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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > US Taxpayers Paying For PA Textbook Incitement To Murder Jews Assisted By UNRWA

US Taxpayers Paying For PA Textbook Incitement To Murder Jews Assisted By UNRWA

February 3, 2016

Shevat 16, 5776, 26/01/16 07:18

See PA textbook incitement for yourself - funded by the US taxpayer

US taxpayers are paying for the incitement that kills innocents.

From David Bedein

Last July, our agency raised concerns ​at the US Congress ​about current PA school books used in US-funded UNRWA schools.

We have worked on this issue for the past 16 years. ​When the new PA school books came out, we met with Yassir Arafat and received his permission to review the new PA school books which have been issued ever since August 1, 2000.

Arafat introduced me to his Minister of Education, whose office has provided all new editions of the PA school books to our office ever since.

While Arafat assured us that the new PA school books would be harbingers of peace, this has not been the case. Not by a long shot.

The Papal report on the new PA school books concluded that they were "manuals of war".
We asked the Vatican to review and provide the first translations and analysis of the new PA school books.

The Papal report on the new PA school books concluded that they were "manuals of war".

As a result of the Vatican report on the new PA school books, the Italian government withdrew all funds at the time from PA education.

For the past 16 years, US AID has allowed the inclusion of lethal text books into the PA/UNRWA curriculum.

The US provides 33% of the UNRWA budget; $400 million, with no constraints on the school books to be used.​

​​Last July, we were referred by ​Dr. ​Kobi Michael of ​the ​INSS to speak with Dave Harden of US AID concerning the indiscretions of the PA curriculum.

Mr. Harden referred us to his superiors at the office of Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) which oversees the US relationship with the PA and with UNRWA.

This US-UNRWA framework agreement allows UNRWA to decide if there are any indiscretions in the UNRWA operation.

At the suggestion of Mr. Harden, we met with a senior official of PRM, who assured us that current PA school books meet with standards of peace education and neutrality.

We presented an interim report on the PA /UNRWA school books on July 31, 2015 to the senior staff of the US House Foreign Relations Committee​

Because of assurances that we received from PRM that new PA school books do meet standards of peace education, our office purchased all 120 new PA school books and hired two veteran Arabic speaking journalists to translate and review all of the new PA school books.

Here are examples of the ​textbooks ​now ​being taught in the PA and ​UNRWA schools.​ Make sure to open this link and scroll down, reading to the end.

More of the same. War education preparation. Is it any wonder that so many PA youth, male and female, are proud to be the knife-wielding bestial murderers of innocent Jewish civilians of all ages?


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