Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Muslim Legal Fund of America - Muslim Law For Allah - MAS /ICNA - ACLU & AI work to replace the Constitution with the Koran Muslim Legal Fund of America - Muslim Law For Allah - MAS /ICNA - ACLU & AI work to replace the Constitution with the KoranJune 20, 2005 MIM: The Muslim Legal Fund's slogan 'justice in motion" could be a reference to their constant pursuit of ways to shake down non Muslims with threats of lawsuits for discrimination and defend the the interests of terrorists. No wonder that Mahdi Bray, the head of the Muslim American Society (whose name reveals it's Islamist agenda), announced that that MAS would be working with the MFLA and by extension the Islamic Circle of North America. The Muslim American Society is an Al Qaeda linked group which merged with the Islamic Circle of North America and is one of the largest Islamist groups in North America .Adherents of both groups have been linked to terrorism and the group is funded by the Saudis and has count among their trustess Imam Yusuf Qaradawi, who has been banned from entering the United States for his terrorism related activities and is known as the author of a fatwa which encouraged women to become suicide bombers. One of ICNA's benefactors is Saudi Sheik Abdulrahman Al Sudais who is known for having called Muslims to attack Jews and American worshippers of the cross . MAS Director Bray (who also sits on the board of the Interfaith Alliance), has been a staunch defender of terrorists like Ali Al Tamimi, and the American born Jihadi Abu Ali. In 2003 the MLFA raised money for the defense of the Elashi brothers, who were convicted as 'terror money men'. Ghassan Elashi, is the founder of the Texas chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations. Besides it's ties to the Muslim American Society, the MLFA is linked to the ACLU and Amnesty International. Chip Pitts, the Amnesty chairman used to be on the board of directors. Despite it's 'All American" facade Justice in Motion describes their mission in Islamist terms and makes no bones about their intention of exhanging the Constitiution for the Koran. The MWL devotes a web page to explaining why Muslims should give money to the MLF. Under the heading "10 Reasons Why I should do it " one reads the following: 1)You are responding to the call of Allah (swt) and being grateful 2)You are earning the love of Prophet Mohammed PBUH 3)Your Sadaqa will block and prevent the 70 gates of evil 4)Charity is evidence of your faith 'imam' 5)Your Sadaqa will cure your disease and sickness and erases your sins 6)You are spending your zakat al mal "fi sabeel allah' 7)Allah (swt)will alleviate your suffering on Judgement Day 8)Your sadaqa will earn you the du'a of angels 9)Remember you are trading with Allah swt 10) You are Leading to Goodness and earning hasanat MIM: For those who want to hedge their bets in the Akura (Afterlife) MLFA rhetorically asks: 'Can I Do More ? 'Yes You Can!' Call the Masjid in your area Ask them to donate $1,000 or $2,000 from their Zakat funds to the MLFA Ask them to host a Townhall Meeting in their City Ask them if MLFA can have a fundraising Khutba after Jumaa prayer Keep Going and Keep Leading to Goodness! MLFA 1- 866 MLFA USA -------------------------------------- MIM: The MLFA which claims to combat discrimination and racism must be the most racially concious legal group in America. They even publish a chart showing the ethnicities of their clients. Which begs the question as to if they take cases of non Muslims and can be sued for discrimination if they refuse ! MLFA is working diligently helping Muslims in America with Legal Cases, Attorney Referrals, and Education. As of today we have worked on over 243 Legal Cases Types of Legal Cases: * Airline Profiling: Muslims profiled at Airports. Kicked out of airplanes. Interrogated and detained at airports. * Hate Crime cases: Muslims shot at after 9/11. Assaulted or insulted. Detained by Police for simple traffic violations and harassed. * High Profile Federal Cases: Complex Criminal Legal Cases that has a national impact. * Religious Discrimination Cases: Muslims fired from jobs for being Muslims. Muslims denied prayers at prisons or schools or work place. * Immigration Cases: Many immigrations cases. Detentions. Deportations. Special Registrations (from 23 Muslim Countries) * Child Custody Cases: Children taken away from their mothers or parents for being Muslims. * Interview Cases: FBI Interviews and Grand Jury Subpoena assistance. MLFA has assisted Muslims from various ethnic backgrounds. Pakistanis, Palestinians, Syrians, Moroccans, Egyptians, Libyans, Jordanians, Indians, African Americans, Caucasian Americans, Native Americans, Sudanese, Somalis, French, Dutch and others. (See Chart below) MIM: In 2003 the MLFA held a fundraiser for the Elashi brothers who were deemed "terrorist money men ". Aid push made for 5 tied to Hamas Backers seek to raise $500,000 for Muslim brothers' legal team 02/15/2003 By STEVE McGONIGLE / The Dallas Morning News
Supporters of five brothers accused of doing business with Middle Eastern terrorists are asking the Dallas-area Muslim community to help raise $500,000 to pay for a team of prominent attorneys hired to defend the men.
The Muslim Legal Fund of America, a nonprofit group established by friends of Richardson businessman Ghassan Elashi and his brothers, is having a fund-raiser Saturday at the Dallas Central Mosque. A leaflet distributed by the fund described the collection effort as "Cash & Gold for Justice" and asked for tax-exempt donations of currency or gold jewelry. "We must raise $500,000 in five months," the leaflet said. The leaflet referred to aiding "innocent Dallas-area Muslims" without naming specific people. But the mosque's Web site identified Saturday's event as a benefit for the Elashis. The fund's Web site said a task force had selected attorneys for the brothers. The Elashis, who operate InfoCom Corp., an Internet services company in Richardson, were arrested in December on charges of doing business with Mousa Abu Marzook, a top political leader of Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group. Mr. Marzook, who now lives in Syria, has denounced the criminal charges as false and politically motivated. Supporters of the Elashis, who have pleaded not guilty to all charges, have voiced similar sentiments. Ghassan Elashi is also a co-founder and board chairman of Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, a Richardson charity closed by the U.S. government in December 2001 after being accused of being a financial front for Hamas. The government alleges that Mr. Marzook and his wife, Nadia, a cousin of the Elashi brothers, invested $250,000 with InfoCom and earned interest, even after the government designated him a terrorist and barred business deals with him. Business defended
The Elashi brothers have maintained that their dealings were legal and with Mrs. Marzook only. An attorney for the Marzooks has said money earned from the InfoCom investment never left the United States and was used to defray family expenses.
The 33-count indictments also charge the Elashis with illegally exporting computer components to Syria and Libya, two nations the United States has deemed sponsors of international terrorism. One Elashi brother, Ihsan, is serving a 48-month prison sentence for violating the suspension of his own computer company's export license. Three other brothers - Bayan, Basman and Hazim - are being detained on accusations of immigration violations. Ghassan Elashi is free on personal bond but is required to wear an electronic monitor. The trial of all five brothers is scheduled for early October. "All I can tell you is the community is behind the Elashi brothers, and they are caught in a kind of political game," said Mohamed Elmougy, chairman of the Dallas-Fort Worth chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Mr. Elmougy confirmed the fund-raising event but declined to provide details. He said those in charge of the legal defense fund declined to be interviewed. Tim Evans, an attorney for Ghassan Elashi, referred questions about the Muslim Legal Fund to Dallas attorney Michael Linz, who often works on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union. Mr. Linz could not be reached for comment. Mr. Evans, who has offices in Fort Worth, was one of four attorneys listed by the Muslim Legal Fund as counselors for the Elashi brothers. The other attorneys were Jeff Kearney of Fort Worth and Richard Anderson and Mike Gibson of Dallas. Mr. Evans and Mr. Kearney represented surviving members of the Branch Davidian sect on federal charges stemming from the deaths of four federal agents during a raid on the complex. Mr. Gibson represented Fort Worth millionaire Cullen Davis on murder charges. Mr. Evans is a former board member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Mr. Gibson is a former board member of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. He, Mr. Evans, Mr. Kearney and Mr. Anderson are listed in the criminal defense section of the legal referral guide "Best Lawyers in America." The Muslim Legal Fund's Web site does not mention Dallas attorney Marlo Cadeddu, the court-appointed defense attorney for Ihsan Elashyi. Fund background
The fund was established in December 2001, two weeks after the shutdown of Holy Land Foundation, according to state corporation records. The registered agent's address was the home of a board member of Holy Land Foundation.
The leaflet for Saturday's fund-raiser states that it was designed by Minaret Management Group, a company listed in state corporation records as operating from the home of Shukri Abu Baker, former president of Holy Land Foundation. The Muslim Legal Fund's Web site lists its board of directors as a former board chairman of CAIR, a current CAIR board member, a former president of the Dallas chapter of the Islamic Circle of North America, the president of the Lewisville/Flower Mound Islamic association, and the owner of a Plano Web site business. The board of advisers includes Yusuf Kavacki, prayer leader of the Dallas Central Mosque; two former board chairmen of the mosque; the mosque's attorney and spokesman; and Moujahed Bakhach, imam of the Islamic Association of Tarrant County. The Dallas mosque and its Tarrant County counterpart were customers of InfoCom Corp. Basman Elashi was a former board member of the mosque, and his brother, Ghassan, was prominent in the mosque-affiliated Islamic school. -------------------------------------- MAS Freedom Foundation and Muslim Legal Fund of America Join Bringing National Legal Service to Community Date Posted: Thursday, October 07, 2004
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful << MAS Freedom Foundation and Muslim Legal Fund of The Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation and Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA) have agreed to form a working partnership to provide the American Muslim community with a national legal voice. The two national organizations will work collaboratively in defending justice and protecting the individual legal rights of Muslims and the Muslim community. MLFA was founded in November 2001 as a national non-profit, tax-exempt organization to specifically preserve, safeguard and protect the legal rights of American-Islamic institutions, and the civil and legal rights of Muslim individuals in the MAS Freedom Foundation is the civic and advocacy division of the Muslim American Society, Headed by Waseem Nasrallah, MLFA provides legal funding and legal services through a network of qualified attorneys nationwide. Both MAS Freedom and MLFA are committed not only to taking civil rights cases, but also cases targeting Muslim religious leaders, political activists, and institutions. "We must not allow Muslim religious leaders and activists to be criminally prosecuted because of their political views," said MAS Freedom Executive Director Mahdi Bray. "Nor can we allow our charities to be shut down and our zakat (mandatory charitable donation) money taken because of slanderous accusations and the all too often guilt-by-association. "We need a well-funded national legal approach to protect the rights of our community, an organization that will provide the moral courage and the legal talent to challenge, fight, and win legal battles on behalf of the Muslim community," said Bray. "I thank Allah (SWT) that MAS Freedom and the Muslim Legal Fund of America are working together to do just that. "It is an idea whose time has come." MLFA will provide legal services, legal networking, legal case funding for and highly qualified attorneys to litigate Muslim cases in court. MAS Freedom Foundation will provide legal advocacy, public relations, legal workshops and training. Both organizations will do coalition building and provide legal education. MAS Freedom Foundation and MLFA will be visiting many communities seeking their support during the month of Ramadan. If you would like to volunteer or be involved, contact MAS Freedom at (202) 496-1288 or MLFA at 1-866-653-2872. ====== *The Freedom Foundation is the public affairs arm of the Muslim American Society (MAS), a national grassroots religious, social, and educational organization. Learn more at ____________________________________________ MAS Freedom Foundation Tel: (202) 496-1288 Fax: (202) 463-0686 URL: Email: [email protected]
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