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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > AZ Cong.Candidate Mohamed Z. Jasser's CLARITy Coalition Reveals The Delusion & Taqiyya Of Muslim Reform

AZ Cong.Candidate Mohamed Z. Jasser's CLARITy Coalition Reveals The Delusion & Taqiyya Of Muslim Reform

Jewish Funded & Supported 'Muslim Deformer' Declares: "To Me The Palestinian Israeli Issue Is Not An Islamic One"
July 21, 2024

Ka'b ibn Malik reported: When the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, intended to set out on a military expedition, he would pretend to go somewhere else. The Prophet would say, "War is deception."

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 2637

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Arna'ut

عَنْ كَعْبِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ كَانَ إِذَا أَرَادَ غَزْوَةً وَرَّى غَيْرَهَا وَكَانَ يَقُولُ الْحَرْبُ خَدْعَةٌ

2637 سنن أبي داود كتاب الجهاد الحرب خدعة

2637 المحدث شعيب الأرناؤوط خلاصة حكم المحدث إسناده صحيح في تخريج سنن أبي داود



MIM: Arizona Congressional candidate Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser only mentions Israel in passing in his 2024 political platform under the heading IRAN as a sop to his many Jewish supporters and donors.


"We must put maximum pressure on Iran, restore economic sanctions, support Israel..."



MIM:In 2017 Jasser deceptively stated that "the Palestinian- Israeli issue is not an Islamic one". (see excerpt from interview below. As a self proclaimed 'devout and practicing Muslim' Jasser uses taqiyya (lying to non Muslims which is a practice going back to his namesake Mohamed who declared "War Is Deception".

Jasser is whirling like a Dervish on speed to try and reconcile his false claims that Islam can be reformed despite the increasing evidence to the contrary. The CLARITy Coalition is another desperate attempt by Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser to appear relevant after the abject failure of his 15 member 'Muslim Reform Movement'.

Unfortunately for Mohamed Z, Jasser his CLARITy Coalition provides more proof that Islam can never be reformed but provides a platform and a lucrative gig for being funded and given celebrity status by gullible non Muslims.

His new CLARITy Coalition provides overwhelming evidence that Muslim and Islamic reform is a racket and a scam which is documented below.

As of this writing the CLARITy Coalition aka" Champions For Liberty Against Islamist Tyranny" consists of a total of 43 people. Only 9 (if that many) out of the 43 are Muslims. (!)

Needless to say the proof is in the piety and the CLARITy Coalition should be seen for the delusion it is.

Proof that Islam can never be reformed and that Jasser and Ali's CLARITy Coalition is pandering to non Muslims who persist in believing the dangerous delusion that it can be is what Islam expert Steven M. Kirby calls "Fantasy Islam".

""Reformers" create their own new versions of Islam, relying on their own personal opinions and interpretations,and arbitrarily dismissing aspects of Islamic history and centuries of established Muslim scholarship."


"Zuhdi Jasser Refuses to Debate in His Home Mosque: Keeping the House of Cards Together"

March 22, 2017

Dr. Stephen M. Kirby


Fantasy Islam: A game in which an audience of non-Muslims wish with all their hearts that Islam was a "Religion of Peace," and a Muslim strives to fulfill that wish by presenting a personal version of Islam that has little foundation in Islamic Doctrine.



The CLARITy Coalition lists 21 FOUNDERS:

11 are Muslims.

3 of the non Muslims are Jewish.

6 of the 'Muslims' are self proclaimed Ex Muslims or practioners of other spiritual/New Age pursuits.



The main founder, Ayaan Hirsi Ali a Somali Muslim Jew hater, Muslim reformer turned Atheist who converted to Christianity in 2023.


'Muslimah Messiah' & Head of CLARITy Coalition Ayaan Hirsi Ali Admits Islam Can't Be Reformed & 'Con'verts To Christianity

AZ Congressional Candidate Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser's Failed 'Muslim Reform Movement' Teamed Up With Ali In 2022



The CLARITy Coalition Lists 22 MEMBERS:

14 are non Muslims.

9 of the non Muslim members are Jewish and some are Israeli.

1 is Hindu.

3 of the Muslim members are Ex Muslims.

5 consider themselves to be Muslims but it is unclear if they are actively practicing Islam.



MIM: Jasser is pushing a self serving Islamic agenda based on his narcissistic need to double down on propagating his fantasy of Islamic Reform (Reform Zuhdiism) . His constant declarations that the jihad which is being waged against Israel and the Jewish people by his coreligionists waving Korans and weapons while screaming Allahu Akhbar 'has nothing to do with Islam' and any Muslim who thinks so is 'misinterpreting' the Koran.


AZ Cong.Candidate Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser: Put Pal.State On "Current Occupied Territories"- 'Pals.Are Real Victims Of Hamas'

Failed Muslim 'Reformer' Funded By Jews 'If We Tell Muslims That Islam Is The Problem We Will Not Win The War"

"I don't believe Israel is a religious issue for Muslims … Hamas and other radical Islamic groups have propagandized the issues for decades and the latest conflict demonstrates that. It is constant warmongering. Hamas creates, starts these wars, commits acts of terror, and then uses the war as a platform to say all its grievances are Israel's fault."



MIM: In 2017 Jasser was interviewed as one of 8 (!) "Muslim Reformers' in a book entitled "The Challenge Of Modernizing Islam- Reformers Speak Out And The Obstacles They Face" by Canadian journalist Christine Douglass -Williams.

Jasser was presented as "Dr. Zuhdi Jasser Medical Doctor, Reformist And Founder Of American Islamic Forum For Democracy".

In response to William's question "Is there a litmus test to distinquish an Islamist from a moderate Muslim like yourself? Jasser responded that views on the State of Israel were "key". He also falsely and misleadingly declared (aka taqiya) that:

" [T]o me the Palestinian - Israeli issue is not an Islamic one" and claimed that that they were hapless victims due to "the geopolitics of the Palestinians, and their inability to recognize a country which everyone in the world recognizes."

MIM: Instead of using the world "refusal" Jasser chose to refer to "Palestinians'" "inability" to recognize Israel implying that they themselves were not to blame for their decades long anti Jewish genocidal rejectionism. He also claimed 'geo politics" was an exonerating factor.

Dr. Jasser: "Another litmus test regards the State of Israel.

This is a key litmus test, Even though to me, the Palestinian - Israeli issue is not an Islamic one, the geopolitics of the Palestinians, and their inability to recognize a country everyone else in the world recognizes, and their own actions and terrorism makes it a significant issue, as it has been used globally by the Muslim Brotherhood as a lightening rod for the Islamist movement.

The Islamist Wahhabi from India, Dr. Zakir Naik, who runs Peace TV and has millions of followers,uses the Israeli issue all the time to bring people in. Most non-Islamists stay away from the issue because its not one of Islam, and support Israel when it comes to national security."

Page 21

"The Challenge of Modernizing Islam-Reformers Speak Out On The Obstacles They Face"

By Christine Douglass- Williams

Encounter Books 2017


MIM: Jasser deliberately fails to mention that the pro jihad "Peace TV" which spews virulent jihadist anti Israel propaganda was linked to and featured at the bottom of the website of the mosque of which he has been and is still a member of for years. The Islamic Center of the Northeast Valley. The ICNEV has scrubbed and changed their website.

MIM: At the bottom of Jassers' mosque's website pages there are several links for Peace TV "The Solution For Humanity" http://www.peacetv.tv/

MIM: Peace TV features virulently anti semitic, anti Christian and anti American clerics such as Ahmed Deedat, the now deceased director of the since renamed Bin Laden Center. Deedat wrote an anti Christian book called "Cruxifiction or Cruci Fiction?" Other featured clerics include Jamal Badawi, who promotes wife beating, Siraj Wahhaj who called for a Muslim takeover of the United States and Zakir Naik. (a medical doctor and Salafist whom Jasser falsely labels a 'Wahhabist').


"Devout Moderate Muslim" Mohammed Zuhdi Jasser Whines About Being "Bullied" By His Radical Mosque With CAIR Imam"

August 24, 2014



MIM: 7 months ago in an interview/ puff piece with Steve Postal, Jasser boasted about his Muslim Reform Movement and the newly formed CLARITy Coalition 'Champions For Liberty Against The Reality Of Islamist Tyranny' and proclaimed himself to be "the long overdue antidote to the Islamist radicalism" (Muslim Messiah) …of the "Hamas Caucus" and that he hopes his moribund Muslim Reform Movement in its new spinoff the CLARITy Coalition) show that "anti Islamist Muslim reformers are needed…at the head of their collective spear".


Interview Excerpt:

"Muslim Reformer Discusses Hamas, Israel, His Run For Congress"

Postal: You've recently helped found the CLARITy coalition. Can you talk a little bit about its aims and the work you do with that coalition?

Jasser: In 2015 a group of us in the Muslim community across the West came together and formed the Muslim Reform Movement and united under a declaration that became our proverbial firewall against Islamists and their ideological fervor. We see the CLARITy Coalition as a broader coalition, an expansion of the Muslim Reform Movement, now including our allies outside the Muslim community who recognize the threat of Islamism and believe that the advancement of liberty and freedom is the only way to counter Islamists.

The CLARITy Coalition launched officially in Austria in October 2022 and has positioned itself as a platform of cooperation among anti-Islamist, anti-jihadist, and pro-liberty activists, think tanks, and thought leaders.

My hope is that it will become commonplace that any time Islamists are featured in media, many of us from CLARITy will also be seated at the table. I also hope that these coalitions show that not only are anti-Islamist Muslim reformers needed at the head of their collective spear but that their Muslim colleagues, compatriots, and fellow citizens are a necessary and valued part of their societies.

Postal: You are now running for Congress in Arizona. Why did you choose to run, and what is your platform?

Jasser: I'm running for Congress because I have a deep faith in Americanism, be it in healthcare, national security, religious freedom, free markets, and free speech. Abraham Lincoln called the faith in our Founding and Declaration of Independence our "political religion." That's Americanism to me. I think challenges to Americanism include China, Iran and progressivism/Marxism. Our campaign is about "Restoring America's Promise." See our launch video here.

I believe I can begin to play a serious role in helping to re-calibrate and rebrand the reality of what American conservatism represents. The Republican party holds the keys to the conservative principles that truly lift up a color blind American society with real ideological diversity, free speech, and economic freedom. I'm running to renew that American promise that my parents fled Syria to enjoy.

I believe Americans want someone who has courage. From public critique in my own local mosque in Arizona, to being nationally targeted by Muslim grievance groups, to standing up for religious freedom on our US Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) against petro-theocrats and Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, I drove ahead for American values. In the end even with all of that, I will also be the long overdue antidote to the Islamist radicalism which Rashida Talib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) represent as the "Hamas Caucus."

The author would like to thank Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser for participating in this interview.



MIM: The CLARITy Coalition's lame statement regarding 10/7 assiduously avoids the terms 'Jews' and 'Muslims'. By only citing "Hamas terrorists" as the perpetrators they ignore the role of celebrating and collaborating 'Gazan civilians' both before, during and after the attacks and kidnappings.

The "people of Gaza" are equated with Jewish victims who will also"suffer" because of Hamas. No mention of the fact that vast majority of 'Hamazans' elected and continue to support and aid and abet Hamas, PIJ and other jihadi groups in Gaza.


"The CLARITy Coalition unequivocally condemns the terrorist atrocities perpetrated by Hamas. Such inhumanity is repugnant, whatever one's views are on the longstanding conflict in the region.

The indiscriminate attacks on innocent Israeli women, children, and the elderly have resulted in hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries. Israel is left with no choice but to defend its people from Hamas terrorists. Unfortunately, this has meant the loss of lives in Gaza as well. Hamas has not only failed to protect the people of Gaza, they are the reason why Gazans will suffer.

'Our hearts go out to the innocent Israelis and Palestinians caught in this war. "


For more see:

Failed Muslim "Deformer" Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser Teams Up With Media Whore Ayaan Hirsi Ali To Form 'CLARITy Coalition'



MIM: There are a total of 43 Founders and Members of the CLARITy Coalition.

25 of them are non Muslims. 9 are Ex Muslims.This means that only 9 of the CC's members are Muslims (if that many).

The CC lists 21 Founders.

*11 of them are non Muslims.

*3 of the non Muslims are Jewish.

6 of the 'Muslims' are Ex Muslims or self proclaimed practitioners of other spiritual philosophies.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali,the head of the Ayaan Hirsi Ali Foundation which funds and partners with the CC is an ex Somali Muslim who converted to Christianity last year.

One of the non Muslim 'Rain Makers' for the CLARITy Coalition are Nina Shea married to Adam Meyerson, President of The Philanthropy Roundtable.

George Zarubin who worked for the Soros Foundation in Kazakhstan is the main donor recuiter.



MIM: The 43 member CLARIty Coalition (of which 9 members are Muslim) is a pathetic virtue signalling vanity project with no bearing on 'Islamic Reform' which pretends to have relevance due to the name recognition of some of its members.



MIM: Not surprisingly for this large scale 'Muslim Reform' scam The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Foundation and by extension the CLARITy Coalition has many Jewish and non Muslim funders. It should be noted that the AHA Foundations' Somali Muslimah Founder Ayaan Hirsi Ali converted to Christianity in 2023(!)


CLARITy Coalition

"The CLARITy (Champions for Liberty Against the Reality of Islamist Tyranny) Coalition is a global coalition that embraces democratic values and supports liberty and dignity for all persons. Founded in 2022 by Muslims, ex-Muslims, academics, scholars, authors, and activists, the CLARITy Coalition is concerned with threats posed by Islamists, especially as it regards the values of peace, democracy, liberty, and secular governance. The CLARITy Coatlition rejects the acceptance of jihad, the political use of da'wah, and advocacy for the institutionalization of Islamic law. 7

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a cofounder of the CLARITy Coaltion. "

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