Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > CFSP - Send Islamist Fetullah Gulen Back To Turkey, End His Subversive Penetration Of American School Systems
CFSP - Send Islamist Fetullah Gulen Back To Turkey, End His Subversive Penetration Of American School Systems
December 24, 2014
For More Information Contact: Adam Savit | (202) 719-2413 [email protected]
(Washington, DC): Recent reports indicate that a Turkish court has issued an arrest warrant for Turkish Islamist leader Fethullah Gulen in connection with his alleged involvement in leading a criminal organization, among other charges. In light of these developments, the Center for Security Policy is calling for Gulen's extradition to Turkey from the United States, (or, in the absence of a formal extradition request, his deportation to Turkey) so that the supremacist indoctrination schools he founded across the United States can be converted to secular academic institutions.
As the Center for Security Policy has underscored previously, Turkish Islamist Fethullah Gulen is the founder of a movement whose followers have started over 140 taxpayer-underwritten charter schools in the United States, often on the pretext of providing an enriched curriculum focused on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines. However, aside from the chronic mismanagement and lack of transparency that has come to characterize Gulen schools across the country – in some cases leading to loss of charters – the Gulen movement's real agenda has been to use these schools under the guise of promoting Turkish nationalism to indoctrinate students on Islam and encourage the spread of the doctrine of shariah.
As Mary Addi, a former teacher at a Gulen school in Cleveland, wrote to the School Board of Loudon County, Virginia in 2013 with respect to its then-ongoing consideration of an application for such a school in its jurisdiction:
According to my husband [who was a Turkish national and also a former teacher in a Gulen school], in addition to garnering as much taxpayer money as possible, the Gulen movement's other agenda is to spread Islam though subliminal indoctrinations. More specifically, the mission is to spread Islam by means of the Turkish events such as trips to Turkey, the Turkish Olympics, other cultural events and teaching Turkish as a second language.
Although the Gulenists are careful not to speak directly about their religious beliefs, it is their hope that by indoctrinating American students and parents with their culture and hospitality, that the students will likewise be more susceptible to religious conversion.
This agenda is all the more alarming given Gulen's own role in Turkish politics, despite his self-imposed exile in the United States, as a key actor in the transformation of Turkey into an Islamist, anti-American nation since the rise of President Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP).
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy, commented:
Erdogan and Gulen richly deserve each other. The two have combined forces to mutate Turkey from a vital part of the NATO alliance into an Islamist nation reflexively aligned with the West's enemies – be they Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the Islamic State, or other shariah supremacists. Now that Erdogan and Gulen are at each other's throats, it serves American interests to have Gulen extradited to Turkey where they can fight it out there, while the United States begins the process of cleansing our educational system of the supremacist agenda he has sought to impose through his American taxpayer-funded schools."
A presentation by Mr. Gaffney and a former Loudoun County public school teacher, Rachel Sargent, which laid out the various grounds for opposing the Gulen Movement's penetration of American academia, can be seen HERE.
The Center also jointly sponsored an informal press event remarks with Parents for Educational Accountability immediately after a hearing that led to the School Board's rejection of that Gulen charter school's application.
About the Center for Security Policy
The Center for Security Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security and then ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public. For more information visit