Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Imran Khan's incitement continues as Muslims worldwide burn US flags & Constitution while demanding apology for Koran in toilet non incident
Imran Khan's incitement continues as Muslims worldwide burn US flags & Constitution while demanding apology for Koran in toilet non incident
Islamic Political Party of America calls for "Day of Outrage' states "America is our Country" cites Koran as Constitution
May 28, 2005
Pakistani politician who spread Koran story aligned with MMA rioters in Pakistan who were poised to protest against US.
MIM: Imran Khan, the Pakistani political hack deliberately spread the Koran flush report at a press conference to incite unrest in an attempt to topple Musharaff. Khan has a vested interest in continuing to mobilise the masses in and destablise Musharraf and bring his party into prominence. In 2003 The secretary of Khan's Tehreek al Insaaf party took part in a MMA rally urging Pakistanis to boycott American goods. Protestors carried posters with pictures of Osama Bin Laden at the rally. This shows the close alliance between Khan's party and the pro Taliban Muhatida Mahlis Al Amal and the Jamaat al Islami parties which continued their anti US rioting today.
MIM: The radical Islamist stance of the PTI is evident by their participation at this rally against the war in Iraq at which pro Taliban parties participated and at which the PTI chairman urged a boycott of American goods.
Tens of thousands of Islamists, some chanting "America is the terrorist", marched in the southern city of Karachi yesterday to protest a possible U.S.-led war on Iraq as a heavy police contingent kept security tight.
The demonstration, the first of two planned "Million Man Marches" in Pakistan against a potential Iraqi war, was the largest so far.
The protesters vowed to boycott U.S. goods as a mark of solidarity with Baghdad and warned their government against voting in favour of the United States in the UN Security Council on any resolution targeting Iraq.
"Pakistan should vote against America at the UN Security Council," Maulana Fazalur Rehman, a central leader of the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal - the pro-Afghan Taliban alliance of six religious parties, told a huge rally in the port city of Karachi.
"The nation has rejected the pro-U.S. foreign policy of President General Pervez Musharraf," he said as rally participants shouted "Friends of America are traitors".
America wants to seize the oil and wealth of Muslims, said Rehman, who is the chief of his own faction of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam - the staunchest supporter of the Taliban.
Qazi Hussain Ahmed, another central leader of the MMA and chief of Jamaat-e-Islami, said the government should not abstain from vote at the U.S. Security Council. Pakistan is one of the 10 non-permanent members of the Security Council.
Pakistan, which is a key ally of the United States in war against terrorism, has so far remained non-committal on which way it is going to vote at the world body. Ahmed said the government would not be allowed to abstain from the voting. "Any attack on Iraq would be considered an assault on Islam," he said.
The rally was so far the biggest pro-Iraq rally in Pakistan, which was held at the M.A. Jinnah Road. While there were conflicting claims about the number of participants at the rally - independent observers say that the number was more than 100,000. But the MMA leaders claimed that the number of participants was more than three million - a claim taken as highly exaggerated.
Mairaj Mohammed Khan, general secretary of cricketer-turned politician Imran Khan's Tehrik-e-Insaaf, urged the people to boycott American goods. The Tehrik-e-Insaaf is not the member of the MMA.
Khan, a former leftist leader, urged the people to mobilise themselves against the designs of what he called American imperialism.
Earlier, Rehman the leader of the JUI, paid tribute to the people of Europe and those Americans opposing the war. "American is the biggest terrorist and aggressor," he said. "We will resist any attack on Iraq. Saddam Hussain is not alone. We are with him," he said. Many participants of the rally were carrying pictures of Osama bin Laden. Others were carrying banners saying "No war for oil".
Security forces made unprecedented security arrangements. Not just roads outside the U.S. Consulate, British Deputy High Commission and residences of diplomats belonging to the two countries were sealed, but several other leading roads in the heart of the city were closed for traffic, including the one outside the Governor House.
In several volatile neighbourhoods, police escorted the processions of buses and vehicles heading toward the MMA rally.
MIM: Under the guise of a peace meeting the secretary of Khan's party met with other pro Taliban Islamists to incite against America:
"...The secretary general, Tehreek-i-Insaaf, Mairaj Muhammad Khan, said that the way the US was killing people should be condemned. "We are held back by our government but we all want to stop this war," he said, adding that the US was the biggest aggressor of the past and of this century as well. The UK and US were intrinsically aggressive countries. The PTI leader said that they attacked Iraq on the pretext of the weapons of mass destruction but themselves had the largest arsenal of mass destruction. He suggested that Pakistan should move a resolution at the UNSC denouncing US-led coalition violence. He said "We should form a coalition with other forces like France and Germany".
* Geelani put under house arrest * Mideast's Muslims demand apology from Bush
LAHORE: Thousands of Islamic hardliners protested throughout the country on Friday after the United States admitted some guards at Guantanamo Bay had mishandled the Quran, said witnesses and Jamaat-e-Islami officials.
Demonstrators waving anti-US placards and banners vented their anger in Karachi, Lahore, and many other cities. Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) deputy chief Liaquat Baloch said the alliance had contacted Muslim organisations in 34 countries. Over 2,000 protesters chanted anti-US slogans in Lahore while a crowd of 800 gathered in Quetta where protesters trampled on a US flag, said witnesses. Hundreds gathered in Karachi and abused the United States and President Musharraf.
Meanwhile in Srinagar, All Parties Hurriyat Conference leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani was put under house arrest as Kashmir observed a complete shutdown against the Quran's alleged desecration, Press Trust of India reported official sources as saying.
Geelani's hard-line faction gave the strike call and was supported by several groups including the Jamaat-e-Islami, Dukhtaran-e-Millat and Muslim Khawateen Markaz.
Thousands of angry Muslims across the Middle East demanded an official apology from the US for the alleged desecration. Protesters, many of them recruited by Islamic groups in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Sudan, called upon their leaders to stop the "humiliation" and boycott America in retaliation for the abuse. In the Egyptian city of Alexandria, some 12,000 Muslims and Muslim Brotherhood followers filled a three-story building and spilled onto surrounding streets, which were sealed off by riot and street police. Preachers, heard by the crowd through loudspeakers, called upon the government and Al-Azhar Mosque grand imam Mohammed Sayed Tantawi to demand an American apology.
In the southern and northern Lebanese, thousands of angry demonstrators burned American and Israel flags and held black banners with the inscription, "No God But God, Mohammed is God's Messenger."
Thousands also gathered outside the American Embassy in Khartoum and called for a serious investigation into all violations. In Jordan, about 1,500 worshippers left Friday prayers and marched from al-Husseini Mosque in downtown Amman, carrying copies of the Quran and shouting, "Allahu Akbar, "reported agencies.
Mohammad Imran adds from Islambad: Speakers at a large MMA protest rally condemned the US in front of Parliament House for desecrating the Quran and urged people to prepare themselves for the Hurmat-e-Quran movement.
MMA president Qazi Hussain Ahmed told the rally that if Muslims remained occupied with sectarian issues, they would not be able to unite. He said the bomb explosion at Bari Imam was a conspiracy against Muslim unity and added, "The US is desecrating the Quran as part of its anti-Islam policy."
He said the government had decided to repeal the Hudood Laws and was adopting un-Islamic economic polices, adding that the MMA would start a movement to snatch the government from secular forces.
Staff report adds from Peshawar: Opposition Leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman rejected the US-led investigation of the alleged desecration saying an American investigation "does not meet the standards of justice."
Addressing a 1,500 strong protest in Khyber Bazaar, Fazlur Rehman said, "The US should first say under which investigation it attacked Afghanistan and then under which probe it said Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction." Provincial ministers Maulana Amanullah Haqqani and Hafiz Hashmat also addressed the rally.
AP photo Iraqis in the southern town of Basra burn British, Israeli and U.S. flags as they demonstrate against the alleged mishandling of the Quran, Islam's holy book, by American military personnel at a U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Article published May 28, 2005 Quran abuse sparks more protests
By ERIC TALMADGE The Associated Press
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – Thousands of Muslims marched Friday in Islamic countries from Asia to the Middle East, burning symbols of America to protest the alleged desecration of the Quran by military personnel at a U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The rallies in Pakistan, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Indonesia, Malaysia and elsewhere followed an admission Thursday by U.S. investigators that Islam's holy book was mishandled at Guantanamo. But American officials claimed it was often inadvertent and denied that any Qurans were flushed down a toilet, as Newsweek magazine had reported in a now-retracted article.
No injuries were reported in Friday's demonstrations, with police simply watching in most places. In India's Kashmir region, however, police fired tear gas and used batons to disperse hundreds of Muslims gathered outside a mosque in the capital of Srinagar.
Women in black veils marched through Kashmir, where schools and businesses were closed as part of the protest, and set American flags and copies of the U.S. Constitution ablaze.
"The defilement of our holy book is outrageous because we consider it to be the word of God," thundered Asiya Andrabi, head of the women's group Daughters of the Community, through her veil. "Guantanamo Bay is a cage. It is not a prison."
More than 15,000 people took to the streets of Pakistan's largest cities. A demonstration in the capital of Islamabad began in a tense atmosphere, just hours after a bomb at a Muslim shrine killed at least 20 people at an annual celebration. The motive for the suspected suicide bombing was not immediately clear.
"We condemn sacrilege of the Quran by U.S. extremists," read one banner draped across a bus while protest leaders chanted into loudspeakers during a rally of at least 2,000 in Islamabad.
In Pakistan's southwestern city of Quetta, 5,000 demonstrators chanted slogans against the United States and Britain. Another 5,000 gathered in the southern city of Karachi, demanding the expulsion of the U.S. ambassador. Protests also were held in Lahore, near the Indian border.
The rallies were organized by a hard-line religious coalition, Mutahida Majlis-e-Amal, or United Action Forum – a vocal opponent of Pakistan President Gen. Pervez Musharraf.
About 12,000 people, many of them supporters of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group, gathered in Alexandria, Egypt, filling a three-story building and spilling into surrounding streets, listening to preachers who demanded an apology from U.S. officials. The neighborhood was ringed by police, who arrested 12 of the demonstrator's organizers.
About 1,000 people – mostly lawyers – gathered in downtown Cairo and were surrounded by double that number of riot police.
A similar number gathered in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, carrying black banners and burning American and Israeli flags.
"We will cut off the feet that desecrated the Quran!" the crowd yelled.
Nearly 1,000 people demonstrated in the predominantly Shiite southern Iraqi city of Basra to protest the alleged desecrations. They also condemned the alleged desecration of a Quran in Ramadi two weeks ago by "Americans and Jews."
Two straw dolls – of President Bush and a rabbi – were beaten with shoes and slippers, and American, British and Israeli flags were burned.
Thousands gathered outside the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, and demanded an investigation into all actions against Muslims held in Guantanamo.
Pentagon Says Qur'an Was Not Purposefully Mishandled
By Holly Lebowitz Rossi Religion News Service
The commander of a U.S. military prison in Cuba said Thursday (May 26) that the Qur'an -- the Islamic holy book -- has not been purposefully mishandled by interrogators at the facility.
Speaking at a Pentagon news briefing, Brig. Gen. Jay Hood, commander of the Joint Task Force at Guantanamo Bay, said allegations of persistent defilement and desecration of the Qur'an were found to be mostly incidents of accidental contact with the Qur'an by interrogators and guards.
The investigation identified 13 "incidents of alleged mishandling of the Qur'an by Joint Task Force personnel," Hood said.
Of those, only five "could be broadly defined as mishandling of a Qur'an," Hood said. Six additional episodes were "accidental incidents involving guards, that the guard either accidentally touched a Qur'an, touched it within the scope of his duties or did not actually touch the Qur'an at all," he said.
Those six incidents are considered "resolved," Hood said. Hood would not disclose the exact circumstances of the incidents in question while the investigation is ongoing.
Hood spoke at the midpoint of an ongoing investigation that covers approximately 31,000 documents regarding activities from 2002 to the present. Under normal Pentagon procedure, a preliminary report is unusual, Hood said, but the incendiary nature of these allegations made comment necessary.
Hood announced that there is "no credible evidence that a member of the Joint Task Force at Guantanamo Bay ever flushed a Qur'an down the toilet." Earlier, an FBI document obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union had alleged such an incident in August 2002. On Thursday, the detainee who had made that allegation recanted his statement.
Hood said written procedures for handling the Qur'an were distributed to Guantanamo Bay personnel in January 2003, and that those procedures have been followed with few exceptions.
Twice, Hood said, guards or interrogators have been punished for violating the protocol, though he declined to discuss the specific violation or the punishment.
In Islam, the world's second-largest religion, it is not permitted to touch a Qur'an without first ritually washing one's hands. Further, a Qur'an is not permitted to touch the floor, be placed under other books or objects, or otherwise be treated casually.
Rallies against U.S. held across Middle East and Asia
CAIRO, Egypt - Muslims spat on the American flag, threw tomatoes at a picture of President Bush and burned copies of the U.S. Constitution in protests yesterday from Iraq to Indonesia over alleged desecration of Islam's holy book at Guantanamo Bay prison.
Waving copies of the Quran, many of the thousands of demon-strators across the Middle East and Asia chanted anti-American slogans and demanded an apology from the United States, as well as punishment for those who treated the book with disrespect at the U.S. lockup.
U.S. investigators admitted Thursday there was mishandling of the Quran but contend it was mostly inadvertent and deny that one had been put in a toilet. Yesterday's protests were organized before the officials' comments in Washington.
Many Muslims were outraged this month when Newsweek reported that interrogators at the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, flushed a Quran down the toilet to get inmates to talk. The story -- later retracted -- sparked deadly riots in Afghanistan.
"The defilement of our holy book is outrageous because we consider it to be the word of God," said Asiya Andrabi, head of the Daughters of the Community and one of about 50 women clad in black Islamic veils who marched through Srinagar, India.
Some marchers burned symbolic copies of the U.S. Constitution and the American flag, and schools and offices were closed for the demonstration in Srinagar. Later, police fired tear gas and used batons to disperse hundreds of men who gathered outside a mosque.
Police watched many of the rallies, which were mostly peace-ful.
MIM: Equal Opportunity Haters: Muslims in the US have invited Jews and Christians to join with them in bashing the US.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Newsweek recently retracted a controversial story about American interrogators desecrating the Quran at the detention center in Guantanamo Bay, but the Islamic Political Party of America is calling for a national day of outrage on May 23.
The IPPA is encouraging others to voice their concerns about prisoner mistreatment and religious intimidation by calling or e-mailing the White House.
"We are constantly told that this is not a war against Islam and if it truly isn't – which I believe religion probably plays a small part in this war – but if it truly is not against Islam, they would stop using religious intimidation," said IPPA chairman Jibril Hough.
"Our whole purpose of this is to get people to call in – not only Muslims, but concerned Christians and Jews and anybody who loves justice and right," IPPA national organizer Ali Abdur-Rashid said.
Newsweek has stated that despite its retraction, it will continue to investigate charges of religious intimidation.
MIM: The Islamic Political Party of America declares the United States of Allah
IPPA Statement of Principles We, the Islamic Political Party of America (IPPA) acknowledge ALLAH as the Sovereign Creator of the universe, who has entrusted to humanity the right and responsibility to rule over the affairs of the world. We solemnly declare that the foundation of our political positions and moving principles of our political activity is our full submission to the will of ALLAH and acknowledgement that Muhammad Ibn Abdullah is the Last Messenger of ALLAH (pbuh) and we find in him the best of conduct for the affairs of mankind. We hereby appeal to ALLAH for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and his protection as we work to restore and preserve this Nation as a government of the People, by the People, and for the People. We commit ourselves to this nation to uphold a leadership of integrity, righteous conduct and moral character, and to administer its tasks with a prudent spirit. We adhere to a moral philosophy that is based upon the Word of Allah and the traditions of His beloved Holy Last Messenger (pbuh) and measure the interpretation of our policies against the prerequisites of Islamic standards.
We affirm the principles of inherent individual rights upon which these United States of America were founded and seek to give the Muslims in America a voice in matters crucial to the future of this society. Our primary goal is focused on "the general public good" when participating in local, state and national elections and to that end we believe:
That ALLAH endows each individual with certain unalienable rights; that among these are the rights to Life, Liberty, Property and the Pursuit of Happiness; That the legitimate function of government is to secure these rights through the preservation of domestic tranquility, the maintenance of a strong national defense, and the promotion of equal justice for all; That the Islamic principles, values and norms represented by IPPA are the proper foundation for personal freedom, national unity, reconciliation, justice, peace, and security; That the goal of a multiracial leadership arising from diverse political backgrounds, united behind common principles is to bring hope to this nation; That critical issues such as poverty, security, housing, education, health care, land ownership, and foreign policy are key planks in our political platform; That a vibrant open market economy, creating opportunities for all to prosper is an element in our program; and That the development of the party can be achieved through the empowerment of grassroots communities and the individual. Thus, our intent is to call on all faithful, loyal, American Muslims who love Liberty and have gathered together for the purpose of fulfilling these ideals, and value their inherent rights, to join with us in the pursuit of these goals and in the restoration of these founding principles. Let it Be Known... Allah is our Lord! * Muhammad (Sall Allahu 'alaihi wa salaam) is His Messenger and our Rasool! * Islam is our way of life! * The United States of America is our country! * Freedom is our right!
We, the Islamic Political Party of America (IPPA) acknowledge ALLAH as the Sovereign Creator of the universe, who has entrusted to humanity the right and responsibility to rule over the affairs of the world. We solemnly declare that the foundation of our political positions and moving principles of our political activity is our full submission to the will of ALLAH and acknowledgement that Muhammad Ibn Abdullah is the Last Messenger of ALLAH (pbuh) and we find in him the best of conduct for the affairs of mankind. We hereby appeal to ALLAH for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and his protection as we work to restore and preserve this Nation as a government of the People, by the People, and for the People.
The Islamic Political Party of America (IPPA) is a national political party and educational group with it's headquarters in Washington D.C. Since its inception in May 2001, IPPA has formed 9 chapters at the County and State level. IPPA was founded with the mission to establish the first Islamic political party in America, increase American Muslims political participation at the local, state, and national level and to provide a mechanism whereby American Muslims can be represented by a political organization and run for political office.
IPPA commits itself to upholding a leadership of integrity, righteous conduct and moral character, and to administer its tasks with a prudent spirit. We adhere to a moral philosophy that is based upon the Word of ALLAH and the traditions of His beloved Holy Last Messenger (pbuh) and use Islam as the standard by which we measure and interpret our policies.
The United States of America is a nation governed by a Constitution that is rooted in religious law, administered by representatives who are Constitutionally elected by the citizens.
In a Democracy governed by Constitutional law rooted in religious law, all Life, Liberty and Property are protected because those laws rule.
We affirm the principles of inherent individual rights upon which these United States of America were founded and seek to give the Muslims in America a voice in matters crucial to the future of this society. Our primary goal is focused on "the general public good" when participating in local, state and national elections and to that end we believe:
That ALLAH endows each individual with certain unalienable rights; that among these are the rights to Life, Liberty, Property and the Pursuit of happiness;
That the freedoms to own, use, exchange, control, protect, and freely dispose of Property is a natural, necessary and inseparable extension of the individual's unalienable rights;
That the legitimate function of government is to secure these rights through the preservation of domestic tranquility, the maintenance of a strong national defense, and the promotion of equal justice for all;
That the Islamic principles, values and norms represented by IPPA are the proper foundation for personal freedom, national unity, reconciliation, justice, peace, and security;
That the goal of a multiracial leadership arising from diverse political backgrounds, united behind common principles is to bring hope to this nation;
That history makes clear that left unchecked, it is the nature of government to usurp the liberty of its citizens and eventually become a major violator of the people's rights; and
That, therefore, it is essential to bind government with the chains of the Constitution and carefully divide and jealously limit government powers to those assigned by the consent of the governed.
The Islamic Political Party of America calls on all faithful, loyal, American Muslims who love Liberty and have gathered together for the purpose of fulfilling these ideals, value their inherent rights to join with us in the pursuit of these goals and in the restoration of these founding principles. We speak for American Muslims: hardworking, productive, taxpaying Brother and Sisters who constitute the backbone and the heart of the American Muslim Ummah and its economy.
You are the producers; you are the ones who should be "first considered and always remembered." It is on your backs that government is carried, and it is out of your pockets that government is financed. Without you and without the product of your skills and your labors, there would be no source to fund the legitimate functions of government nor would there be charity to support the private institutions helping those in need.
This nation cannot and will not survive if it fails to honorably address the problems, which concern Muslim citizens. To our productive but generally forgotten Muslim American Brother and Sisters, we offer this invitation to join the Islamic Political Party of America. It responds to your desires; it is the voice that speaks of you and for you, as does that of no other political party in the world.