interfaith activities, but exposure to the Orthodox Jewish community is still rare. Likewise, many Orthodox Jews only know Islam through the lenses of Jewish history or the news."
The 12-member Muslim delegation was led by Imam Mohamed Magid,Executive Imam of ADAMS Center- a mosque community based in Sterling VA with four branches - serving over 25,000 Muslims in the Washington, D.C. area. Other members of the delegation included imams and university chaplains from Chicago,Detroit, Long Island, New Jersey and New York.
"Many conservative voices in our communities perceive irreconcilible deferences between us, but when we came together, we easily saw how much we have in common," said Imam Majid. "We share the challenge of preserving identity while promoting engagement with American society and culture,and we have a lot to learn from one another in how we respond to the challenge."
Welcoming the Muslim delegation to the YU campus in the Upper Manhattan neighborhood of Washington Heights, Rabbi Avi Berman, YU President said:"One of the core values of Yeshiva University is the role faith can and should play in contributing positively to the broader society.Our conversation with Imam Magid and his fellow Islamic American leaders on the opportunities of our respective faith traditions can and should play in the betterment of mankind was inspiring for all involved, and we look forward to building a brighter future together."
The visit included a tour of the Glueck Beit Midrash (main Jewish study hall) where they both viewed the studying and engaged in discussions with students as well as meetings with Roshei Yeshiva, the school's rabbinical leadership that guides the religious culture and traditional study of undergraduates and rabbinical students.Several members of the Muslim delegation observed that studying Talmud is very similiar to the setting where they haad studied the Koran and Islamic law. The delegation also met with the university Provost and Deans of Yeshiva College,Stern College for Women, Sy Syms School of Business, The Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies,and faculty members of Jewish studies.
Following the YU visit the delegation visited the Salanter Akiba Riverdale (SAR) High School, where they met with Rabbi Naftali Harcszark, the schools founding principal,several other administrators,select teachers and a group of students.Discussion focused on the common goal of fostering spiritual growth among youth while embracing the best of American culture, and featured SAR's unique and open approach to navigating the challenge.
The evening before the visits to YU and SAR, Stanley and Marion Bergman hosted a reception for the Muslim delegation. Mr. Bergman, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Henry Schein, Inc. and honorary AJC president , is co-chair of the Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council (MJAC). Farooq Kathwari,Chairman,President and CEO of Ethan Allen,the other MJAC co-chair,and Bergman welcomed the delegation.The evening also featured voices of Muslim campus chaplains in conversation with leaders from prominent Reform and Conservative Jewish institutions.
"This innovative program created a forum for dialogue between two groups that rarely have exposure to on another,"said Gordon."The warmth of the encounter was palpable and the commitment,repeated throughout the day,to future collaborations between the participant is the enduring breakthrough."
Source: American Jewish Committee
Related Links
For the 12/20/19 YU Blog report on this interfaith Kumbaya farce with pictures of 'Useful Idiot' YU President Dr. Ari Berman shaking hands with top US Muslim Brotherhood Operative Mohamed Magid who was denounced by leading U.S. Faith Leaders see:
For more on Mohamed Magid's Islamist MB agenda see:
Jan 21, 2017 · Faith Leaders For America Denounce Imam Mohamed Magid; Call On President Trump To Designate Magid's Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. ############################################# "Imam Mohamed Magid is the President of the Islamic Society of North America and head of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society ( ADAMS) Center, in which capacity he met with the President. The ADAMS Center was investigated by the FBI for connections to terrorism funding and was raided in 2004 by federal agents. Mohamed Magid signed a letter in September 2014 alongside other Islamist leaders which condemned the Islamic State while asserting the need for an Islamic Caliphate and supporting the hudud punishments of sharia law, which include amputation, flogging and the execution of apostates. The letter said that a person could only be regarded as an apostate if the person "openly declares disbelief." ###################################################### The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) has a troubling history, however, and its leadership ranks beyond Mattson include people who date back to the group's foundation by Muslim Brotherhood members. The organization grew out of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), which also was founded by Brotherhood members. Its conferences have featured rhetoric in support of terrorist groups and other radicalism. This continued at the 2009 convention, where panelists expressed extreme anti-Semitism and support for the terrorist group Hizballah. Read the IPT's full report on ISNA's radical side here. ####################################################### |
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"Stop Donating To The Terror Tied AJC & Muslim Jewish Advisory Council - Which Aids And Abets Stealth Jihadists"
"AJC&ISNA: Terror Tied Muslim Jewish Advisory Council To Host Gala Reception For US Congress On February 1st"
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at