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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Terror Tied Islamic Society Of Boston And Islamist Imam Suhaib Webb Play Victims And Ask Police For Protection

Terror Tied Islamic Society Of Boston And Islamist Imam Suhaib Webb Play Victims And Ask Police For Protection

April 17, 2013

MIM: The terror tied Islamic Society of Boston ISB has asked the police for protection despite receiving no threats, a typical Islamist ploy aimed at portraying Muslims as victims of a non existent backlash. The Imam, Suhaib Webb, an Oklahoma born convert, stated that "...Were equally pissed off..." by the attacks. On his website Webb referred to a "tragic occurence".

(The contact person for the press release has the email address of MAS -the Muslim American Society,a group which is part of the American wing of the Muslim Brotherhood and is linked to Al Qaeda and Jamaat Al Islami.The MAS logo also appears of the top of the ISB homepage) http://www.suhaibwebb.com/miscellaneous/announcements/condolences-prayers-and-support-after-boston-marathon/


Webb was the keynote speaker at the Council On American-Islamic Relations recent banquet in Dearborn. CAIR is a Saudi funded front group for Hamas and an unindicted co conspirator in the Holyland Foundation Hamas funding trial.Webb has participated in numerous Islamist events and his position as head of the radical ISB speaks for itself.

It is very likely that Webb will be the Imam who will represent the Muslim community at the Interfaith Prayer event scheduled for this Thursday in Boston with President Obama in attendence. See: http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/5742

Excerpt from "The Islamic Society of Boston & the Politicians' Red Faces" by Dr. Daniel Pipes

"At the groundbreaking in November 2002, local politicians hailed the planned construction of an Islamic Center by the Islamic Society of Boston as a bridge between Islam and Boston's other religions, the Boston Herald recounted yesterday in the first of a major two-part investigative series..."

"...All this looks pretty dumb a year later, with revelations in the Herald yesterday that the Islamic Society of Boston is closely associated with:

  • Yusuf Abdullah al-Qaradawi, the Egyptian Islamist whose outspoken backing for Hamas led the Department of State to bar him from entering the United States in 1999; and
  • Abdurahman Alamoudi, the American Islamist recently arrested on terrorism-related charges (on him, see "United States of America v. Abdurahman Muhammad Alamoudi") who in the past has publicly supported Hamas, Hizbullah, and other terrorist organizations.

Then today's Herald casts an intense look at:

  • Osama M. Kandil, the Islamic Society of Boston's leader for over a decade. Turns out that in addition being a former instructor at Harvard Medical School and the founder and chairman of an Egyptian pharmaceutical company, Biopharm Group, he is also associated with the notorious Safa group of Saudi businesses and "charities" headquartered outside Washington, D.C. and was a founding director of the Muslim Arab Youth Association, one of the most radical Islamist organizations in the United States..."


MIM: Suhaib Webb will be the keynote speaker at the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Saudi funded front group for Hamas which will be about "Defending Our Faith".

Muslim leader, lecturer and activist Suhaib Webb will deliver the keynote speech at the annual banquet of the Council on American-Islamic Relations of Michigan.

Webb will speak Sunday at the Islamic Center of America in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn. The banquet's theme is "Upholding Our Constitution, Defending Our Faith."

Webb is the imam of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center.

Read more: http://www.newstimes.com/news/article/CAIR-Michigan-to-hold-annual-banquet-in-Dearborn-4428992.php#ixzz2QpfF6v3y

MIM: As usual in the wake of a terror attack Muslims pervert the situation to have themselves portrayed as potential victims.Not surprisingly the Muslim author of the piece refers to "alleged terrorist attacks". Note that ISB Imam Suhaib Webb says that if the attacker is Muslim "I won't consider him to be a Muslim". This type of nonsensical statement and Islamist obfuscation will do nothing to change that fact. Webb also stated that "We're hurt, equally shocked and equally pissed off." Being "pissed off" at such a horrific act of carnage reveals his cavalier attitude to the attack ,which is not surprising given that The Islamic Society of Boston has extensive terrorist ties. (see above). Webb also makes the absurd claim that " We (Muslims and the ISB) are helping to maintain law and order". Is he intimating that people would be running amok if it weren't for them and that law enforcement should be grateful for their presence?

BOSTON -- Security officials at Boston's largest mosque requested police to guard its campus in the wake of Monday's deadly explosions at the Boston Marathon, a sobering reminder that Muslims in the U.S. often face threats after alleged terrorist attacks...

The mosque is now working with religious leaders across Boston to ensure the city's healing in the aftermath of the attacks continues, even if those accused of the attack are found to be believers of Islam or of Middle Eastern descent.

"Let's say the attacker is Muslim. I won't consider him to be a Muslim," Webb said. "I'm not going to defend him or represent him..."

Webb said the mosque had not received any threats as of Tuesday morning. Still, Muhammad Abuwi, a security guard at the mosque, said all the doors to the building had been locked except for a rear entrance. Abuwi said he had been in touch with Boston police and the city's SWAT team. The campus was in "more lock-down than normal," Abuwi said.

Two police officers parked beside the sprawling campus declined to comment.

"We have a very strong commitment to this city, and we are helping to maintain law and order," Webb said.


Excerpt from "Grief Mixed With Dread For Boston Imams"

Like so many others this week, local imams have been praying since Monday's bombings.

They've been praying for the victims. They've been praying that the ­fanatic who did this is caught quickly and brought to justice.

And they've been praying for something more: Whoever it is, please don't let him be a Muslim.

"What will happen to us if they arrest someone and that someone turns out to be a Muslim?" Imam Talal Eid, a chaplain at Brandeis University, said Wednesday...

Leaders in the community will then go right into what Ibrahim Rahim, imam at the Yusuf Mosque in Brighton, calls "apologist mode..."

"As you process it, you think, ‘Oh boy, this looks like something from overseas, that might be affiliated to Islam, and here we go with that again,' " he said.

Preparing for that possibility, Rahim has been strategizing for days with another imam, William Suhaib Webb at the 1,000-member Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury.

"We have to figure out a narrative," ­Rahim said.


MIM: Talal Eid quoted above is a radical Islamist.

"As Robert Spencer has reported, Mr. Eid is a Wahhabi-trained imam certified by the anti-American Muslim World League who has actually called for the establishment of Shariah courts in the United States to regulate the family affairs of American Muslims." http://www.investigativeproject.org/512/ramadan-revisionism

MIM: 3/29/13 Update: At last Friday's prayer service at the terror tied ISB Imam Suhaib Webb remained true to form and portrayed Muslims and the Muslim community as the real victims of the Boston jihad bombings. He belligerently stated that Muslims should stand up to anyone who expressed hostility towards them with "tough love". The irony in his words and ominous inference is echoed in the confession of Dzokhar Tsarnaev, the bomber who told police his brother perpetrated the bombings in order to "defend Islam". See: Boston Jihadist Bombers 'Wanted To Defend Islam"http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/5765

Excerpt from "Muslims Gather For Friday Prayers Shaken Saddened Indignant"

"...In his sermon, Imam William Suhaib Webb, spiritual leader of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury, the city's largest mosque, captured the sense of lamentation, bewilderment, and indignation his congregation felt.

"We come [together] after a horrendous tragedy has befallen our city," he said. "Our sacredness has been violated. And a week later, we find our own community under a tremendous amount of pressure."

Webb spoke of the powerful emotions experienced by community members — the surgical resident who rushed to help the wounded; the badly wounded Saudi woman who almost lost her legs; the foreign student who confided to Webb, "I just think the whole world is against me."

But, the imam said, "the dark clouds that are so intimidating, they bring with them the gift of rain."

He pointed to the 100 or so supportive e-mails he said he received from neighbors, as well as others around the country. And he thanked clergy of other faiths who had stepped forward to support the local mosques, including Rabbis Ronne Friedman and Jeremy S. Morrison of Temple Israel and the Rev. Burns Stanfield, pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian Church in South Boston and president of the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization, each of whom addressed the Roxbury mosque Friday.

He said Muslims must politely but firmly stand up to their detractors. "No one has the right to define our community except us," Webb said, adding, a bit later: "The best way to address hate is with love." But tough love, he said..."


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