Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Smoking Gun: Hillary And Stevens Running Weapons To Syrian Jihadists Smoking Gun: Hillary And Stevens Running Weapons To Syrian JihadistsMay 20, 2015 May 19, 2015 – San Francisco, CA – – Two years ago, almost to the day we ran a story [see, William Mayer, What Difference Does It Make? - The Mysterious Ambassador Chris Steves] republished below this article, which laid out in detail why Chris Stevens was in Benghazi, Libya and what his boss, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expected him to do there on what was supposed to be a deep cover assignment that went a little sideways. We can compress the major thesis of the piece into a few paragraphs: "The entire Benghazi diplomatic gambit has proven to be an unmitigated disaster [as has Obama's fairy-tale "reset" of relations with the Muslim world].
What makes this story especially relevant today is that Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch has, via numerous FOIA requests done what no Congressional committee has yet been able [or wanted] to do, connect the dots and prove that Stevens presence in of all godforsaken places, Benghazi, was required in order to transfer heavy weapons and ordnance from Libya to what were then called the Syrian rebels, but now more clearly identified as the maelstrom of jihadist groups from which ISIS emerged. We present one of many DOD documents contained in a 100 page archive located at Judicial Watch. it plainly states that sniper rifles, RPGs, and 125mm and 155 howitzer "missiles" [an odd locution, since howitzers are heavy artillery weapons which fire projectiles] were transported to Syria. Now we absolutely know that man portable surface to air missiles were also transhipped because serial numbers from Syria give a positive ID w U.S. manufactured weapons. The serial numbers are virtual fingerprints, so perhaps this might just be a not-so-slick way of referring to the ordnance. Click on link to view document. |