Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > Saudi funded front group for Hamas counts saying" Bin Laden is in the kitchen" as hate crime Saudi funded front group for Hamas counts saying" Bin Laden is in the kitchen" as hate crimeCouncil of American Islamic Relations aka Council of Anti American Islamist Radicals says 'hate crimes increased since 9/11' MIM : More CAIR offices =more discrimination A newly published CAIR report "... said the increase in local CAIR chapters reporting cases of discrimination and abuses associated with the implementation of national security policies were also instrumental in the increase of the reported anti-Muslim violence..." MIM:A look at the number of terror related arrests, lawsuits, and investigations pending and concluded against CAIR and it's members, also show an increase in convictions and imprisonments. Last month, two CAIR associates,notably CAIR Texas founder Ghassan Elashi, and prof Ali Al Timimi, were convicted on terrorism related charges. Former CAIR communications director Ismail Randall Royer, who was jailed on terrorism charges testified at Al Tamimi's trial. "With so much education and media coverage about Islam and Muslims, the groups behind hate crimes should have been more educated," said Maulana Shafayat Mohamed, head of the Darul Uloom. MIM:Recently Maulana Shafayat Mohamed published an essay on his website which said that the tsunami was caused by gay sex and cited a Koranic verse which called 'people of the book' (Christians and Jews) "perverted transgressors". MIM: CAIR FL executive director Altaf Ali seems surprised that Americas would upset by the fact that Muslim and Islam were involved in the Berg and Johnson beheadings which had been widely seen on video. Ali matter of factly cites 'the beheadings' as a possible reason for what he classifies as 'a rise in hate crimes'. CAIR actively solicits Muslims to report any incident which they might construe as being anti Muslim, no matter how insignificant, and provides legal aid designed to encourage Muslims to pursue monetary awards in such cases. "...Ali (executive director of FL CAIR ) said leaders saw an increase in hate crime reports against Muslims after the beheading of Americans Nick Berg and Paul M. Johnson Jr. by militants in 2004..." The Council of American Islamic Relations, (presently a defendant in a 9/11 terrorism lawsuit filed by the family of FBI agent John O' Neill who died in the WTC bombing), saw it's Texas founder Ghassan Elayashi, convicted together with 2 of his brothers as "terrorism money men". MIM :Making it up as they go along... Nowadays, making any reference to terrorists in the presence of Muslims is considered a hate crime. Seven Muslim men are suing Denny's for $28 ml alledging that an employee told them "Bin Laden was in the kitchen" and that "We don't serve Bin Ladens' here. After surviving their terrible ordeal, which included "loss of appetite", the Muslims are suing Denny's for $28 million dollars. In addition, they are suing the police who were eating there who they accuse of refusing to register their complaint . MIM: Fear and loathing at Denny's : Lawyer Alan Kauffman called this case : "A terrible act against Arab Americans". These actions need to be addressed," added co-counsel Rod Hannah, "and the perpetrators must be held accountable to prevent any more incidents from occurring." The plaintiffs (notably a Ehab Albarabi ), cited the responses to his inquiry as to why he and his friends order was taking so long which caused them $28 million dollars worth of worth of "emotional distress, humiliation, and loss of dignity" as: "Bin Laden is manager of the kitchen" "Bin Laden is in charge" "You don't get it - Bin Laden is in charge of the kitchen too" MIM:It was lucky for the accused that he choose to be joke about Bin Laden being in the kitchen at Denny's. In view of the riots in Afghanistan sparked by reports of a Koran in a toilet,the accused 'hatee' would probably not have lived to see a lawsuit if he had told the plaintiffs that a Koran was in the kitchen next to the bacon sausage. (.Which begs the question as to what how the 9/11 terrorism lawsuit now pending against CAIR is progressing...) MIM: It should be noticed that the article relates that the seven Muslim men were 'kicked 'at Denny's. MIM has contacted the Miami Herald journalist who agreed that "kicked" was a typo and that the sentence should read that the men had been "kicked out" of Denny's. CIVIL RIGHTS Post 9/11, Muslims experienced backlash
Pakistani native Arshad Mahmood has been pulled aside and grilled so often by federal officials on flights out of Fort Lauderdale and Miami that he prepares for the drill. "The first two times I was not expecting that kind of treatment," said Mahmood, 34, a Muslim living in North Miami. "The third or fourth time, I was expecting that. That's why I went to the airport four to five hours before the flight." Allegations of discrimination against Mahmood and other Muslims, who sometimes have been referred to as "bin Ladens," show how anti-Muslim incidents in Florida are at a high point since Sept. 11, according to the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Muslims reported 103 anti-Muslim incidents in 2004 in Florida, an increase of 18 percent from 2003, according to the group's annual report on Muslim civil rights released Wednesday. That figure is the largest number of reported incidents in Florida since 2001. "Anti-Muslim backlash that started after the tragedy of Sept. 11 continues unabated today," Altaf Ali, CAIR's executive director, told reporters at its Pembroke Pines office. Florida ranked sixth in anti-Muslim incidents. California was first with 307. There were a few positives in the report. Workplace discrimination complaints and Internet harassment complaints decreased nationally. Out of the total number of complaints, the portion involving government agencies dropped from 29 percent to 19 percent. In Florida, complaints about Muslims denied religious accommodations fell from a total of 25 to 19. Ali said outreach by CAIR and other Muslims to businesses, schools and law enforcement has led to that change. "That helps to reduce the level of ignorance," he said. The largest increase in Florida and nationwide was in reported hate crimes, Ali said. Figures show 15 reported hate crime cases in 2004 in Florida compared to three in 2003. Ali said leaders saw an increase in hate crime reports against Muslims after the beheading of Americans Nick Berg and Paul M. Johnson Jr. by militants in 2004. CAIR has documented anti-Muslim incidents since the 1995 attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. By comparison, a report from the Anti-Defamation League in Fort Lauderdale show a 69 percent increase in anti-Semitic incidents in Florida in 2004, with 64 cases in Broward County and 33 in Miami-Dade County. The Anti-Defamation League also reported 1,821 incidents nationwide in 2004. Ali attributed the disparity to CAIR's stringent approach in classifying hate crimes as verbal and physical abuse because of religion, or the desecration of places of worship. Religious leaders estimate 50,000 to 70,000 Muslims live in South Florida. Last summer, Muslims found a note in the mailbox of the Darul Uloom Institute, an Islamic Center in Pembroke Pines, that read Kill them all in the name of Allah." The previous day, vandals spray-painted curse words and drew a swastika at the Islamic School of Miami. Vandals also smashed a glass door, cut telephone lines and destroyed an alarm system at Masjid Ihsaan, a mosque in Miami-Dade. The FBI are investigating two of the three incidents as hate crimes, Ali said. "With so much education and media coverage about Islam and Muslims, the groups behind hate crimes should have been more educated," said Maulana Shafayat Mohamed, head of the Darul Uloom. He said "the actions of a few Muslims" should not be taken as representative "of all Muslims and Islam in general." This year, seven men filed a lawsuit in Miami-Dade against a Florida City Denny's after they said they were kicked and compared to terrorist Osama bin Laden last January. Mahmood said he has been pulled aside seven times at airports since Sept. 11 and questioned. . He said immigration officials have told him his application for citizenship has been delayed pending a security check. |