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Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > WJC Leader Calls On Terrorist 'Fuhrer'and Inciter Abbas To Condemn Terrorism Which "Wreaks Havoc On Peace Process'

WJC Leader Calls On Terrorist 'Fuhrer'and Inciter Abbas To Condemn Terrorism Which "Wreaks Havoc On Peace Process'

October 8, 2015

WJC Calls on Abbas to Fight 'Extremists'

World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder expresses concern over continued Palestinian terror.
By Ben Ariel First Publish: 10/8/2015, 6:46 AM

World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ronald S. Lauder on Wednesday expressed concern over the rising tide of Palestinian terror, after a day of violence saw at least three terrorist attacks against Israeli Jews.

The ongoing Arab violence, which began before Rosh Hashanah and hascontinued every since, on Wednesday saw three stabbing attacks in one day in Israel.

On Wednesday morning, a female terrorist stabbed a Jewish man in the back in Jerusalem, before being shot and wounded by her victim.

In the early afternoon, an IDF soldier was moderately wounded when a terrorist stabbed him while stealing his weapon. The terrorist then hid in a nearby apartment and fired at police, who fired back and killed him.

In the third attack, an Arab terrorist injured at least one person in a knife attack on passersby outside Petah Tikvah's central mall.

"We strongly condemn any attack on civilians and urge the Palestinian leadership to do the same," Lauder said in a statement.

"We call on the Palestinian Authority and President Mahmoud Abbas to do everything in their power to reign in these extremists who are bent on wreaking havoc on the peace process," he continued. We must do all we can to ensure the restoration of calm and safety for civilians."

"Each and every one of us has a responsibility to stop the vicious cycle which has brought so much pain and suffering to the people of the region over the last decades," Lauder added.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Israel," he concluded.

Lauder called on the international community, particularly the Arab states, to intercede with the Palestinian leadership to ensure the cessation of violence and to work toward a diplomatic solution.


"The wave of terror attacks that Israel has experienced in recent days can be directly attributed to the leaders of the Palestinian Authority, Israel's supposed peace partner. They are no more a peace partner than the Nazis were "peace partners" to the British Labour government, circa 1938. The person who bears chief responsibility for the sudden surge of violence is self-styled "president" Mahmoud Abbas, the autocrat whose term of office as president of the PA expired six years ago. His banal and vitriolic rhetoric before world leaders at the UN General Assembly on September 26 amounted to nothing more than the acerbic rantings of an old, washed up has-been filled with deep-seated, anti-Semitic hate and bile. What more can one expect from an avowed Holocaust denier."


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