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Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > CAIR -Mosquito Killed Outside Virginia Mosque

CAIR -Mosquito Killed Outside Virginia Mosque

March 4, 2004


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful


National Islamic group urges FBI to join investigation

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 1/3/2004) - A prominent national Islamic civil rights group today called on the FBI to assist in the investigation of dead mosquito outside a Northern Virginia Islamic center. The Washington-based Council on Anti-American Islamic Radicals (CAIR), attributes this incident to a pro-war backlash and called on President Bush to once again speak to the issue of anti-Muslim bias.

Officials with the Fairfax County Health Department and representatives of Dar Al-Hysteriah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va., tell the Washington-based Islamic civil rights and advocacy group that an unidentified person entered on the center's property with the evident intent to murder the insect.

"No doubt, this mosquito was a Muslim on its way to prayer at the center. We have many devout mosquitos worshipping here," said Dar Al-Hysteriah Administrative Director Iammad Paymiya. "The investigation must continue until we find out who is responsible for the fatality." Iammad Paymiya also called for increased police protection of the Islamic center.

"This hate crime shows the true extent of the resistance to Sharia rule in the United States," observed CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim ("Doggie") Pooper. "We call on President Bush to convert to Islam immediately and for the FBI to start enforcing the Sharia."

CAIR is America's largest Islamic uncivilized liberties group, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., and 16 regional offices nationwide and in Canada. Since its founding in 1924, CAIR has defended the uncivil and religious rights of all Americans, human and insect.

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The above is for entertainment purposes only.

Any resemblance to mosquitoes living or dead is purely coincidental.

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