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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Geert Wilders: 'Almost Every Terrorist Is Muslim' - French Imam: 'Muslims Should Rule France' Geert Wilders: 'Almost Every Terrorist Is Muslim' - French Imam: 'Muslims Should Rule France'November 16, 2015 What is your solution? First we have to recognize that all of this has everything to do with Islam. These terrorists do not act in the name of Jesus and the Pope, but in the name of Allah. But this does not solve the problem? It begins with a good analysis. Islam is a hostile ideology which does not fit into Western civilization. What should happen with the Muslims which are here? 'Did I invite them?' Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but at presently it is well so that nearly every terrorist is Muslim. Whoever adheres to sharia here, who does not follow our laws, must be strongly dealt with by us. But it begins with us stopping all immigration from Muslim countries. How? Simple, and everyone in Holland wants that: Borders closed, get out of Shengen. A returning Syria-goer will not be allowed in. We will dispatch the military to patrol between the border posts. You will certainly want more money for the military and intelligence services. As long as you have open borders you can give the services more money without its having any effect. Therefore borders must be closed. Attacks are often perpetrated by terrorists in our own country. Begin first by letting no one in. Further more we must let Syria-goers leave but not return.Jihadist which the parliament has allowed to return must be immediately imprisoned. That cannot wait another day, that is what Paris taught us. Closed borders are bad for the economy. It is precisely open borders, with all their security risks, are bad for the economy. 'Bijna elke terrorist is moslim' Van onze parlementaire redactie Den Haag - Volgens PVV-leider Geert Wilders bewijzen de aanslagen in Parijs een paar dingen. Eén: de islam past hier niet. Twee: Nederland moet z'n grenzen sluiten. Wat is uw oplossing? „We moeten eerst erkennen dat dit allemaal met de islam te maken heeft. Deze terroristen doen dit niet uit naam van Jezus of de paus, maar uit naam van Allah." Hiermee is het probleem toch niet opgelost? „Het begint bij een goede analyse. De islam is een vijandige ideologie die niet past bij de westerse beschaving." Wat moet er dan gebeuren met de moslims die hier zijn? „Heb ik die mensen uitgenodigd? Niet iedere moslim is een terrorist, maar tegenwoordig is wel zo'n beetje iedere terrorist moslim. Wie hier de sharia aanhangt, zich niet aan onze wetten houdt, moeten we keihard aanpakken. Maar het begint ermee dat we alle immigratie uit moslimlanden stoppen." Hoe dan? „Simpel, en heel Nederland wil dat: grenzen dicht, Schengen uit. Een terugkerende Syrië-ganger komt er gewoon niet in. Tussen de grensposten zetten we het leger in om te patrouilleren." U wilt zeker flink meer geld voor de krijgsmacht en de inlichtingendiensten? „Zolang je open grenzen hebt, kun je de diensten miljarden meer geven zonder dat dit effect heeft. Grenzen dicht dus." Aanslagen worden vaak gepleegd door terroristen van eigen bodem. „Begin eerst met niemand er meer bij te laten. Verder moeten we Syrië-gangers vooral laten gaan, maar niet laten terugkeren. Jihadisten die het kabinet al naar Nederland heeft laten terugkeren, moeten we meteen vastzetten. Dat kan geen dag wachten, zo leert Parijs ons." Dichte grenzen zijn slecht voor de economie. „Juist open grenzen, met alle veiligheidsrisico's, zijn slecht voor de economie." http://www.telegraaf.nl/binnenland/24746582/___Bijna_elke_terrorist_is_moslim___.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- French imam on day of Paris attacks: Muslims should rule FranceDisturbing sermon just hours before Paris attacks reveals how far extremists have penetrated the French Muslim community. Ari Soffer As French authorities struggle to get to grips with the vast network of Muslim extremists in its country - some 10,000-strong according to official estimates - a sermon recorded at a mosque in southern France on the day of last week's attacks in Paris illustrates how extremist preachers are spreading radical Islamist doctrines, and talking openly about taking over the country During his sermon in Montpellier, translated by MEMRI, Imam Mohammed Khatabi sough to rile up the crowd by suggesting that "Westerners" do not see Muslims as human, while urging them to reject any affiliation with or loyalty to the French Republic. "Our banner, our homeland, our borders, our tribe, and our nation are all (summed up in the phrase) 'there is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his messenger,'" he said, outlining the same pan-Islamic creed shared by Islamist groups including ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. He accused the French government of wanting to fly a French flag over the mosque in order to "control" French Muslims. I swear to Allah that they want a flag to fly over this mosque. They want it to belong to some country or another," he derided. France and other Western nations seek to control Muslims "because the Muslim is a sleeping giant, and if he awakens woe betide anyone around, because he will restore glory to humanity." he said, continuing to outline how Western legal systems are in fact "Zionist" plots. "According to scientific statistics, all the institutions in charge of human rights are Zionists," he informed his audience. Towards the end of his speech, Khatabi spoke of a desire for Muslims to "rule" Europe according to Islamic law. "We want our children to penetrate the political realm in the West," he declared. "We dream of seeing our children become ministers and dignitaries, and even presidents. Why not? We want them to rule France one day, to rule Belgium, Germany, and Britain... "You will never get [your children] there through the means of Islam. No. You must get them there through their [Western] rules, not yours," he concluded sarcastically. Click on link for video: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/203483 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilders: Jail Syria-goers immediately Wilders: Syriëgangers meteen vastzetten DEN HAAG -Teruggekeerde Syriëgangers moeten "vanaf vandaag" worden vastgezet om te voorkomen dat we hier net zo'n drama krijgen als in Parijs. Dat zei PVV-leider Geert Wilders dinsdagmiddag. "Als premier Mark Rutte meent dat het oorlog is, en daar heeft hij niet ongelijk in, dan moet hij de maatregelen nemen om Nederland veilig te maken." En dat is dus vastzetten, aldus Wilders. "Als hij dat niet doet, heeft hij in ieder geval mijn vertrouwen niet meer." "Aan alleen stevige woorden hebben we niks", concludeert de PVV-baas. |